Edd dec 2012


Momo, yah lor that's y I didn't bother to time hahaha I believe it is not my turn yet hahaha

Beenies, I haven't start decoration, haven't bought the cot mattress and bedsheets haha :p

Sze sze

Beenies, Momopeachgal... Err, the nurse told me verbally on how to do it, I din go surf from online... Actually just very simple pulling nipple action but need to apply body moisturizer while pulling, not really massage on the whole breast... She told me that this is to let the nipple get use to the way of bb sucking on nipple for milk or even if u were to express using breast pump...She taught me few weeks back when I was at wk34 or earlier.... In fact i also heard that a lot of mummies got sore nipple when express milk or latch on... So I decided to do it once every 3-4 days... Haha... So far not feeling contraction.... Lol Just to get used to it... And hopefully not so bad during the actual day when I need to latch on or express milk...

Sze sze

Beenies.. Already bought cot n mattress, but haven deco yet because haven got the mattress cover... I think I will ask my husband to deco it during my stay at hospital, so bb got to sleep on the cot when discharge and back to home...

Mreow Mreow

Btw sze sze I went for the breastfeeding course at kkh this week and the nurse said we should not massage our nipples now as it might lead to contraction. Jus to share not sure how true though

Anyone found their post natal massage lady already? And have u mummies started decorating and puttin on the pillows and bed sheet for your cots? I wanna do it now but so afraid they will get dusty! Hee

Ive not started on setting up the cot!

Thinking exactly like u!
Cuz afraid my cot will collect dust...
Summore ive a cat!! :p
Think my cat will go in and sleep instead! HAHA...

Mreow Mreow

MamaDT: yes its the time when i ate 2 papayas at 1 go hahahah..

what u mean by the pain ? Pain when u touch or it jus pain by itself without u touching it?

Mreow Mreow: all of us definitely envies you! r you still sleeping on your back? your mother doesnt know there are cases whereby there r preggies who do not experience pregnancy symptoms one! you r the lucky one =) Mus thank God for that!Ooo... I just read that you r still sleeping on your back hehehe.. =p i dont feel funny for nipples part, as for rough part, that time i kena now its back to normal .. =p I dont dare to eat papaya already hahaha..

hahahhaa okie lor i go supermarkets and kiddy palace more so that i wont have constipation hahahhaaa

I don like to eat pineapple =D

today I drank Teh Peng .. So happy.. =D

Yes Momo, i do thank God for that... :)

U know, i suddenly forgot how my nipples look like in the past already...
Now its like Bigger!
I forgot wad colour, texture or shape it used to be last time already.. Haha....
So jialat... haha :)

Yep, read that stretchmarks is genetic too.. But may not be that accurate..
Also read that once it appears, difficult to get rid of...
But dont fret momo!
Juz diligently apply cream and hope for the best!! :D

Some mummies get the marks after labour..
When the stretched skin tries to revert back to original size..
for me I think i will get the marks after labour...

Cuz last time during schooling, i was quite heavy so I went on big dieting..
After slimming down, i had stretch marks!!
Kind of like the skin shrink cuz there were lesser fats to fill it... So wrinkles appear!
U get what i mean? :)
So i think after delivery and losing weight again i might have stretchmarks in the process...
Hope not though :(

real labour contraction pain usually involves the whole abdomen and back as well..
From 1part then go to the other then everywhere cramp..

BH usually only concentrates on 1 part of the tummy..
The pain/discomfort doesnt radiate to the back and all over... :)


Beenies, Momopeachgal... Err, the nurse told me verbally on how to do it, I din go surf from online... Actually just very simple pulling nipple action but need to apply body moisturizer while pulling, not really massage on the whole breast... She told me that this is to let the nipple get use to the way of bb sucking on nipple for milk or even if u were to express using breast pump...She taught me few weeks back when I was at wk34 or earlier.... In fact i also heard that a lot of mummies got sore nipple when express milk or latch on... So I decided to do it once every 3-4 days... Haha... So far not feeling contraction.... Lol Just to get used to it... And hopefully not so bad during the actual day when I need to latch on or express milk...
Hi momopeachgirl , Beeenies and Sze Sze

I dl a guide from Clarins website on how to massage breast, thighs and legs. There is also video there. Go check it out :)


MamaDT: yes its the time when i ate 2 papayas at 1 go hahahah..

what u mean by the pain ? Pain when u touch or it jus pain by itself without u touching it?

Mreow Mreow: all of us definitely envies you! r you still sleeping on your back? your mother doesnt know there are cases whereby there r preggies who do not experience pregnancy symptoms one! you r the lucky one =) Mus thank God for that!Ooo... I just read that you r still sleeping on your back hehehe.. =p i dont feel funny for nipples part, as for rough part, that time i kena now its back to normal .. =p I dont dare to eat papaya already hahaha..

hahahhaa okie lor i go supermarkets and kiddy palace more so that i wont have constipation hahahhaaa

I don like to eat pineapple =D

today I drank Teh Peng .. So happy.. =D

Yes Momo, i do thank God for that... :)

U know, i suddenly forgot how my nipples look like in the past already...
Now its like Bigger!
I forgot wad colour, texture or shape it used to be last time already.. Haha....
So jialat... haha :)

Yep, read that stretchmarks is genetic too.. But may not be that accurate..
Also read that once it appears, difficult to get rid of...
But dont fret momo!
Juz diligently apply cream and hope for the best!! :D

Some mummies get the marks after labour..
When the stretched skin tries to revert back to original size..
for me I think i will get the marks after labour...

Cuz last time during schooling, i was quite heavy so I went on big dieting..
After slimming down, i had stretch marks!!
Kind of like the skin shrink cuz there were lesser fats to fill it... So wrinkles appear!
U get what i mean? :)
So i think after delivery and losing weight again i might have stretchmarks in the process...
Hope not though :(

real labour contraction pain usually involves the whole abdomen and back as well..
From 1part then go to the other then everywhere cramp..

BH usually only concentrates on 1 part of the tummy..
The pain/discomfort doesnt radiate to the back and all over... :)
Hi Mreow Mreow,

I got pain in pelvic area only. Hard to get up from sleep or sitting position. I envy u can sleep straight. I tried sleep straight last night baby gave me a big kick and ask me to sleep sideways As if she wanna say, ' move over! No space for me liao'

Abt stretchmark like wrinkle. I also did have some on thighs which I feel gets lighten after I intensively use Pelengra and VCO when pregnant starting 3 rd trimester. Previously I lose weight before wedding also leave some marks but go spa do massage n use their products isn't as good and did not remove it. Just discovered Pelengra cream is good after pregnant. If I know only speciality pregnancy shop sell this kind I sure save money from spa n massage go buy this tube. Now it seems lighter than before.


Mreow, now tt u mentioned pineapple... I feel like having pineapple rice. Hahaha

No funny feel on nipple... :)

But my breast hurts a few seconds sometimes since last weekend. Anyone had this pain?
Hi MamaDT

I have funny feeling on nipples too and it change size n colour. Sigh

U know those Japanese product that lightens nipple colour? I wonder can only use after give birth and when wean off baby.


Yah.. The appearance of stretchmarks can be due to inheritance too. I know that my mum has it so i determined to apply the oil on my belly everyday :p Im not sure about the effectiveness of other brands but so far im using Palmer's skin therapy oil, non-greasy ,fast absorption and it works well for me. Going to finish using up the 3rd bottle now. Hopefully no strechmarks after giving birth!

Btw, today I went for my 38weeks check up. Baby is doing fine and it seems like she is having a great time staying in my belly coz gynae said she has not engaged yet (he used his fingers and pressed on my lower part of my belly to measure) and also because i dun experience much contractions, probably not so soon. :p my baby girl is weighing at 2.7-2.8kg now, he said it's a good weight (in the sense for delivery, not too big and easier to push) haha.. He also asked me about my birthplan, and I told him that im going for natural birth and will decide whether to take epidural on that day itself (but i think 80% chance will take la!) He also said that if i want a specific date for baby to come out i can be admitted and be induced lor, but i decided to let my baby to come out as she wants unless it's overdue. :) Gynae asked me and hubby to enjoy ourselves to the fullest before baby born otherwise once baby arrives we'll be like locked up in prison (and he shared his real stories) lol..

Anyway, i have got my plans for the weekend. Gonna enjoy first!

Mreow Mreow

Hi MamaDT

I have funny feeling on nipples too and it change size n colour. Sigh

U know those Japanese product that lightens nipple colour? I wonder can only use after give birth and when wean off baby.

My left nipple seems to have a little opening..
Then when open a little, can see like white colour ..

dunno how to explain!

Like instead of skin colour skin, i see white colour..
dunno what is that...

dunno if i should try to open and clean it..

my right side cant see opening like the left!

Mreow Mreow

Yah.. The appearance of stretchmarks can be due to inheritance too. I know that my mum has it so i determined to apply the oil on my belly everyday :p Im not sure about the effectiveness of other brands but so far im using Palmer's skin therapy oil, non-greasy ,fast absorption and it works well for me. Going to finish using up the 3rd bottle now. Hopefully no strechmarks after giving birth!

Btw, today I went for my 38weeks check up. Baby is doing fine and it seems like she is having a great time staying in my belly coz gynae said she has not engaged yet (he used his fingers and pressed on my lower part of my belly to measure) and also because i dun experience much contractions, probably not so soon. :p my baby girl is weighing at 2.7-2.8kg now, he said it's a good weight (in the sense for delivery, not too big and easier to push) haha.. He also asked me about my birthplan, and I told him that im going for natural birth and will decide whether to take epidural on that day itself (but i think 80% chance will take la!) He also said that if i want a specific date for baby to come out i can be admitted and be induced lor, but i decided to let my baby to come out as she wants unless it's overdue. :) Gynae asked me and hubby to enjoy ourselves to the fullest before baby born otherwise once baby arrives we'll be like locked up in prison (and he shared his real stories) lol..

Anyway, i have got my plans for the weekend. Gonna enjoy first!

Wow wow thats good news!
That your princess is having a good time! :)

Yep, better not to induce babe..
U will feel much more pain as compared to naturally waiting for labour to commence! :D

My birthplan is simialr to yours too.
I dont want epidural first hand cuz I prefer all-natural but im open to it as labour progresses and if it deems too painful for me to continue...
epidural is $700+ in KK! Haha...


Hi Allele.
Thanks for sharing ur birth plan

Doc scan and show me what is considered engaged and what is not. He said 3/5 head go down means engaged but mine has been 2/5 for past 2 weeks.

Also my baby is 3.3kg liao. Still no sign of labour
I actually wanted to natural birth but judging the size of baby I'm swayed to caesarean if doc said my pelvic bone not wide enough? Final weight of baby should be around 3.5kg next week or 3.7kg the week after.

Wah dunno if I'm eating too much causing baby this big ? My weight is slowly going down a little but baby gets bigger??

Also I'm having urge to go toilet pangsai more often. Is it sign liao? Do u feel the same?


Hi Allele.
Thanks for sharing ur birth plan

Doc scan and show me what is considered engaged and what is not. He said 3/5 head go down means engaged but mine has been 2/5 for past 2 weeks.

Also my baby is 3.3kg liao. Still no sign of labour
I actually wanted to natural birth but judging the size of baby I'm swayed to caesarean if doc said my pelvic bone not wide enough? Final weight of baby should be around 3.5kg next week or 3.7kg the week after.

Wah dunno if I'm eating too much causing baby this big ? My weight is slowly going down a little but baby gets bigger??

Also I'm having urge to go toilet pangsai more often. Is it sign liao? Do u feel the same?
Wow.. Ur baby definitely getting sufficient nutrients from u! :) I heard that some cases whereby if baby weighing 3.5kg or more gynae will recommend to do csect instead. So if baby getting bigger next week (say 3.5kg or more) will u straight away opt for csect or will u give a try on natural birth and see if able to push him out first? Are u prepeared for csect? Hehe..

I know that pangsai more often is one of the signs.. Other than that are bloody show, burst of waterbag, regular and close intervals of contractions etc.. Do monitor these signs oh! I havent got urge to go poopoo often yet.. Instead i got constipation! Ahh.. Always sit in the toilet very long time :p u take care ya..


My left nipple seems to have a little opening..
Then when open a little, can see like white colour ..

dunno how to explain!

Like instead of skin colour skin, i see white colour..
dunno what is that...

dunno if i should try to open and clean it..

my right side cant see opening like the left!
It happens to me too! I started to clear these white dried milk duct-blocking things like one month back on both of my nipples. I guess our hormones started to warm up the milk glands in our breasts for feeding purpose.

Sze sze

Hi, mummies.... Some updates!!!Just went to check up today~Bb weight is estimated at 2.6kg..Did ctg today, bb heartbeat is good, not much contraction...Due to low placenta, so confirmed c-sec on 2 dec, which is 8 days from now!!!After confirm with gynae, I now having very weird feeling... Maybe was hoping to be able to go natural delivery... I still cannot get the mindset the I will be seeing and holding my little girl in 8days time.... Lol~~


Feel excited for u Sze Sze! 2 Dec is me and Lovepixie's edd! At least u know that u need to get everything prepared by then! Good luck and update Ya!


Sze Sze, so happy and excited for u ~~~ at least u know ur EDD, it's good u massage ur breast to prepare for bf le..... :) read that a few days or a week before EDD, we shd start preparing nipple for bf :) Coool

Lovepixie, nowadays I poo very often... I have been peeing often coz I drink lotsa water, but pooing is recently... I can go for like 5 times and still feel like pooing but after that no poo with stomachache pain.... But I don't wanna scare myself haha coz my EDD 17/12 leh haha

Mreow Mreow, my pain last night starts from top and slowly descend to middle then near pelvic with back pain until cant walk... With intervals... my mum was like so kan cheong hha then i told her, cannot be cannot be.... wahhaha...But after ard 3am, I better and can sleep... And my hubby kept telling bb it's only nov... Haha

Think if it's real, I also won't know and will still try to sleep in bed..... Lol
But I will most likely b more alert whn it's nearer to 17/12. :p


hi mummies!

oh shoots on the stretch mark cream i only apply them on the tummy, too lazy to massage on the thighs and breast area but lovepixie will check out the vid in a bit, hope its not too late!

i just finished putting on the bedsheets for the cot and playpen hee, otherwise the room looks very bare.

oh on the nipple issue, i read before that our nipples and aerola might not go back to its small original shape after birth! is it true! boo hoo!

oh yeah need some advice, i just wolfed down a slice of choc cake from Perla's and realise the raisins are soaked in rum. Anyone having alcohol laced cakes recently :p

btw im so excited for all the mummies who are going to deliver in the first week of dec! do rem to pop by this thread and notify us of the good news! :)