EDD in APR 2010


Alpha Male
hello, my EDD date is on 26th April but till now still no sign of delivery. Was been waiting and waiting and feel so blue~~~ My doctor had schedule induce on 4th May for me if till then i still not giving birth. i cannot do anything now and only waiting...

Anyone heard of ready made red date tea and try it before? My mother-in-law is going to prepare that for me. I don really like it as still prefer cook one... haiz...


Well-Known Member

You mean those instant red date tea? I had used that for my tea ceremony during my wedding. My in laws had prepared packets for red date herbs for hubby to boil it into tea for me. Its quite easy, just throw everything into the water, let it boil then pour into thermos flask to keep warm.

The instant red date tea has sugar added, whereas the red date tea that hubby boil has no sugar, and has other things added inside as well. (didn't take a look at it, because hubby boil it every alternate days for me to drink), but as red date tea is quite heaty, hubby's grandmother also fried some rice and ginger slices for me as well, since during confinement we can't drink plain water or cold drinks. Thus throughout my whole month of confinement, I only drank red date tea, rice tea, milo and cereal.

Why don't try talking to your baby to come out soon?And also do try to walk around more helps you to dilate, some said having sex would help as well.


Alpha Male
Hi Renzie,

Thanks for your info sharing. i am also thinking to boil the red dates tea, will talk to my mother in law.

I have talk to my baby everyday and ask him to come out soon since my week 37. But he seem like very enjoying inside my stomach. Do really hope he can come out faster as feel very uncomfortable and cannot sleep well at night too.


hey mummies, been logging in to catch up on posts n finally hav e time to share my birth story..

13 Apr, 2345: admitted to Mt. A to induce. Went to delivery suite n was strapped onto CTG monitor. Nurse inserted induce pill n shaved me down south.

14 Apr, 0115: nurse asked me to rest in ward as e pill will take some time before taking effect. told me she'll check in on me at 8am.. see if i'll need another pill or can burst waterbag alr. hubs had to wait in e visitors' lounge as i was in a 2-bedded room.

0635: nurse came n inserted enema for me to clear my bowels. wahh ive never pooed that much in my life before! lol! i think i only slept for an hour throughout e whole night. was too nervous n super hungry!

0650: finally given milo n biscuit.. yayy!!

0715: went back to delivery suite.

0730: 1.5cm dilated.. gynae came n broke my waterbag.. thought he'll use an instrument or what but NOOOO.. he used his fingers!!! since cervix is quite high, just imagine how deep he had to go n he twisted n stretched his fingers in me till e water flowed out! was really very, very painful!
then e contractions started n was at intervals of about 2-3mins. gynae said labour will be very painful n advised me to take epi if really cant stand e pain. then he left n e nurse put me on drip.. another painful experience!
usually im nt afraid of injections but this time was different.. nurse said cant insert needle at e usual spot which is at e back of e hand as my vein there is too fine. so she inserted at e SIDE of my wrist instead! just 1 small movement n it hurt like hell!
nurse told me how to breathe in e gas but i find that it didn't help me much or maybe i didn't use it correctly.. so all e way i just concentrated on e breathing technique.
nurses kept coming in n out to check on dilation n also baby's heartbeat cos was a bit unstable. i wasn't dilating much as well so e nurses kept stretching my cervix! all this while i could stand e contractions which was at a peak of 97 but e stretching of e cervix was just too much for me to bear!

around 1200: i asked hw far ive dilated.. i thought if 1hr 1cm, then i shld be abt 5-6cm by now.. but guess what?? nurse told me only 3cm! n she stretched my cervix again! that was when i decided to succumb to epi! hubs was also telling me to go for it cos he could see how agonized i was..
e epi experience was not as scary as i thought.. just felt a small prick n then some pressure as e epi flowed in.
now i know y some mummies call it "happy-dural".. it really helped me to relax n when e nurse stretched my cervix, i could only feel some pressure.. same goes for e contractions.
e only thing i hate abt e epi was that it made me shiver. my fingers felt so numb so i told hubs to get me a cup of hot water for me to dip my fingers. it did help to relieve e numbness though hubs had to keep changing e water once it turned cold.
i tried to get some sleep so that i'd hav more energy to push later on but i couldnt cos e nurses kept coming in n out to check my dilation n stretch my cervix. baby's heartbeat was still fluctuating too so i had to put on e oxygen mask.. that made me breakdown.. i was extremely worried for my baby n i kept praying. hubs teared too n told me to be strong.

ard 1800: nurse check dilation n said very gd, can start pushing alr while waiting for gynae to arrive. she told me i really hav to give it my all otherwise gynae will suggest emer c-sect as baby's heartbeat was still unstable n we hav to bring him out quickly.
i started pushing n 15mins later, gynae arrived n asked nurse to standby e vacuum.

1854: Baby Shaylan finally arrived weighing 2.76kg, length 49cm, head circumference 32cm.
really, really glad that he managed to come out safely without e need for c-sect as e cord was around his neck in 2 loops!
gynae then stitched me up as i took a gd look at my dear son n let my tears of joy flow freely..

was discharged on 16 Apr.. i enjoyed my stay there.. e nurses are nice, food was quite gd n e lactation consultant was really nice too! saw me twice during my stay.. will definitely go back there for no. 2 but nt so soon, probably in 3-4yrs time! lol


Well-Known Member

Dear mommy, you had a long labour, but no matter what, at least your dear son is now safe and sound in your arms. You have been very brave and strong.

I don't think the nurses had shaved me down below and gave me enema!!~~ I was wondering how come no1 gave me that, haha but I guessed everything happened too fast for them to do anything. At least I did not poo on the bed.

So dear mummy, now just have a good rest, holding him in your arms is one of the best feeling in the world.

Congrats mrsmorgan!


New Member
congrats mrsmorgan!!

agree that the nurses and lactation consultants were really nice and helpful. nurses were really patient esp when i was groggy talking rubbish when recovering from my GA.

congrats once again!


huh! how come you can't eat for 12 hours? I thought even c-sec at the most 6 hours dont't eat??
nurse said once i inject epidural i cannot eat anything already.only can drink milo..my epidural starts from 9plus pm til the next morning 925am x.x


hey mummies, been logging in to catch up on posts n finally hav e time to share my birth story..

13 Apr, 2345: admitted to Mt. A to induce. Went to delivery suite n was strapped onto CTG monitor. Nurse inserted induce pill n shaved me down south.

14 Apr, 0115: nurse asked me to rest in ward as e pill will take some time before taking effect. told me she'll check in on me at 8am.. see if i'll need another pill or can burst waterbag already. hubs had to wait in e visitors' lounge as i was in a 2-bedded room.

0635: nurse came n inserted enema for me to clear my bowels. wahh ive never pooed that much in my life before! lol! i think i only slept for an hour throughout e whole night. was too nervous n super hungry!

0650: finally given milo n biscuit.. yayy!!

0715: went back to delivery suite.

0730: 1.5cm dilated.. gynae came n broke my waterbag.. thought he'll use an instrument or what but NOOOO.. he used his fingers!!! since cervix is quite high, just imagine how deep he had to go n he twisted n stretched his fingers in me till e water flowed out! was really very, very painful!
then e contractions started n was at intervals of about 2-3mins. gynae said labour will be very painful n advised me to take epi if really cant stand e pain. then he left n e nurse put me on drip.. another painful experience!
usually im not afraid of injections but this time was different.. nurse said cant insert needle at e usual spot which is at e back of e hand as my vein there is too fine. so she inserted at e SIDE of my wrist instead! just 1 small movement n it hurt like hell!
nurse told me how to breathe in e gas but i find that it didn't help me much or maybe i didn't use it correctly.. so all e way i just concentrated on e breathing technique.
nurses kept coming in n out to check on dilation n also baby's heartbeat cos was a bit unstable. i wasn't dilating much as well so e nurses kept stretching my cervix! all this while i could stand e contractions which was at a peak of 97 but e stretching of e cervix was just too much for me to bear!

around 1200: i asked hw far ive dilated.. i thought if 1hr 1cm, then i shld be about 5-6cm by now.. but guess what?? nurse told me only 3cm! n she stretched my cervix again! that was when i decided to succumb to epi! hubs was also telling me to go for it cos he could see how agonized i was..
e epi experience was not as scary as i thought.. just felt a small prick n then some pressure as e epi flowed in.
now i know y some mummies call it "happy-dural".. it really helped me to relax n when e nurse stretched my cervix, i could only feel some pressure.. same goes for e contractions.
e only thing i hate about e epi was that it made me shiver. my fingers felt so numb so i told hubs to get me a cup of hot water for me to dip my fingers. it did help to relieve e numbness though hubs had to keep changing e water once it turned cold.
i tried to get some sleep so that i'd hav more energy to push later on but i couldnt cos e nurses kept coming in n out to check my dilation n stretch my cervix. baby's heartbeat was still fluctuating too so i had to put on e oxygen mask.. that made me breakdown.. i was extremely worried for my baby n i kept praying. hubs teared too n told me to be strong.

around 1800: nurse check dilation n said very good, can start pushing already while waiting for gynae to arrive. she told me i really hav to give it my all otherwise gynae will suggest emer c-sect as baby's heartbeat was still unstable n we hav to bring him out quickly.
i started pushing n 15mins later, gynae arrived n asked nurse to standby e vacuum.

1854: Baby Shaylan finally arrived weighing 2.76kg, length 49cm, head circumference 32cm.
really, really glad that he managed to come out safely without e need for c-sect as e cord was around his neck in 2 loops!
gynae then stitched me up as i took a good look at my dear son n let my tears of joy flow freely..

was discharged on 16 Apr.. i enjoyed my stay there.. e nurses are nice, food was quite good n e lactation consultant was really nice too! saw me twice during my stay.. will definitely go back there for no. 2 but not so soon, probably in 3-4yrs time! lol
congrates to you!~

i also cannot stand the nurse and gynae using their hand to stretch inside my cervix.it so painful!the insert of needle to my wrist too. my skin is very thin, the needle tube was stuck somemore.i see the needle on my wrist like almost going to come out. nurse squeeze the water into my wrist cos going to finish the bag soon.then i saw my dark red blood was pump out and in.so scary.the insertion of the urine tube.its so painful too.
i also very helpless. 2 weeks already and i'm struggling to feed coz no matter how i latch on, pump, take fenugreek, the supply is increasing but by VERY LITTLE, never enough to keep baby full! my son has to be supplemented with formula since day one. also very stressed. also hope supply will increase soon.
Try to massage your breasts before and after you pump/feed, i was so determined to increase milk flow that i keep pumping and massaging for 2 hours and the flow can in...its very tedious as you see the pump moving but nothing comes out also my wrists are sore from massaging, it helps and within 3 days the milk came in.
Now i can pump 90ml from 2 breasts but i take 1 hr! i think i should use 2 pumps instead of 1.

dont't worry mummies!

my breast milk supply was very low almost nil in the beginning, but in the subsequent weeks, the supply increased quite abit. I guess it could be the breast massage that one of the nurses had taught me as well. As long as you continue latch them on, your milk supply will increase.

I supplemented my breast milk with formula milk as well. I had to admit though, for sometime I didn't give her breast milk as she had jaundice, and we were worried that the ginger in my confinement diet could cause an increase in her jaundice level.


when anything happen to our babies, we'll always feel lousy. dont't blame yourself, by stressing yourself out, you'll affect your milk supply. At least your baby is feeding better now right?

You gave birth on 3rd? we must have just missed each other! I gave birth on the 2nd at Kandang Kerbau Hospital.
I also dare not take much ginger and tonic wine coz my baby's jaundice like yoyo, go down then went up.

Which ward were you in? I was in ward 81. :)
Maybe our babies met in the nursery. :001_302:

i also have little breast milk, only day 5 then have milk supply but was very little.so was feeding my baby with formula milk all alone. my husband blame me for not bf so now my milk supply getting lesser.ive try but each time baby suck less than 5 mins dont want already..i was very stress during the past few weeks too.now my supply is even lesser. im afraid the milk supply is going to stop already. :(
My hubby also blame me, he said i bf cant tell how much baby is drinking, my baby was readmitted to kk for dehydration coz 1st few days i got very little milk. Now i just pump out and bottle feed but i let her latch on for her in between snacks. :)

hey mummies, ive delivered my son on 14/04.. induced, vacuum+epi.. will update my birth story soon!
Congrats and welcome to the mummies gang!:tlaugh:


Try to massage your breasts before and after you pump/feed, i was so determined to increase milk flow that i keep pumping and massaging for 2 hours and the flow can in...its very tedious as you see the pump moving but nothing comes out also my wrists are sore from massaging, it helps and within 3 days the milk came in.
Now i can pump 90ml from 2 breasts but i take 1 hr! i think i should use 2 pumps instead of 1.

My hubby also blame me, he said i bf cant tell how much baby is drinking, my baby was readmitted to kk for dehydration coz 1st few days i got very little milk. Now i just pump out and bottle feed but i let her latch on for her in between snacks. :)
in hospital first 3 days i also no milk for bb, every 2 hrs nurse came in let me bf him, he didnt get any milk but the nurse recorded bb drink. i told them bb dint manage to get any milk from me already.i ask them to feed him fm.at first the nurse say if i wan total bf cannot give bb fm.but i see bb cry everytime no milk for him and he is so hungry.i ask the nurse again for fm for him.

i see. i didnt massage for so long.i massage a while only.i just shake and push inwards for a few time and try to squeeze milk out. only little bit came out.i use pump is even slower.i try to use hand to pump out the milk before. an hr time like that..only get less than 5ml.its not enought to feed my bb.

my milk still cannot pump out, its still so little. i have no time to spent 2 hrs to pump milk cos bb wake up by then hv to get busy again.my husb say if really dun hv then no choice let bb drink fm.

if we stop bf, will our breast return to before preg?or it will stay like that forever?like that i have to get new bra again.


New Member
Try to massage your breasts before and after you pump/feed, i was so determined to increase milk flow that i keep pumping and massaging for 2 hours and the flow can in...its very tedious as you see the pump moving but nothing comes out also my wrists are sore from massaging, it helps and within 3 days the milk came in.
Now i can pump 90ml from 2 breasts but i take 1 hr! i think i should use 2 pumps instead of 1.

Congrats and welcome to the mummies gang!:tlaugh:
i massage before pumping... only 3 days ago then i feel this sore sore feeling (i think that might be engorgement or going to engorge?) when i pump one side, the other side will also have that feeling, or when 3 hrs up (time to pump).... so i get excited, and i pump away... nothing much still..

i also take fenugreek, the drop one and tablet, more than 72 hrs already still so little... i guess it can only get better ba.. 90ml, i think i will jump for joy if i see that amt lor


thk u mummies!

re: breastfeeding
during e first few days aft delivery, e most i could pump out was 20ml frm both sides. baby rejected my nipple so i tried using a nipple shield. it worked.. aft that more milk came in n i could pump out 60ml frm both.. ive been supplementing fm also at night n whenever i dint hav enough bm.. i think that's when he realized he had to work harder to suck frm e nipple shield compared to drinking frm e bottle so he started to reject e nipple shield too!
but still, my milk supply increased further probably because i used hot towel to wipe my breasts before pumping n e most i could pump was 200ml frm both sides! that was when my breasts got really engorged n it was day 12 alr! i had a fever because of that n had to see e doc.. was told that i had an infection on my left breast maybe cos i dint pump out fully.. was given antibiotics n fever med.

then last night, which is day 13, i couldnt slp even though i was feeling drowsy frm e meds.. my right breast also got engorged! so painful when i lie down!!
then my whole family were telling me to stop bfing.. furthermore i'll be taking care of my baby alone nxt wk onwards.. hubs n in-laws will only be back in e evening so i dont think i'll hav e time to pump n all..
so this morn i went back to e doc n took meds to stop my milk.. yes i feel terrible but i just cant do it anymore.. =(


Well-Known Member

don't feel bad. You are doing the best that you can.

I didn't know that you can take meds to stop milk. Mine is decreasing its production rapidly.....Probably because I have been using the pump since day 1 since she refuses to latch on for long and start throwing tantrums if milk doesn't come fast enough.


I was in 2 different wards haha. They kept transferring me here and there, but subsequent was in ward 32...I THINK...haha cant remember!!!~~

I think our breasts will return to normal...My milk production has been decreasing, didn't give her bm due to her jaundice and also she refuses to latch on, so only been pumping. My maternity bras felt looser compared to when I'm pumping out alot more milk, and gets sorely engorged.

Drinking lots of fluid and having a warm-hot bath/shower beforing pumping/latching on also helps. I always experience leakages right after that.