EDD in December 2009


Active Member
Oh ya dear mummies to be.

Wana check with you if you have the addresses to buy baby stuff in JB? If so can share with me? Am planning a trip with other pregnant friends to go shopping :D


Oh ya dear mummies to be.

want to check with you if you have the addresses to buy baby stuff in JB? If so can share with me? Am planning a trip with other pregnant friends to go shopping :D
Hi Adelynn,

Normally i shopped at Jusco, a large departmental shop cos i find there are wider selection and the price are reasonable. There was sales going on when last week i went there. You can refer to the link below for the address & how to get there info just in case you are not sure of the exact location.

AEON CO. (M) BHD. - Shopping Centre

Hope other mummies will share with us some of their secret shopping places where we can find cheap & good bargains for our babies!! :001_302:


Alpha Male
Some updates:

(1) Taka Baby Fair
Baby Fair
Thu 27 Aug to Sun 13 Sept
Calling all mums, get the best deals on all the baby necessities from diapers to strollers to baby clothing and toys for all mums and mums-to-be. What’s more with every *$50 same-day purchase (maximum of 3 combined receipts), made at Babies’ Section, Children’s Department, Level 3 and / or Takashimaya Square, B2 and stand a change to be one of the lucky winners in our Baby Fair Lucky draw and walk away with the following prize:
1st Prize: S$3,000 worth of Baby Products
2nd Prize: S$2,000 worth of Baby Products
3rd Prize: S$1,000 worth of Baby Products

*Other Terms & Conditions apply.


(2) My wife and I going for "Childbirth Education" @ Mt. Alvernia in Sep-09. Anyone also attending?


New Member
hi all! i'm also due in dec 09, already gt most of the things liao, even name also think liao :)
Am seeing Dr Adrain at CCK Thomson..


hi all! i'm also due in dec 09, already gt most of the things , even name also think :)
Am seeing Dr Adrain at chua chu kang Thomson..
hi paull welcome to dec mummies club!! :001_302:

When is your edd? have u know gender already? wow u have even think of name already, me & hubby still can't decide our boy's name....those name i like he don't like, haiz...:shyxxx: I feel girls' name has more choices & nicer lol...


yeah, dont't you agree that baby girls stuff are just too cute and pretty that it catches our attention??

try talking to baby the day before the scan and right before the scan, tell the baby to be good, hehe.
Hi mummies,

Last week, my hubby & i finally noe the gender of my baby...its a boy... When i went to the gynae, we saw his little ji ji with his legs wide open.keke On the next day when i went for the 20 wks ultrascan, i re-confirmed with the sonographer...its defintely a BOY.... :001_302:

So i guess.... i will juz buy T-shirts & pants for my little baby boy...hiaz no more looking at girly stuffs.keke.


Have u noe the gender of yr baby?




New Member

I just join the forum and saw so many mothers' edds in dec. Congrats to all..

I just started browsing for baby stuff and jotted down the list of things to buy.

LIst of things to buy
1) stroller
2) breastpump
3) newborn clothes. How many should I get?
4) napkins
5) Wet tissue

What else do I need to get prepared?


Active Member

I just join the forum and saw so many mothers' edds in dec. Congrats to all..

I just started browsing for baby stuff and jotted down the list of things to buy.

LIst of things to buy
1) stroller
2) breastpump
3) newborn clothes. How many should I get?
4) napkins
5) Wet tissue

What else do I need to get prepared?
Some of the things that I can think of...
- Baby cot
- Cot Mobile
- Bedsheet, pillow etc
- Baby blanket
- Baby towels
- Baby nappy rash cream
- Baby lotion
- Baby shower gel
- Baby detergent
- Baby shampoo
- Sterilizer
- Baby bottles
- Storage bag/cup if you wanna express milk to keep
- Baby mittens
- Cotton balls
- Baby liquid cleanser (for washing bottles etc)
- Pacifier
- Baby bottle brush
- Baby hair brush
- Baby nail clipper
- Thermometer (optional)
Can go for the Johnson & johnson 3 in 1 shower de. Coz bb do not go out.. when shower them, add 2 drops into the water will be clean enuf. Perhaps baby bottles u wait till give birth ler then go hospital downstairs to buy. I actually bought a lot of pigeons brand.. end up during my stay in hospital, they use NUK brand to feed bb, to avoid confusion for bb, i change all to nuk brand. If only 2 to 3 bottles, i will suggest use hot water to sterilizer.. more convenient and hygiene.. when not using, i soak in a pot of warm water..
I understand how you feel, I am guilty that tears rolled down instantly after the sonographer told Hubby and I that it's a girl during my detailed scan.

The night before the scan, I also dreamed about having a boy and the calendar also indicates baby boy for my age/month.

Later I think the most important thing and my only concern is baby's healthy. Now I am thankful as long as she's healthy and can arrive safely.

Did you inform your gynae about your morning sickness? He/she should be able to prescribe something to ease the discomfort.
Actually just relax lo.. think becos u had been wishing for a boy thats y u dreamt of having a boy.. Gal is also good.. we can doll them up.. Old people believe if we have a gal 1st then boy, we will be more relax later on of our life coz sister will help us take care the brother and house ma.. See? So many advantages..heehee.. Is fate i believe.. At 1st i dun wan have bb already, end up god gave me 1.. and i m thankful for that.. Of coz i will try for a boy also la.. but dun have also nvm lo .. at least my gal can have some1 to accompany her..Jia you mummies ..


New Member
Some of the things that I can think of...
- Baby cot
- Cot Mobile
- Bedsheet, pillow etc
- Baby blanket
- Baby towels
- Baby nappy rash cream
- Baby lotion
- Baby shower gel
- Baby detergent
- Baby shampoo
- Sterilizer
- Baby bottles
- Storage bag/cup if you wanna express milk to keep
- Baby mittens
- Cotton balls
- Baby liquid cleanser (for washing bottles etc)
- Pacifier
- Baby bottle brush
- Baby hair brush
- Baby nail clipper
- Thermometer (optional)
Wow!!! That's a long list. Thanks Triquetra:001_302:
Guess I better start browsing for the items.


New Member
Is it better to buy all milk related stuff from the same brand?

For example, breast pump, bottles, streliser from the same brand...
Is it better to buy all milk related stuff from the same brand?

For example, breast pump, bottles, streliser from the same brand...
Not necessary ba. Feeding teats i think most important. If not bb will be confuse. If u think is gd, u can go for it.


Active Member
Is it better to buy all milk related stuff from the same brand?

For example, breast pump, bottles, streliser from the same brand...
Yah teats are the most important but I am getting my milk bottles, storage cups etc from Avent as the Avent warmer is compatible with all Avent products.


New Member
Thanks gals. Think I will get different brands of teats to try out. =)

Planning to get all avent stuffs too.


Just had my check-up today, and the gynae said i'm putting on too much weight too fast.... cos i gained nearly 5-6 kg in a month... =P

time to cut down on chocolates and ice-cream.

they say that having girls will have sweet tooth, any mummies find this to be true? i used to dislike desserts, now i find myself reaching for chocolates everyday..


Hi everyone...i just went to kkh ytd for mine detail scan...finally yeah...get to know my lill one gender...is a baby BOY....