EDD in December 2009


Read about the tummy bulging part, can't help but to reply, mine is big! ppl said normally 1st child tummy won't be so big. But I dont't know why mine is opposite. When I go shop for maternity wear, the sales person would ask me if I am carrying twins (which I am not), or ask me is it due soon !? Weird thing is I dont't find myself eating more than before pregnant! Anyway, I am doing the detail scanning this week, so should be able to find out if my baby is, err... overweight.....
LOL me too! First pregnancy but I look like 24 weeks preggie although i am only in my 19th weeks.
Perhaps I wack too many durians? o_O

Anyway, next week going for detail scan, yeah guess we will find whether the baby is er.. overweight and... gender too! Do update us. :blaugh:


Day by day passed you will feel your baby's move stronger, but sometimes i feel more moves than some other days...err dont't know whether this is normal or not....
sufeit, you were right! Now my baby is moving every day, more and more intense and it’s really lovable feeling!

I’ve been to detailed scan today! We’re waiting for a girl!! Chinese calendar was wrong, hehe…
Doctor was absolutely sure, she said “boys don’t have anything like this”)) It was surprised, because as far as I heard doctors can determine whether baby has “boy’s special feature” or not.

Summer01, are you sure that your tummy is really too big? How much do you put on during the pregnancy?
HoneyLicious right, all bodies are different and all babies are growing up not the same! Some babies are growing up more intense during the second trimester; others are growing up fast during the third one. The best of all is not to worry now and wait for the detailed scan. Please, updated us about results.


sufeit, you were right! Now my baby is moving every day, more and more intense and it’s really lovable feeling!

I’ve been to detailed scan today! We’re waiting for a girl!! Chinese calendar was wrong, hehe…
Doctor was absolutely sure, she said “boys dont’t have anything like this”)) It was surprised, because as far as I heard doctors can determine whether baby has “boy’s special feature” or not.
Hi Cony congrats to you!! Finally your wait of knowing the gender is over and you can start to shop for baby items, planning your nursery room & think of a lovely name for your precious princess!!:Dancing_wub:So you are like me belong to the 10 to 20% Chinese calendar predicts wrong one....hehe...:err:
sufeit, you were right! Now my baby is moving every day, more and more intense and it’s really lovable feeling!

I’ve been to detailed scan today! We’re waiting for a girl!! Chinese calendar was wrong, hehe…
Doctor was absolutely sure, she said “boys dont’t have anything like this”)) It was surprised, because as far as I heard doctors can determine whether baby has “boy’s special feature” or not.

Summer01, are you sure that your tummy is really too big? How much do you put on during the pregnancy?
HoneyLicious right, all bodies are different and all babies are growing up not the same! Some babies are growing up more intense during the second trimester; others are growing up fast during the third one. The best of all is not to worry now and wait for the detailed scan. Please, updated us about results.
congrats on your princess!! can buy all the lovely and pretty pink stuff for the little one, i'm so envious.. cos many times when i'm baby shopping i will stop and stare and sometimes hold onto those cute girly stuff then hubby will pull me away.. haha


Sufeit, HoneyLicious thank you, thank you for your warm words!!! Yes, I'm planning to buy lot's of bright, pink stuff :) My pure hubby will be impressed, hehe...
I'm very glad that will have a chance to bring up my girl tender, affectionate, kind!))) Because if we had a boy, my hubby wouldn't let me to do it, because boy must be "real man"!

Hehe HoneyLicious, I imagine bewilderment of your hubby, if you bring "pretty pink stuff" for your boy :tlaugh:


Active Member
Dear All Dec Mummies

Seems that there's quite an 'equal' share of girls and boys for the month of Dec :) So it's beginning for shopping time for all of us, which in my opinion, is when the fun begins.

Any body has any idea what should be the complete list of things to get for a new born baby?

Am intending to buy the big dollar items out first. Quinny Zapp baby stroller in bright orange and red caught my eye thinking of getting it first.

Any idea how the shopping should be done? Am confused over shopping (first time for me)

Clothing seems to be the easiest thing to buy, cuz its all pinky and pretty. I ended up buying a few blue boy boy stuff for a colleague who's having a boy in Nov.

Any ideas?


Dear All Dec Mummies

Seems that there's quite an 'equal' share of girls and boys for the month of Dec :) So it's beginning for shopping time for all of us, which in my opinion, is when the fun begins.

Any body has any idea what should be the complete list of things to get for a new born baby?

Am intending to buy the big dollar items out first. Quinny Zapp baby stroller in bright orange and red caught my eye thinking of getting it first.

Any idea how the shopping should be done? Am confused over shopping (first time for me)

Clothing seems to be the easiest thing to buy, cuz its all pinky and pretty. I ended up buying a few blue boy boy stuff for a colleague who's having a boy in Nov.

Any ideas?
Hi Adelynn,

Hehe long time didn't see u online these days, must be pretty busy ya :001_302:. I have bought almost complete for baby's clothings, mittens, booties, hats, receiving blankets, bibs, towels(big/small), bath tub, cloth nappies, milk bottles, pacifiers except diapers, wet tissues, nappy rash cream, ruyi oil & misc small items i intend to get them when i am around 8 mths....

I'm still looking around for big dollars items like stroller, steam steriliser, electric breast pump, chest drawers, cot/play pen (still thinking whether want to buy)....Last week i got a second hand infant car seat
online. Yup, the Quinny Zapp baby stroller is very nice and the bright red is very suitable for baby girl...So envy of u, baby girl have so many nice clothes & dresses to buy, while boys only got shirt and pants with not much design lol :shyxxx:.

So it's shopping time for all the Dec mummies :Dancing_tongue:. Happy shopping :001_302:!!
adelynn, i thought quinny zapp not suitable for babies?? but you can still get it if there's promotion maybe to keep until baby become toddler?

i'm almost done with my shopping too, have got my quinny buzz stroller and maxi cosy car seat, mum got me a baby cot, clothing, milk bottles, pillow & bolster etc.
only left to buy toiletries for baby, baby sling and breast pump, might wait for taka fair. as for boy clothing i find it quite boring compared to girl clothing so i didn't really buy much, but my hubby happy cos he said lucky we have boy or else i surely overspend on girl clothing and toys.


adelynn, i thought quinny zapp not suitable for babies?? but you can still get it if there's promotion maybe to keep until baby become toddler?

i'm almost done with my shopping too, have got my quinny buzz stroller and maxi cosy car seat, mum got me a baby cot, clothing, milk bottles, pillow & bolster etc.
only left to buy toiletries for baby, baby sling and breast pump, might wait for taka fair. as for boy clothing i find it quite boring compared to girl clothing so i didn't really buy much, but my hubby happy cos he said lucky we have boy or else i surely overspend on girl clothing and toys.
Hi Honeylicious,

I have the same feeling as u...baby gal's clothes r much sweet & nicer compared to that of the boy... Me too cant help it to linger ard the gal's section...but my hubby always said my baby is a boy.so dun need to see.keke Though we havnt cfm the gender of the baby yet..keke

So now my hubby & i are waiting for the 20wks scan to cfm the gender...one thing for sure..once its cfm to be a gal or boy nxt wk we will rush to the taka fair to buy the baby's clothing...coz those tat we bought are all in neutral colors.keke So excited..hope my baby kuai kuai & reveal the gender to us.keke:wong19:


Active Member
Hi Adelynn,

Hehe long time didn't see u online these days, must be pretty busy ya :001_302:. I have bought almost complete for baby's clothings, mittens, booties, hats, receiving blankets, bibs, towels(big/small), bath tub, cloth nappies, milk bottles, pacifiers except diapers, wet tissues, nappy rash cream, ruyi oil & misc small items i intend to get them when i am around 8 mths....

I'm still looking around for big dollars items like stroller, steam steriliser, electric breast pump, chest drawers, cot/play pen (still thinking whether want to buy)....Last week i got a second hand infant car seat
online. Yup, the Quinny Zapp baby stroller is very nice and the bright red is very suitable for baby girl...So envy of u, baby girl have so many nice clothes & dresses to buy, while boys only got shirt and pants with not much design lol :shyxxx:.

So it's shopping time for all the Dec mummies :Dancing_tongue:. Happy shopping :001_302:!!
Hey Sufeit0115

Yeap, have been swamped with work for the past few weeks :( Only have time now cuz am home on MC for a week due to bad bad flu and fever. U very lucky to have eager grandparents-to-be to help shopping, for me, we've been all so busy that we got some catching up to do *hehe*

Think of ur precious boy in a different way. He's helping you save $$! Cuz don't need to spend so much $$ on his stuff ma...

Hi Honeylicious

Yeap Quinny Zapp not suitable for infants, am intending to get the maxi cosy infant seat to go along so will make it infant - suitable. 2009 Quinny Buzz colours don't really catch my eyes le :( Or maybe im just too picky with the colours. I'm picky about the Buzz cuz it's bulkier and i'm worried i cant mange it alone with the baby and everything else. Can share how much u bought your Buzz and infant car seat for? and what colours you picked?

Taka BB Fair is upcoming on 27 Aug so i guess that's when i need to start buying already (my friends nagging me to buy if not before i know it, our lil girl's out)
I also agree with your hubby about having a girl and overspending.

But most importantly girl or boy, as long as our babies are healthy and happy, that's MOST important :D :D


Active Member
Hi Honeylicious,

I have the same feeling as u...baby gal's clothes r much sweet & nicer compared to that of the boy... Me too cant help it to linger ard the gal's section...but my hubby always said my baby is a boy.so dun need to see.keke Though we havnt cfm the gender of the baby yet..keke

So now my hubby & i are waiting for the 20wks scan to cfm the gender...one thing for sure..once its cfm to be a gal or boy nxt wk we will rush to the taka fair to buy the baby's clothing...coz those tat we bought are all in neutral colors.keke So excited..hope my baby kuai kuai & reveal the gender to us.keke:wong19:
Mummy Pooh, normally mummies instinct are much stronger than daddies' instinct. Usually work better on mummies' instinct. For this, my hubby 'lost' quite abit on our lil gamble that we have for each other, and end up having to pay for more of our lil girl's stuff *hehe*


Hi Adelynn, pls take good rest at home...now the flu bug thing is everywhere...esp we are pregnant now....try to avoid crowded place, drinks more water & have sufficient sleep. Pray for your speedy recovery!! Take care.

hehe we still have plenty of time to shop so no worry for you to gather all the necessary things before your precious princess pop!!
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Hi Honeylicious,

I have the same feeling as you...baby gal's clothes are much sweet & nicer compared to that of the boy... Me too cant help it to linger around the gal's section...but my hubby always said my baby is a boy.so dont need to see.keke Though we havnt cfm the gender of the baby yet..keke

So now my hubby & i are waiting for the 20wks scan to cfm the gender...one thing for sure..once its cfm to be a gal or boy nxt wk we will rush to the taka fair to buy the baby's clothing...coz those that we bought are all in neutral colors.keke So excited..hope my baby kuai kuai & reveal the gender to us.keke:wong19:
yeah, don't you agree that baby girls stuff are just too cute and pretty that it catches our attention??

try talking to baby the day before the scan and right before the scan, tell the baby to be good, hehe.
Hey Sufeit0115

Yeap, have been swamped with work for the past few weeks :( Only have time now cuz am home on MC for a week due to bad bad flu and fever. you very lucky to have eager grandparents-to-be to help shopping, for me, we've been all so busy that we got some catching up to do *hehe*

Think of your precious boy in a different way. He's helping you save $$! Cuz dont't need to spend so much $$ on his stuff ...

Hi Honeylicious

Yeap Quinny Zapp not suitable for infants, am intending to get the maxi cosy infant seat to go along so will make it infant - suitable. 2009 Quinny Buzz colours dont't really catch my eyes :( Or maybe im just too picky with the colours. I'm picky about the Buzz cuz it's bulkier and i'm worried i cant mange it alone with the baby and everything else. Can share how much you bought your Buzz and infant car seat for? and what colours you picked?

Taka baby Fair is upcoming on 27 Aug so i guess that's when i need to start buying already (my friends nagging me to buy if not before i know it, our lil girl's out)
I also agree with your hubby about having a girl and overspending.

But most importantly girl or boy, as long as our babies are healthy and happy, that's MOST important :D :D
i got the quinny buzz in grey and last years maxi cozy in aqua colour, i'm lucky to find the maxi cozy last year collection cos it's adorable with the aeroplane imprints. i do agree that this year buzz colours are dull, but you might wanna go to their distributor to see if they have last year's colours left.

just my personal view, the maxi cosy only can be used for 12 months, then baby gotta use stroller, and the zapp can't recline where 1-3 year old baby nap alot so abit poorthing. but just my personal thoughts la. i got the stroller and car seat for $1066 as there was promotion for grey colour buzz and the maxi cozy is about $100 cheaper, got it at baby hyperstore at ubi there.


Hi HoneyLicious,

Ya, read books & mags that every pregnant mothers' tummy are different. Hopefully baby is healthy and everything is "under control" ! :p

Hi Shiseru,

I did have some cravings for durian too! But ppl warn me it is too heaty and sweet, so I ate twice only to satisfy my craving. My gynae already told me my baby gender when I went for checkup about Week 16. It's a boy, 90% confirm. Going to re-confirm again coming detailed scan :)

Hi Cony,

My mother-in-law was the 1st to comment > advise me to control carbo intake
My company ppl compare me with another ~6 mths pregnant mother, mine is definitely much bigger.
My sister commented the size now is almost her size when she is going to give birth! (I hope she remembers wrongly since her kid already 6 year's old).
Up till now, I think I have put up about 5 to 6 kg
Congrats on your baby girl! you can shop for pretty clothes and accessories :)

I've started shopping too. Manage to save on big items like baby cot, rocker, stroller, infant car seat > relative gave since their kids no longer needs them. Bought some baby's clothing, mittens & bootees, diapers, napkins etc. As for breast pump, intend to rent from hospital to see suitable or not. Baby clothing I went to JB and grab some, it is really cheaper than SG. Avent steriliser cost RM299 there, and I flip through mag Motherhood (Aug 09 issue), it stated S$214. Have not decided on which brand to buy though.


I've started shopping too. Manage to save on big items like baby cot, rocker, stroller, infant car seat > relative gave since their kids no longer needs them. Bought some baby's clothing, mittens & bootees, diapers, napkins etc. As for breast pump, intend to rent from hospital to see suitable or not. Baby clothing I went to JB and grab some, it is really cheaper than SG. Avent steriliser cost RM299 there, and I flip through mag Motherhood (Aug 09 issue), it stated S$214. Have not decided on which brand to buy though.
Hi Summer agree with you, baby items in JB are much cheaper....Since my parents live there, they have been helping me to get most baby items, sometimes when there is sales, things are going more cheaper!! I also intend to get the breast pump & sterilisers in JB, but haven't have chance to compare the prices yet, heehee :001_302:.

You are so lucky to have hand-down baby items from relatives....Me have to buy every single thing lol.


Adelynn, take care of yourself and I very hope you are recovering fast! Due to the pregnancy, our organism is more delicated and need more care to recover than usual! I had a cold twice during the prangency and it needed much more efforts to recover, than usual.

Summer, give my congratulations with your baby boy!!! Your hubby must be really excited!
By the way, 5-6 kg is not too much! What gynae told you about your tummy? One of my friend put on 20 kg during the pregnancy and in a 9 month become slim as usual.

It's interesting does anybody going to by or already bought baby cot? Is it necessary or newborn child usually sleep with parents?


Hi Cony me like you also not sure whether want to buy the baby cot or not cos heard that some baby don't like to sleep in cot....hubby suggested that baby will sleep with us but i am a deep sleeper so i'm worry i might kick baby down the bed!! Aiyoyo...


Hi Cony me like you also not sure whether want to buy the baby cot or not cos heard that some baby dont't like to sleep in cot....hubby suggested that baby will sleep with us but i am a deep sleeper so i'm worry i might kick baby down the bed!! Aiyoyo...

Hehe same same)) I'm just afraid to not to kick baby down the bed, I won't sleep during the night at all...
Anyway, we have time to think about it :)


yeah, dont't you agree that baby girls stuff are just too cute and pretty that it catches our attention??

try talking to baby the day before the scan and right before the scan, tell the baby to be good, hehe.
Absolutely, baby girls clothes come in many types..from dress, pants to skirts..but boys clothes r juz T-shirts,polo w shorts..I even teased my hubby, gd loh, next time yr boi boi can dress like u...kekek On hearing this,my hubby start matching differ prints of baby's shirt w shorts..wahaha

We tried to talk to the baby prior our 16wks scaning but w no luck leh...the baby seems to lie face down.. I told my hubby, wow..tis look like his sleeping habit when he was young. Nevertheless, we will tried our best to 'coax' the baby to show us the gender. Wish me luck...