EDD in December 2009


Mummy Pooh, normally mummies instinct are much stronger than daddies' instinct. Usually work better on mummies' instinct. For this, my hubby 'lost' quite abit on our lil gamble that we have for each other, and end up having to pay for more of our lil girl's stuff *hehe*
Hiaz, but the prob is i also having this feeling tat my baby is a boy but till d gynae havnt cfm yet..i hope tat its a gal.kekeke..

How come gal's stuffs r much more exp than boy's stuff? Is it due to there r more accessoires to dress up a baby gal?


Active Member
Adelynn, take care of yourself and I very hope you are recovering fast! Due to the pregnancy, our organism is more delicated and need more care to recover than usual! I had a cold twice during the prangency and it needed much more efforts to recover, than usual.
Hi Cony

Thanks, fever is beginning to subside now, and throat don't feel as though its burning. I think the medication works :D


Hi Summer agree with you, baby items in JB are much cheaper....Since my parents live there, they have been helping me to get most baby items, sometimes when there is sales, things are going more cheaper!! I also intend to get the breast pump & sterilisers in JB, but have not't have chance to compare the prices yet, heehee :001_302:.

You are so lucky to have hand-down baby items from relatives....Me have to buy every single thing lol.
Hello sufeit0115 ! Any particular brand that you prefer? As breast pump & steriliser are not cheap, I'd like to gather more views esp for those highly recommended ones :) Do share with us if you spot any good bargain in JB! Spotted Pigeon brand steriliser cum food warmer cum milk warmer, price at S$169, not sure good or not.

Hmmm... depends on how you look at it. You can't be too choosy for those hand-down items . Also, you dont't get to shop for your favourite brands, colors and models that you like :p



Adelynn, take care of yourself and I very hope you are recovering fast! Due to the pregnancy, our organism is more delicated and need more care to recover than usual! I had a cold twice during the prangency and it needed much more efforts to recover, than usual.

Summer, give my congratulations with your baby boy!!! Your hubby must be really excited!
By the way, 5-6 kg is not too much! What gynae told you about your tummy? One of my friend put on 20 kg during the pregnancy and in a 9 month become slim as usual.

It's interesting does anybody going to by or already bought baby cot? Is it necessary or newborn child usually sleep with parents?
Hello Cony !

He just kind of "phew" ..... cause he's the only male grandson in his family :) My last consultation with gynae, tummy not so big yet. I'm going for follow up again next week, hope he won't be too shock!



Hello Cony !
He just kind of "phew" ..... cause he's the only male grandson in his family
Wow! Thus, he's going to be favourite grandson))) My daughter will be the first grand child for our both parents, so gender doesn't mean anything, she will be the favourite anyway!)) :Dancing_tongue:

I've one more question. Is anybody going to do 3d scanning? If yes, when is the best time for it? I thought it must be on the 30 weeks, but now found out in the internet that it's possible to do it even since 18 weeks.


Hello sufeit0115 ! Any particular brand that you prefer? As breast pump & steriliser are not cheap, I'd like to gather more views esp for those highly recommended ones :) Do share with us if you spot any good bargain in JB! Spotted Pigeon brand steriliser cum food warmer cum milk warmer, price at S$169, not sure good or not.

Hmmm... depends on how you look at it. You can't be too choosy for those hand-down items . Also, you dont't get to shop for your favourite brands, colors and models that you like :p
My friend recommended me Pureen electric breast pump which she used before, hmm...not very famous brand like medela & avent, but she said it works well and very cheap, only RM90. But I am still looking around for other brands, as i will be bfing most probably less than 6 mths so not intend to spend too much on the breast pump. Based on many mummies' view on the forum, Pigeon steriliser seemed to have more votes over Avent (which is double the price!). heehee, i will check out the price & share with you cos i going back to JB almost every week.

If is not too trouble for you to go JB considering the time & jam, actually most baby items is cheaper there if you are not too particular with brands, but heard that some famous brands like Avent, medela, NUK, pigeon, you can get better bargains during sales or baby fair in Singapore.:001_302:

Baby outgrow very fast & different stages have different needs, so we will have many things to buy & later on education/courses, the financial commitment is long term...so saving here & there enable us go a longer way lol....

Wow so your baby will be the ONLY male great-grandson of the family!! Hubby must be relieved & thrilled!!
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Wow! Thus, he's going to be favourite grandson))) My daughter will be the first grand child for our both parents, so gender doesn't mean anything, she will be the favourite anyway!)) :Dancing_tongue:

I've one more question. Is anybody going to do 3d scanning? If yes, when is the best time for it? I thought it must be on the 30 weeks, but now found out in the internet that it's possible to do it even since 18 weeks.
There is one thread discussion on the 3d/4d scanning. Maybe you can take a look there, the pricing wise is also quite reasonable. At first i am quite interested to do, but during the detailed scanning, both hubby & i feel baby looked very much like me lol!! So maybe will "ren" for another 4 mths to see & hold my boy in real!! :tlaugh:


Hi everyone!

have not logged in here for a while,

we found out at the detailed scan that i'm expecting a girl.... actually a lil disappointed cos i dreamt twice that i'm having a boy, and the chinese calendar also predicted that i'm having a boy. we even had a boy's name ready, now trying hard to think of a girl's name. =)

so it seems the chinese calendar is wrong for me too... =P

we've bought the major stuff like cot, carseat and stroller, all from combi. now looking at breastpumps and sterilizer.

would it better to get the pumps now, or to wait til after the birth when the milk comes in? any mums intending to continue breastfeeding when you return to work? is getting a double electric pump the best in that case?

so far everyone i asked got the medela brand... but the double electric one is very very expensive...

also, i'm still having nausea and vomitting... even now at 22 weeks... sigh.
Hi everyone!

have not logged in here for a while,

we found out at the detailed scan that i'm expecting a girl.... actually a lil disappointed cos i dreamt twice that i'm having a boy, and the chinese calendar also predicted that i'm having a boy. we even had a boy's name ready, now trying hard to think of a girl's name. =)

so it seems the chinese calendar is wrong for me too... =P

we've bought the major stuff like cot, carseat and stroller, all from combi. now looking at breastpumps and sterilizer.

would it better to get the pumps now, or to wait til after the birth when the milk comes in? any mums intending to continue breastfeeding when you return to work? is getting a double electric pump the best in that case?

so far everyone i asked got the medela brand... but the double electric one is very very expensive...

also, i'm still having nausea and vomitting... even now at 22 weeks... sigh.
congrats!! don't be dissapointed with your baby girl, alot of us here wants a girl but got boys. girls are more fun, can be doll up, can buy pretty stuff for them.

for buying breast pumps it's actually depends on individual, i have a friend who told me to rent from mum & babes, but i'm scared it's not very hygienic(i'm a clean freak). as for choosing single or double, i would suggest you get a single one, as when you pump on one side you can massage your other breast to prepare more milk.

don'tworry about the nausea too, but did your doctor give you gastric medicine?? cos i still have the nausea feeling on and off and doctor said it's not morning sickness anymore but because i have bad gastric to start with(even before i got preggy).


Active Member
Hi everyone!

have not logged in here for a while,

we found out at the detailed scan that i'm expecting a girl.... actually a lil disappointed cos i dreamt twice that i'm having a boy, and the chinese calendar also predicted that i'm having a boy. we even had a boy's name ready, now trying hard to think of a girl's name. =)

so it seems the chinese calendar is wrong for me too... =P

we've bought the major stuff like cot, carseat and stroller, all from combi. now looking at breastpumps and sterilizer.

would it better to get the pumps now, or to wait til after the birth when the milk comes in? any mums intending to continue breastfeeding when you return to work? is getting a double electric pump the best in that case?

so far everyone i asked got the medela brand... but the double electric one is very very expensive...

also, i'm still having nausea and vomitting... even now at 22 weeks... sigh.
Congrats on ur lil girl!!! I bet when u hold ur lil girl; whatever feelings you have now will all go away :D

I intend to continue to BF when i return, hopefully for at least a period of 1 year (if i have the perseverance, but we'll see when the time comes :001_302: ) so am also looking for a good and durable breast pump.

As for ur MS, fret not, cuz ure not alone. It's still a regular part of my routine now, and i've sort of gotten used to it. There is a medication available from ur gynae but it may make u drowsy ( i always felt like sleeping after i take them)

Once again, congrats!


Alpha Male
Hi everyone!

have not logged in here for a while,

we found out at the detailed scan that i'm expecting a girl.... actually a lil disappointed cos i dreamt twice that i'm having a boy, and the chinese calendar also predicted that i'm having a boy. we even had a boy's name ready, now trying hard to think of a girl's name. =)

so it seems the chinese calendar is wrong for me too... =P

we've bought the major stuff like cot, carseat and stroller, all from combi. now looking at breastpumps and sterilizer.

would it better to get the pumps now, or to wait til after the birth when the milk comes in? any mums intending to continue breastfeeding when you return to work? is getting a double electric pump the best in that case?

so far everyone i asked got the medela brand... but the double electric one is very very expensive...

also, i'm still having nausea and vomitting... even now at 22 weeks... sigh.
CONGRATS! dun be disappointed. girl or boy equal the fun! my wife prefers girl cos she likes to dress up. i prefer boy cos can play.

in the end the detailed scan shows girl but i'm still excited.. :wong19:

now anxiously waitin for her arrival 05-12-09:Dancing_wub:


I've one more question. Is anybody going to do 3d scanning? If yes, when is the best time for it? I thought it must be on the 30 weeks, but now found out in the internet that it's possible to do it even since 18 weeks.
Hi hi, you mean the 3D scan? Thomson Medical Center sonographer told me to do during 3rd trimester, exactly which week did not elaborate. then if want 4D (got DVD one), more expensive.


My friend recommended me Pureen electric breast pump which she used before, hmm...not very famous brand like medela & avent, but she said it works well and very cheap, only RM90.

Wow so your baby will be the ONLY male great-grandson of the family!! Hubby must be relieved & thrilled!!
Hi hi, I've heard of Pureen brand before :) But like you say, not as famous as Medela or Avent. I think a lot of ppl recommend Medela. Thanks for sharing the price (in future :p) Ya, I hate the jams at customs. Maybe I will wait for the Taka fair then only decide :) found that already spending a lot on this baby!

Ya, now he will be the ONLY male great-grandson, unless I give birth to another son sometime in future :p

BTW, anyone sign up for cord blood bank?


Active Member
Hi everyone!

have not logged in here for a while,

we found out at the detailed scan that i'm expecting a girl.... actually a lil disappointed cos i dreamt twice that i'm having a boy, and the chinese calendar also predicted that i'm having a boy. we even had a boy's name ready, now trying hard to think of a girl's name. =)

so it seems the chinese calendar is wrong for me too... =P

we've bought the major stuff like cot, carseat and stroller, all from combi. now looking at breastpumps and sterilizer.

would it better to get the pumps now, or to wait til after the birth when the milk comes in? any mums intending to continue breastfeeding when you return to work? is getting a double electric pump the best in that case?

so far everyone i asked got the medela brand... but the double electric one is very very expensive...

also, i'm still having nausea and vomitting... even now at 22 weeks... sigh.
I understand how you feel, I am guilty that tears rolled down instantly after the sonographer told Hubby and I that it's a girl during my detailed scan.

The night before the scan, I also dreamed about having a boy and the calendar also indicates baby boy for my age/month.

Later I think the most important thing and my only concern is bb's healthy. Now I am thankful as long as she's healthy and can arrive safely.

Did you inform your gynae about your morning sickness? He/she should be able to prescribe something to ease the discomfort.


Sometimes, dreams is what we really yearn for, as subconsciously we wanted that gender. I think mother's instinct tends to be more accurate than dreams :nah:
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Hi hi, I've heard of Pureen brand before :) But like you say, not as famous as Medela or Avent. I think a lot of ppl recommend Medela. Thanks for sharing the price (in future :p) Ya, I hate the jams at customs. Maybe I will wait for the Taka fair then only decide :) found that already spending a lot on this baby!

Ya, now he will be the ONLY male great-grandson, unless I give birth to another son sometime in future :p

BTW, anyone sign up for cord blood bank?
hehe i'm also waiting for the Taka baby fair to check out the breast pump & stroller. As for the steriliser, i have bought the Avent brand from JB (RM299) as hubby prefers Avent than Pigeon. FYI, Pigeon Rapid Steam Steriliser is more expensive (RM 430) in JB than Singapore which is selling at S$125.

If i have baby girl, then she will be ONLY grand-daughter cos all my hubby's sibling all have boys....so my boy won't enjoy all the attention lol :001_302:...

I have intention to donate the cord blood but not storing it, however, don't know how to go about doing it. Haven't had time to find out yet, do you know? Care to share?


we share the same gynae, i believe. Dr Tham said the same thing, that any nausea or vomitting at this stage isn't caused by the baby, and he offered me some gastric pills. i didn't take them though, as i don't really have gastric problems pre-pregnancy. i may just be one of the 'lucky' ones who continue to get MS even well past the 1st trimester..

Are you still having MS regularly too? i do have some pills for vomitting left over from the 1st trimester, but they didn't exactly work for me, i'll still throw up even with the pills, so i'm not going anywhere without plastic bags for the foreseeable future. =P

my edd is very near your wife's - mine is 6 Dec 09. now starting to look forward to seeing my little girl too.

I totally understand and share your feelings... i was quite upset at the scan when i heard that my baby is a girl. it also took us a while for the news to really sink in, and i couldn't help but keep looking at little boy babies around. but once we accepted the news, both my hubby and i are now looking forward to her arrival. buying lovely little dresses helps... =P

like what everyone says, what's most important is that our babies are strong and healthy....
babybull, indeed i'm seeing dr tham too. why you didn't take the medications? were you give famotidine tablets and magnesium trisilicate liquid for the gastric? actually i was like you, initially i try avaoiding the medicine but as my nausea gets worse i took the medicine and has helped alot. i'm also like you, my vomitting only stopped on week 17 which is way pass 1st trimester. and i still do have nausea and dizziness nowadays but not as bad as before.


Active Member
Are you still having MS regularly too? i do have some pills for vomitting left over from the 1st trimester, but they didn't exactly work for me, i'll still throw up even with the pills, so i'm not going anywhere without plastic bags for the foreseeable future. =P

Hey babybull, yes i'm still having MS regularly and like you my pills didn't exactly work although it reduces the frequencies. Eventually i gave up. And like you, i carry puke bags everywhere i go

Just realised ur EDD and my EDD is 1 day apart :D