EDD in July?

I oredi bought tickets for the concert! Meant as a surprise for my hubby as it's his idol! Hmm...din tink of confinement until later. But end August, confinement period should be over oredi for me la! hee... i suppose wld be cold in indoor stadium, so just wear warmly so won't catch cold and prevent wind from getting in. should be ok la!

ok kekek i will go enjoy hahaaha


i get alot of colleagues coming up to congratulate me. cuz i din really announce it, juz let people slowly discover. hee..

been fun so far. juz dun tink abt their stares and looks as offending ba?

i have not been stared at on buses yet, maybe cuz not big enuff... sometimes hope someone would give up seat for me leh.. =þ
same here....i nv announce, just wait for them to find out and alot hv come and ask me...keke
same here....i nv announce, just wait for them to find out and alot hv come and ask me...keke
haha for me did nt announce too but due to discharge and vomit... will take MC.. then they start to ask.. and they hear vomit sound from toilet... they will say y u vomit huh???? pregnant??? kekek


har... but i first time leh.. and i tot my stomach was quite obvious leh..
Kuromi, different tummy grow at different speed oso. what's most important to us is that bb is growing healthy! =) I got frens who told me, sometimes the boobs grow first, then follow by tummy, which I think might be my case. haha...i suppose the fats can only target 1 area at a time. =þ

how many weeks are you liao?


Kuromi, different tummy grow at different speed oso. what's most important to us is that bb is growing healthy! =) I got frens who told me, sometimes the boobs grow first, then follow by tummy, which I think might be my case. haha...i suppose the fats can only target 1 area at a time. =þ

how many weeks are you liao?
i am in week 18.. the smallest among you all leh...


Ehs. I dunno if I just look fat, or preggy. When I was 18 weeks still look like fats. Cos in the past 2 years gained alot of weight. So some of my friends just think that I grew even fatter. Lols. Until I finally told them.


just curious, do you sleep during the day too? If so, might be more difficult to fall asleep during the night cuz not tired enough ma.

try to busy urself during the day then maybe at night can sleep better? Just suggestion. =)
I will try not to nap unless I'm really tired. Usually half an hour to 2 hours.