EDD in MAR 2010


Think good to start buying now, while we are more mobile... keke....
Perhaps can consider buying one big item each month, for e.g., stroller, cot, playpen, car seat etc... hee.... spread out spending..

I need to start shopping!!! :Dancing_tongue:
ya ya.. i buy 1 big item per month.. dont know if i should get a play pen anot.. my house got limited space leh...


i heard from couple of friends that electric pumps spoil easily .. theirs spoilt after about 1mth or so only.. maybe its user problem.. haha..

lol.. my class starts nov end.. actually im only interested in some of the topics .. not all .. hee.. come back can share.. hopefully i rem.. been quite forgetful now .. btw.. do you feel sleepy/tired? i have been feelin tired n sleepy since 1st tri til now.. wa piang...!! thought will be more energetic in 2nd tri? :shyxxx:
Yup, i'm still sleepy n tired all the time, though i think better than 1st trimester... gotta sleep by 10.30pm every night... LOL!


Well-Known Member
i heard from couple of friends that electric pumps spoil easily .. theirs spoilt after about 1mth or so only.. maybe its user problem.. haha..

lol.. my class starts nov end.. actually im only interested in some of the topics .. not all .. hee.. come back can share.. hopefully i rem.. been quite forgetful now .. btw.. do you feel sleepy/tired? i have been feelin tired n sleepy since 1st tri til now.. wa piang...!! thought will be more energetic in 2nd tri? :shyxxx:
hee.. don't worry.. pregnant woman tends to be forgetful... no lor... not true. i now also 2nd tri also feel very tired... more & more tired.. cause bady heavy liao....


Well-Known Member
ya ya.. i buy 1 big item per month.. dont know if i should get a play pen anot.. my house got limited space ...
But if u don't buy a playpen then where ur baby sleeping?? my house also limited space... but i try to pack a area for my baby... :001_302:


chocbuzz: wow.. 1030pm? that's very early! the latest i can tong is 130am.. i only get enough sleep when i zz for 12hrs. lol

angelwendy: eh.. i bought a cot liao leh.. can sleep up to 3yo... still need to buy play pen ah..? no space leh... jia lak...


Well-Known Member
chocbuzz: wow.. 1030pm? that's very early! the latest i can tong is 130am.. i only get enough sleep when i zz for 12hrs. lol

angelwendy: eh.. i bought a cot .. can sleep up to 3yo... still need to buy play pen ..? no space ... jia lak...
hmmm.. then how wor? if reali wanna buy just bear with..... :001_302: squeeze


Most of you would have went for your detailed scan right?

Why is it EDD based on scan and based on date is different? Which one is more likely to be accurate?


Well-Known Member
Most of you would have went for your detailed scan right?

Why is it EDD based on scan and based on date is different? Which one is more likely to be accurate?

Actually normally the first EDD that doctor give should be accurate... sometime after scan EDD will change cause they see by the baby size....actually not all mummy will give birth on EDD.. it might be early or late due to some reason... haha.. so it is just a guide line....:001_302:
Actually normally the first EDD that doctor give should be accurate... sometime after scan EDD will change cause they see by the baby size....actually not all mummy will give birth on EDD.. it might be early or late due to some reason... haha.. so it is just a guide line....:001_302:
yup yup i agree.. anyway they usually calculate our edd base on our 1st day of last menses.. when we even have not yet conceived... so edd is usually from my exp is not accurate.... its just an estimation..
during the detailed scan, they usually see yr baby growth and development from there... though it is still not accurate at times....

my edd in the 1st place was 19th march 2010.. after the detailed scan its changed to 14th march 2010.... there u go.... but im already excited.....
everyone take care..........
But if you dont't buy a playpen then where your baby sleeping?? my house also limited space... but i try to pack a area for my baby... :001_302:
otherwise just but those cot/playpen which has everything in once.. for newborn u can use it as a cot... when the baby gets bigger just take out the upper padding and there u have a playpen... some also comes with a bassinet tray to make changing easier... so u save $$$$ too.:D


Well-Known Member
my edd in the 1st place was 19th march 2010.. after the detailed scan its changed to 14th march 2010.... there you go.... but im already excited.....
everyone take care..........

CONGRATS....:001_302: so happy for u!!!! yohoo.... haha... finally a BOY BOY is coming....:001_302:


chocbuzz: wow.. 1030pm? that's very early! the latest i can tong is 130am.. i only get enough sleep when i zz for 12hrs. lol

angelwendy: eh.. i bought a cot .. can sleep up to 3yo... still need to buy play pen ..? no space ... jia lak...

Ya.... 10.30pm... any later my eyes wil start watering, nose turn red etc... then yawn non-stop...


Well-Known Member
Hi all March mummy have u done ur shopping for ur baby?? & wat did u buy.... can share share....:001_302:


I'm having a boy too! Cot better, can convert to toddler's bed.

I havn't bought any big items leh. Just some clothings and bibs. Trying to save my credit card points to change for big items like cots/strollers. Oh ya, philips carnival sale this weekend, getting friend to help me buy steraliser and steamer+blender!


Hi Mommies, been reading your Forum for passed few weeks :001_302:. Because you're 2 months before me:001_302:. Congratulation!!
for thoes that passed the detail scan and able to know the baby's gender. I'm still a long way to worry... Down Syndrome Test (may be high risk because of my age..34), Detail Scan (baby health or not)... still long way :embarrassed:.


I already started to buy toys, cute milk bottle, CDs, books thoes small small items for my baby:001_302:. For big item, I planing to get it from Tai Sing, Combi distributor. I heard if you buy more, they can use you voucher etc:Dancing_wub: