EDD in MAR 2010


Well-Known Member
I do feel a bit of movements these days, but dont know if it's my stomach muscles twitching or baby kicking... LOL... :001_302:

Hee... normally you will get confuse.. but slowly you will know is the kick that you are feeling... enjoy the moment ya....:001_302:


Well-Known Member
I will be waiting for baby fair... think we just missed the one at Taka about 2 mths back. Hope they'll have some post Xmas sale :welaugh:

I'm sure they will have year end sales.. i also waiting... hee.. so now just buy bit by bit... cause can't afford so much already.. now no income.. so gotta careful with wat i spend...


i think 3rd trimester might be slightly rush? for me, i started buying bits of it since 1st trimester.. ar bo buy everything in 1 whole shot damn xiong leh..


Well-Known Member
i think 3rd trimester might be slightly rush? for me, i started buying bits of it since 1st trimester.. ar bo buy everything in 1 whole shot damn xiong ..

Yup thats y i start when i was week 20.. hee just after my 20weeks detail check... then this sun will go buy a bit more... remember to check around ur frenz if they have any pass down.. then u can save a bit here & there... for me luckly the baby cot & breast pump is pass down... but for the breast pump just needed to buy the parts...:001_302:


Yup thats why i start when i was week 20.. hee just after my 20weeks detail check... then this sun will go buy a bit more... remember to check around your frenz if they have any pass down.. then you can save a bit here & there... for me luckly the baby cot & breast pump is pass down... but for the breast pump just needed to buy the parts...:001_302:
my frens only pass down bibs, mittens socks to me.. i just bought the cot last month.. haven't buy breast pump yet.. lol.. u bought stroller liao?:001_302:


actually 1 of my client say that there is a chinese calender that say can check whether you are having a gal or boy..:001_302: you can check in google... i think is ( ancient chinese calender ) but is counted by chinese dates... there is a convert function... you can try... but dont't 100% believe...:001_302:

I will pray hard for you ya.....:Dancing_wub: ( do update us when you go detail scan or if you check out the web that i give you... )
found these 2...
Chinese Gender Calendar | The secret of baby gender prediction
Chinese Pregnancy Calendar


Well-Known Member
my friends only pass down bibs, mittens socks to me.. i just bought the cot last month.. have not't buy breast pump yet.. lol.. you bought stroller ?:001_302:

The stroller haven yet... but most likely already decide the design that we wanted... after discount is about $298.. i feel that is still abit ex to me...:err:
haha... breast pump.. wat brand u intend to buy??


Well-Known Member
Quite accurate ... I already know my baby gender.. and they predicted correctly.. I even tried my sister who gave birth 13 years ago, and the prediction is right also... lol!..

Yuppy that's y is 99% correct... but just don't take it too hard if some of the mummy wanted a gal turn to a boy... but anyway... just pray for a healthy baby...:001_302:


i tried the chinese calendar thing too. and it's quite accurate leh.. haha

i've also been feeling like nudging once in awhile. but still confused is it just the muscles expanding or baby's kick. when will know exactly it's a kick?


The stroller have not yet... but most likely already decide the design that we wanted... after discount is about $298.. i feel that is still abit ex to me...:err:
haha... breast pump.. what brand you intend to buy??
oh.. which design is the stroller? eh.. most prob should be getting the avent one lor.. but i cannot decide manual or electric leh.. hee..

btw u enrol for antenal course yet? i called kkh, left only weekday evening classes which i cannot make it.. so going to take from TMC.. $235.. diaoz!!


eh.. i havent try the gender prediction myself.. coz i dunno how to calculate my lunar age? isit ang moh age + 1 ? if before my bday leh?


Well-Known Member
It feels like a light knocking.... comes in 2 or 3 knocks. Is yours like this too?

Yup.. is a light knock... sometime can be more then 3 times... But sometime when u don't feel it... don't get too worry... maybe baby is sleeping or the kick is too light to feel.. anyway cause now they r still small... so the feeling not so strong yet...:001_302:


Well-Known Member
i tried the chinese calendar thing too. and it's quite accurate .. haha

i've also been feeling like nudging once in awhile. but still confused is it just the muscles expanding or baby's kick. when will know exactly it's a kick?

Sometime can be muscle expanding....sometime time got cramps too... slowly u will different the feeling... don't worry ya.. i think normally is 20 weeks onwards ba... if its a first time mummy... hee... cause i also confirm the kick when i'm in the 20 week...


Well-Known Member
oh.. which design is the stroller? eh.. most prob should be getting the avent one .. but i cannot decide manual or electric .. hee..

btw you enrol for antenal course yet? i called Kandang Kerbau Hospital, left only weekday evening classes which i cannot make it.. so going to take from Thomson Medical Center.. $235.. diaoz!!
The stroller is Maclaren.... ( Sports Quest ) if i'm not wrong :001_302: cause is hubby remember de.... the breast pump u can try get Medela... i hear from lots of mummy is quite good... but think is a bit ex... Avent my sis try before also good... but think get a electric is better.. cause if not hand very tired... :err:... & also manual one take more time to pump... so scare u can't rest after each pump... ( this is just a suggestion... hee... just choice watever u think suits u better )

Nope i didn't enrol for antenal course.. cause i actually wanted weekend course so that hubby can come along...that time i saw KKH was fully booked... & also now i'm quite tight in cash.. cause no more income for me... so i gotta save here & there in order to buy baby things.. & pay bills... hee:001_302:

Anyway if u got the chance... just go ya... is good... can teach u lots of things... then come back share with us...:Dancing_tongue:haha.... ( Joking )



I'm sure they will have year end sales.. i also waiting... hee.. so now just buy bit by bit... cause can't afford so much already.. now no income.. so gotta careful with what i spend...
Think good to start buying now, while we are more mobile... keke....
Perhaps can consider buying one big item each month, for e.g., stroller, cot, playpen, car seat etc... hee.... spread out spending..

I need to start shopping!!! :Dancing_tongue:


The stroller is Maclaren.... ( Sports Quest ) if i'm not wrong :001_302: cause is hubby remember .... the breast pump you can try get Medela... i hear from lots of mummy is quite good... but think is a bit ex... Avent my sis try before also good... but think get a electric is better.. cause if not hand very tired... :err:... & also manual one take more time to pump... so scare you can't rest after each pump... ( this is just a suggestion... hee... just choice watever you think suits you better )

Nope i didn't enrol for antenal course.. cause i actually wanted weekend course so that hubby can come along...that time i saw Kandang Kerbau Hospital was fully booked... & also now i'm quite tight in cash.. cause no more income for me... so i gotta save here & there in order to buy baby things.. & pay bills... hee:001_302:

Anyway if you got the chance... just go ya... is good... can teach you lots of things... then come back share with us...:Dancing_tongue:haha.... ( Joking )
i heard from couple of frens that electric pumps spoil easily leh.. theirs spoilt after abt 1mth or so only.. maybe its user problem.. haha..

lol.. my class starts nov end.. actually im only interested in some of the topics leh.. not all leh.. hee.. come back can share.. hopefully i rem.. been quite forgetful now lor.. btw.. do u feel sleepy/tired? i have been feelin tired n sleepy since 1st tri til now.. wa piang...!! thought will be more energetic in 2nd tri? :shyxxx: