
My EDD is on 11 Oct, saw gynae today my baby girl is 1.5kg her head had turn to the right way. But she was pulling my lingerment at my right lower abdominal. Anyone experience this?


New Member
my boy is rolling and pulling all over.

really very stress sometimes cause it's quite painful.

just went to the scan yesterday, doc say boy is going at max speed haha. now at 2.5kg.

next check up 3 weeks later.


Well-Known Member
cyndear - your baby is growing fast!!

ali5on - does it hurt a lot? i usually have to rub and hope she shifts position to ease the discomfort.. but my baby is slightly heavier than yours..


New Member

ya, doc say so. actually i thinking if he can come out earlier so that i can see him and also don't have to be punch by him ha ha. but if early i also worried.. sigh.. looks like i need to tolerate for another 40 days.


New Member
Hello MTB out there,i,m new to this forum.Hope to share all day long wif u all out there.Wish u all mother out there welcome me to join as part of the forum group.AS a experience mother i can feel the touch n paintful that u all gone all the way 9mth.SO AT THE SAME TIME i would currently advice u, MTB, to have massage for afterbirth.(prenatal n postnatal massage) for better effect of water reduction, relaxation, relief stress, slimming tummy,etc...

For those interested, please drop a message atyattlee@live.com.sg

**PS: For the FIRST 10 customers who did the booking, may enjoy discount rates... So HURRY!!!! :Dancing_wub:

**Terms and conditions apply.
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New Member
Hi all ladies, did any 1 of you take batang fish? I just knw that batang fish = Spanish mackerel... High mecury.. sigh.. Made me worry so much now.. Didn't knw about this so keep eating batang fish fr the past few mths... :(
hi i am new here and just came across this thread. Me too have been eating batang fish and didn't know it was Spanish Mackerel...I usu frequent this sliced fish noodle stall near my work place and during my pregnancy, I asked the seller what type of fish it was, and was told it was batang fish. but she assured me it was ok to consume for pregnant woman. Now i am starting to get worried about reading your post. Pls let me know after you have checked with your gynae cos I have to wait my next appt which is another 3 weeks. thanks



New Member
my girl is 1.7kg now at 32 weeks..
been experiencing very bad backache every since i entered the last tri..
Wondering if anyone share this same prob as me..
and like many of you, bb has been doing her kicking pretty much these days.. and yes, that can be quite uncomfortable..

Let's all jia you and prays for a smooth delivery.. :tlaugh:


good luck to all MTB.........endure the back pain..........is going to over very soon
enjoy the few wk of pregnancy and u will see ur new love soonzzzzzz :)


New Member
Hi Everyone,

Am New to posting. My EDD is 19 Oct. But I am already feeling very restless, can't wait for the day to come.

This will be my second child and am looking forward to the big day.



Well-Known Member
Hi all, it is 34th week for me. Hoping both babies will weigh at least 2kg when I go for my next visit on Tuesday.

I've a scheduled C-section on 10 Oct, but hoping that both twins will be head down by then so that I can try for natural delivery.


New Member
All the mummies out there, JIA YOU!!!
I am sure the raising of child process is tired, but this is what only mummy can tahan and this is why you all are so great and incredible!!
anyway, something you can prepare for the future for your babies is to opt cordblood banking, it increase the chances to cure diseases (choy!) i saw from the ad on mummysg that cordlife is having a talk on 2nd oct, and there is a baby bazaar and most imptly, bring along your gynae card and admission is FREEE!!! :D

lots of love
i just went for check up on tuesday. but as im susidize patient, my gynae is always diff every time. so this week i met a male gyane. i cant remember his name. but after hearting baby heart beat and everything. he told me im 32 weeks. i didnt really pay attention but after i left his office while waiting to pay $. i was counting. im by right 36 weeks soon. why 32 weeks? -_-. and the previous check up i went alraedy say im 32+ 33weeks. so funny de. now im confused. and he gave me another appt at 14th oct but my EDD is 9th oct. i went to ask the nurse. she told me say anytime nearing my EDD just prepare my things and get ready to come to the hospital unless i reach my EDD and has not deliver then come for the 14th oct check up.

just to clarify my doubts. so am i 36 or 32 weeks? and is it safe to pass my EDD?


New Member
one more week to end of sept.

hope all mums for oct are feeling fine.

i have difficulty sleeping at night nowadays. hard to catch more than few hours sleep. tend to wake up every 3-4 hours.. sigh.. wonder when will be the big day.