
Well-Known Member
hi mummies! just went to kk for my 1st check up ytd. doctor didnt say much. took urine test, ultra sound and blood test. now my arm bruise. nurse couldnt find my veins. haha. they didnt say much. saw my baby. so cute. haha. its around 15.5weeks. so my EDD has bring forward to 9th october. ^^ around my birthday too. haha. i didnt took up the down syndrome test cos doctor told me its only 50%-60% accurant and its not necessary for me. so decided to skip it.
total bill after subsidise is $100.70. should be for this time round only cos of so many test. my folic acid given by my gp is finishing already and ytd saw my baby thru ultrasound too happy until forget ask doctor for more. am i suppose to continue taking it or can stop after i finish it?
actually u can start on multivits instead.. coz 2nd trimester already. umm.. KKH prescribed obimin prenatal multivits.. u can easily get it in watsons.. esp if its not convenient for u to go dwn and get it.



me feeling better. MS still comes and goes but not on daily basis. have slightly more energy now, but cannot really "fly" yet. hahaha. the other day while having a nap I dreamt that I gave birth to twin boys! Hoping for a girl + boy twin but will only find out in about 4 weeks. it's such a long wait.

recently went for my not test & blood test. not test went well. If clinic doesn't call me earlier to go down then I assume my blood test is okay too.

I feel like I also need to buy a lot of things, but it seems like I have most of what we need. It's endless. everytime you go shopping you keep wanting to buy more things!
Hahaha...i see. So what do we actually need? diapers, milk bottles, cot?, which cloth use to wrap them up? what kind of baby wash is good? tub? powder? medicated oil? Hahaha gosh!

And i'm so keen and curious how my baby will look like. hahaha...dreamt of that too. A ridiculous one appeared, a real combination of individual features fr both me and hubby. Like those computerise put together. hahaha


Well-Known Member
Hahaha...i see. So what do we actually need? diapers, milk bottles, cot?, which cloth use to wrap them up? what kind of baby wash is good? tub? powder? medicated oil? Hahaha gosh!

And i'm so keen and curious how my baby will look like. hahaha...dreamt of that too. A ridiculous one appeared, a real combination of individual features fr both me and hubby. Like those computerise put together. hahaha
LOL! there's actually a long list of things to be bought..


Well-Known Member
For me the essentials are:

NB clothes, especially those with front button/snaps. - Baby's cord stump need tender care, plus neck not very strong yet, so not a gd idea to get tops that need to wear thru the head.

Mittens & socks - personally I prefer socks to booties cause they not so easy to come off

Diapers - cloth or disposables up to u!

Wet wipes - to clean poo poo, but some mummies prefer to just rinse it at the basin.

Diaper cream - Desitin creamy is my recommendation.

Milk bottles - optional. If u wanna BF & u got sore nipples or what and want to express, u got a bottle.

Towels - bathtime!

Bathtub with stand - life saver for me. Don't need to bend down.

Swaddler - for me I used cloth nappies to wrap cause they r thin & cooling. If u sleep in air con room u can buy those swaddlers.

Cot + bedding - pillow is not necessary, but some will give those "donut" pillows. Quilt/blanket is not recommended due to risk of SIDS. for me I did use blanket, but I tucked it under the mattress so that it won't move & cover until slightly above baby's waist. However, based on experience I think if I use a sleeping bag or swaddler it should warm sufficiently, even with air con.

Sling/carrier - Didn't touch the pram until about 6 months old, unless I was going for grocery shopping or need to walk for very long. A carrier was good for me as baby felt comfortable sleeping inside & I didn't need to push a pram through crowded malls. If u push a pram into the lift pple kinda give u dirty look.

I personally don't think any body wash is necessary for NBs, cause their skin is delicate & they're not active. So u don't really need to "clean" them. Clear water should be fine. If u must u can get those PH balanced one. Strongly not recommend J & J, girl had irritated skin after that, and a lot of mummies also same problem.

I think these shld be sufficient for the first few months. Anything else can just get ur husband to run a quick errand, or u can do it when u bring baby out for PD appointments. :)


wow PinkDiamonds!
Hahaha...A very very big thk you to u! My gosh! Thats quite a list! i guess all the first time mummy here will be so thkful to u!

Thks thks thks!:shyxxx:


Well-Known Member
wow PinkDiamonds!
Hahaha...A very very big thk you to you! My gosh! Thats quite a list! i guess all the first time mummy here will be so thkful to you!

Thks thks thks!:shyxxx:
If you have friends/relatives who are giving you baby stuff, best to collect them or ask them what they will be giving you. For my 1st pregnancy we had a lot of hand-me-downs so we literally didn't have to buy a single baby item! :tlaugh:


If you have friends/relatives who are giving you baby stuff, best to collect them or ask them what they will be giving you. For my 1st pregnancy we had a lot of hand-me-downs so we literally didn't have to buy a single baby item! :tlaugh:
oh....tats really nice of them. haha, currently, we don't have anyone passing down things...


New Member
i believe all mummies are already at 2nd tri, hope everyone is getting better from all the morning sickness.

i have been feeling very tired all the time and also getting heartburn and feeling tight around the chest area.

going for detail scanning on 25th may.

now tummy getting more obvious, now like a bit unbalance when walking

hubby ask our doc on the last visit , he say 90% confirm boy, :wong19:

hope time can pass faster, can't wait to see ds.


Well-Known Member
i believe all mummies are already at 2nd tri, hope everyone is getting better from all the morning sickness.

i have been feeling very tired all the time and also getting heartburn and feeling tight around the chest area.

going for detail scanning on 25th may.

now tummy getting more obvious, now like a bit unbalance when walking

hubby ask our doc on the last visit , he say 90% confirm boy, :wong19:

hope time can pass faster, can't wait to see dear son.

yes finally i hit the 2nd trimester mark! MS is almost gone but comes and goes. I feel slightly more energetic, but still need to stop for a break often.

My detail scan will only be next month, but next appt at 16 weeks coming soon! Hope can see bb's gender


New Member
hi! my bb due oct 13th! now bb is 17 weeks old liao (abt 4mnths) n doc say 90% is boy... my ms oni left abt 20% but still having bleeding gums. tried afew diff types of fruits but now stick to apple cuz wont get sick of it. lucky my appetite still normal but haven put on weight. bb bump didnt show till abt last week,frenz all still cant c it cuz im i got abit of 'cushion' haha... tey say look like beer belly... my doc is adelina wong frm tmc n till now,she is great,can feel tat she as excited as me abt my bb. juz wondering if there r any single mothers in this thread... can pm me cuz need some advise financially... n any preggy mums got job lobang anot...


Well-Known Member
hi! my baby due oct 13th! now baby is 17 weeks old (about 4mnths) n doc say 90% is boy... my ms oni left about 20% but still having bleeding gums. tried afew diff types of fruits but now stick to apple cuz wont get sick of it. lucky my appetite still normal but have not put on weight. baby bump didnt show till about last week,frenz all still cant c it cuz im i got abit of 'cushion' haha... tey say look like beer belly... my doc is adelina wong frm Thomson Medical Center n till now,she is great,can feel that she as excited as me about my baby. just wondering if there r any single mothers in this thread... can pm me cuz need some advise financially... n any preggy mums got job lobang anot...
Hi & congrats!
me & pinkdot are also seeing Dr Adelina Wong! agree that she is a very good gynae and very reassuring.


Hi & congrats!
me & pinkdot are also seeing Dr Adelina Wong! agree that she is a very good gynae and very reassuring.
Hi ladies, I'm new in this chat... :) My due date also during Oct: 9Oct... Can't wait to go fr my detailed scan... Can I check with you ladies, did any of u stopped watching action, violence, ghost shows? Is it advisable to stop watching all these shows? My frd said cannt watch all these... I'm a bit worried because I have watched a few shows that are a bit violence...


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, I'm new in this chat... :) My due date also during Oct: 9Oct... Can't wait to go fr my detailed scan... Can I check with you ladies, did any of you stopped watching action, violence, ghost shows? Is it advisable to stop watching all these shows? My friend said cannt watch all these... I'm a bit worried because I have watched a few shows that are a bit violence...
haha.. as long as u never jump.. shld be ok..


New Member
Hi to all the mummies in here,
I'm new to this website and forum so wld love to say hello first..
Also preggers...with 2nd bub and EDD is 13 Oct - same as star_star?!
Do most of you obey the confinement regimes and methods or do you go ahead to do your own thing after delivery?
Coz 1st kid was born in Australia and I didn't go through the traditional confinement procedures...


Well-Known Member
Hi to all the mummies in here,
I'm new to this website and forum so wld love to say hello first..
Also preggers...with 2nd bub and EDD is 13 Oct - same as star_star?!
Do most of you obey the confinement regimes and methods or do you go ahead to do your own thing after delivery?
Coz 1st kid was born in Australia and I didn't go through the traditional confinement procedures...
hi!! welcome~~~

i'm expecting my no. 2 too.. i obeyed 100% the first round.. herb baths with ginger.. ginger in all my drinks.. even drank vinegar from the pig trotters!

going to cheat a little this round.. can't stand not having a proper shower.. and gulp down gallons of water..

as long as u eat properly.. i think thats the most impt thing.
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