EDD in Sept 2011


Been trying to look up websites for inspiration but so far still dont seem to find anything suitable.

My daughter's name is similar to mine so I hope didi's name will also be similar to his daddy (Jason) but almost everyone suggests Jayden to me... -_-"
lol~ jayden quite common nowadays.. hmm... try asking ur hubby for suggestion? my boiboi de name is hubby gif de.. ^^


Active Member
lol~ jayden quite common nowadays.. hmm... try asking ur hubby for suggestion? my boiboi de name is hubby gif de.. ^^
My hubby will end up making fun of his own surname -.-"
I actually like single syllable names but he says they dont match his surname ~ Poh
So if really cannot think maybe will end up naming didi as Jaylen =.="


My hubby will end up making fun of his own surname -.-"
I actually like single syllable names but he says they dont match his surname ~ Poh
So if really cannot think maybe will end up naming didi as Jaylen =.="
lolx~ ur hubby so funny. jux e opposite cox i'll make fun of my hubby surname ~ cheong (which is zhang in chinese), den i always tell him wan name our son zhang lang (crockroach) if he doesn't come up wit something.. xD

but jaylen sounds nice too.. ^^


Active Member
lolx~ ur hubby so funny. jux e opposite cox i'll make fun of my hubby surname ~ cheong (which is zhang in chinese), den i always tell him wan name our son zhang lang (crockroach) if he doesn't come up wit something.. xD

but jaylen sounds nice too.. ^^
I used to make fun of his surname too during first pregnancy. Chinese is Fu
I told him better to name our bb fu po (rich woman) than fu qian (pay money)
LOL~ Our daughter's name is unique so I hope can find something meaningful (as in close to his dad's name) and unique too.


I'm baaaaaack! :)
went to Tampines 1 to find... price range between $16.90 - $19.90. But i end up buying one not filled with bean husks, but filled with non-toxic beads. feels the same as the husks one, the beads are tiny ones like green bean. I chose this one cos' can wash the whole pillow. It's small so can just chuck in washing machine. the husk one cannot wash.


New Member
Thanks Triquetra for the infor on Combi.

Mummies, is any of your bb still in breech position in 30 weeks plus?

Mine is still in that position at 34 weeks..*worry*..
hello mummies... do u feel like depressed? I feel so.. I dun noe y... mayb bcos I stayed at hm n do nth but lie on the bed only... sometimes I jus feel like crying.... isit normal=(
I used to make fun of his surname too during first pregnancy. Chinese is Fu
I told him better to name our bb fu po (rich woman) than fu qian (pay money)
LOL~ Our daughter's name is unique so I hope can find something meaningful (as in close to his dad's name) and unique too.
my hubby's surname is Chua - cai... he say he wana name the bb Robert Cai tou if its a boy... n Cai xin -a kind of vegetable if its a girl...lols.


Active Member
Thanks Triquetra for the infor on Combi.

Mummies, is any of your bb still in breech position in 30 weeks plus?

Mine is still in that position at 34 weeks..*worry*..
I am going 31 weeks but last night my bb was still doing somersaults in my tummy -_-"
HUGE turns and movements~


Active Member
hello mummies... do u feel like depressed? I feel so.. I dun noe y... mayb bcos I stayed at hm n do nth but lie on the bed only... sometimes I jus feel like crying.... isit normal=(
Spend some time with ur daughter? Or go shopping?
Try to distract urself from your pregnancy. Watch some make up tutorials etc etc
I think it's normal, sometimes I will also feel emo suddenly :)
chocobaby... ooo nice! :) glad u found ur pillow for your son :001_302:

hi nilebaby, when its ur EDD date? have facebook? :001_302::001_302:

haha talking about the surname.. my hubby is lim.. so its lim kopi lim teh lim etc etc :001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302:
Spend some time with ur daughter? Or go shopping?
Try to distract urself from your pregnancy. Watch some make up tutorials etc etc
I think it's normal, sometimes I will also feel emo suddenly :)
if i m allowed to go out i thnk i wun feel so bad... but problem is i m not allowed... make me feels so bad n depressed....=(((
hello mummies... do u feel like depressed? I feel so.. I dun noe y... mayb bcos I stayed at hm n do nth but lie on the bed only... sometimes I jus feel like crying.... isit normal=(
yes i get easily depressed too but i will try to tell myself not too its abit hard especially when i want to get something for my little one and i will think twice as i dont have the cash... :(

dont think too hard.. we are here for u too :) its the last leg to run :)
I am going 31 weeks but last night my bb was still doing somersaults in my tummy -_-"
HUGE turns and movements~
ouch!!! i had that and she will push her leg up to my tummy and one side just feel very hard..
now she is still quite high up and i feel harder to breath.....


hello mummies... do you feel like depressed? I feel so.. I dont know y... mayb bcos I stayed at hm n do nth but lie on the bed only... sometimes I just feel like crying.... isit normal=(
go download this application funshion.com can watch a lot of shows online!! haha.. won't feel depressed X] i every night go home on that program watch Ji Gong and study at the same time X].. TV for baby.. so she won't kick me

Mummies, is any of your baby still in breech position in 30 weeks plus? Mine is still in that position at 34 weeks..*worry*..
I super regret when i keep coaxing baby to turn weeks ago.. now everyday kick my ribs area there.. PAIN and breathless.. T_T" should coax baby later than earlier else like me.. suffer her wraith *faint*

Oh Yah and nowadays, my tummy FEEL VERY FLAT!! =_=" as if not pregnant liddat.. is this normal? =_=" and i also notice my tummy really went DOWN alot.. BUT hor.. SHE CAN STILL KICK MY RIBS LO!! hopefully it's a sign that she will be very very TALL like her daddy X] but i hate one thing about his family.. they all have BIG calves T.T I find it ugly T.T even the brother thin thin, his calves are HUGE!!
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