EDD in Sept 2011


have to wait for at least 4 months to travel if i m not wrong.... I already master in how to take care of bb le.... have been looking like a monster for 2 yrs le.... wana change within..=D
Huh!! 4 months!?!?! Siao liao!! haha.. means i can't bring baby to Thailand ;_; ownself go!! haha.. X] cos the Cheng Huang Miao need to see the riverboat also .

Maybe due to the position of your baby. My tummy sometimes sharp sharp, sometimes round round, sometimes oval Lolz
Hannor Hannor!!! liddat lo.. orh, that means it's normal X] no need to worry.. haha


Happy August mummies!! Our big day getting closer n closer!! Push all the depression, pains, worries, fat feelings etc aside (i know it's difficult, but just try lah), we're meeting our lil one soon! Yay!!! :) Let's all have some ice-cream today to celebrate!
Happy August mummies!! Our big day getting closer n closer!! Push all the depression, pains, worries, fat feelings etc aside (i know it's difficult, but just try lah), we're meeting our lil one soon! Yay!!! :) Let's all have some ice-cream today to celebrate!
ahahahhahah! yEAH... its august already.! OMG! time flies....=D this month has got 2 public holiday to look forward to before giving birth.... give urself a break yeah... indulged urself a lil before the bb arrived as we will all get busier..! cheers everyone!=D
I want to eat ice-cream but I cant! This weekend going to see the gyne and sure say me again haha…
Need to be on diet… lol…
Yeah it’s just 2 months or less before baby comes out..
I hardly can turn on the bed and even in aircon its so hot..
I have fears on using scissors when I was putting all the new baby clothes together and cutting the price tag.. sigh
Am I being too worried for nothing?
Going to wash all her clothing soon and get ready for hospital stay..


Charlotettan - do u know where i cn buy velcro in sengkang?

Rabbitmummy - ok no ice-cream in tub for u but surely 1 stick cant be so bad?

ive done my last load of washing liao... all put aside in his drawer already. now just need to sort out where to put his diapers, toiletries stuff. wanted to buy the Munchkin diaper organizer (can hang from side of cot) was $50+.... but think again waste $ lah... just to put diapers. so instead i bought some cloth boxes & big square laundry bags from Daiso, $2 each & i will make something like that myself. :) see will work or not....
Charlotettan - do u know where i cn buy velcro in sengkang?

Rabbitmummy - ok no ice-cream in tub for u but surely 1 stick cant be so bad?

ive done my last load of washing liao... all put aside in his drawer already. now just need to sort out where to put his diapers, toiletries stuff. wanted to buy the Munchkin diaper organizer (can hang from side of cot) was $50+.... but think again waste $ lah... just to put diapers. so instead i bought some cloth boxes & big square laundry bags from Daiso, $2 each & i will make something like that myself. :) see will work or not....
Hahaha I am like gaining around 1kg and losing few grams and putting on weight different days.
Maybe later treat myself and its just 5.5 days more to go to no more job!
Stupid manager still ask this and that.. don’t feel like being so kind to him.. but he don’t sign my time table I don’t get my last pay.. sigh

Yeah I also wanted to get that munchkin 59.90 but thinking 5 times as abit ex too…
Charlotettan - do u know where i cn buy velcro in sengkang?

Rabbitmummy - ok no ice-cream in tub for u but surely 1 stick cant be so bad?

ive done my last load of washing liao... all put aside in his drawer already. now just need to sort out where to put his diapers, toiletries stuff. wanted to buy the Munchkin diaper organizer (can hang from side of cot) was $50+.... but think again waste $ lah... just to put diapers. so instead i bought some cloth boxes & big square laundry bags from Daiso, $2 each & i will make something like that myself. :) see will work or not....
try NTUC or daiso ?? shld have???
Hahaha I am like gaining around 1kg and losing few grams and putting on weight different days.
Maybe later treat myself and its just 5.5 days more to go to no more job!
Stupid manager still ask this and that.. don’t feel like being so kind to him.. but he don’t sign my time table I don’t get my last pay.. sigh

Yeah I also wanted to get that munchkin 59.90 but thinking 5 times as abit ex too…

wat prodict of munchkin? have to say 59.90 is ex but r u referring to the organizer or something... if it is... it sure wortth the money..=D


rabbitmummy - tahan ok... few days more.just imagine that he's crazy.then last day can give one super ya-ya papaya look & walk off.stupid man.i have 10 more days to work.cant wait for that & for doc appt!really hoping he'll schedule my c-sect before hari raya.

charlottetan - yah it's the diaper organizer thing. maybe wait a while see if will be on sale. so far i only see Munchkin have it... no other brands.

just had a BIG bowl of cereal with canned peaches then fried 2 eggs omelettes with cheese & milk & a glass of coke! now munching on cookies... sometimes i worry am i eating too much? i think most of it go to my baby... hopefully anyway.
rabbitmummy - tahan ok... few days more.just imagine that he's crazy.then last day can give one super ya-ya papaya look & walk off.stupid man.i have 10 more days to work.cant wait for that & for doc appt!really hoping he'll schedule my c-sect before hari raya.

charlottetan - yah it's the diaper organizer thing. maybe wait a while see if will be on sale. so far i only see Munchkin have it... no other brands.

just had a BIG bowl of cereal with canned peaches then fried 2 eggs omelettes with cheese & milk & a glass of coke! now munching on cookies... sometimes i worry am i eating too much? i think most of it go to my baby... hopefully anyway.
yah.... omg... ur brekkie is so tempting..! anyway... r u still going for c section? or have to wait for ur next checkup???


yah.... omg... ur brekkie is so tempting..! anyway... r u still going for c section? or have to wait for ur next checkup???
then maybe i should buy it? hmmm....

next appt doc will check baby's position then schedule for c-sect. now i still can feel he still sideways. i follow how doc touch here, touch there to check. heheheheh.... but anyway very easy to feel his lil head on my left.
yah... i bought this one too... i bought is last yr at 59.90 also.... still the same price now.. hhahaah... yup... this is incredibly useful... trust me=) i still find it useful till now....=) love it n nv regret getting it....
552-Big.jpg i got this from farlin with my baby cot set. hubby not very willing to get for me to get the munchkin one as i like the first time i saw it.. lol...


Active Member
i dun think i entitled for that as I m on HL... but i still went back to work on n off to clear my work...=( sad...
My director wants to talk to me regarding my maternity leave later -.-"
He has been hinting me to go on ML early... so most probably I will work till end of this month and start my leave on 1 Sep onwards -_-''
rabbitmummy - tahan ok... few days more.just imagine that he's crazy.then last day can give one super ya-ya papaya look & walk off.stupid man.i have 10 more days to work.cant wait for that & for doc appt!really hoping he'll schedule my c-sect before hari raya.

charlottetan - yah it's the diaper organizer thing. maybe wait a while see if will be on sale. so far i only see Munchkin have it... no other brands.

just had a BIG bowl of cereal with canned peaches then fried 2 eggs omelettes with cheese & milk & a glass of coke! now munching on cookies... sometimes i worry am i eating too much? i think most of it go to my baby... hopefully anyway.
yeah last few days also :) i am quite in happy mood also.. Nothing for me here to miss except my 2 admin gals that I had been training them for so long..

Wah that is a nice breakfast :D oops now is lunch time already actually haha feeling hungry…