EDD in Sept 2011

My director wants to talk to me regarding my maternity leave later -.-"
He has been hinting me to go on ML early... so most probably I will work till end of this month and start my leave on 1 Sep onwards -_-''
omg.... then will b one month at hm ???? then give birth??? lame eh.... so selfish of him also.... one shot take HL from now till end of aug then start ur ML..... lols...
yah ... how much is this? this one like can only hold diapers right.... i think the munchkin one better cos of the compartments...
that is what i feel also... i need to pack my baby room soon.. yesterday packing all her clothings from parents.. now left some other sets..

i feel like giving away my manager gift (3 month old navy blue dress)... really make me sick seeing his gift.. dont know whether my hubby allow anot.. not that is not nice but always reminds me how bad 1 year was...


funny only Munchkin have something like that. the one like Farlin I've seen a few... Ikea also have. Just looked online for something like Munchkin... cant find.


Happy August mummies!! Our big day getting closer n closer!! Push all the depression, pains, worries, fat feelings etc aside (i know it's difficult, but just try lah), we're meeting our lil one soon! Yay!!! :) Let's all have some ice-cream today to celebrate!
Ice-cream... ;_; stop making me emo.. baby too big already haha.. but my hubby was great.. he bought me cookies and cream ice cream and we had a mini movie night sharing the tub of ice cream.. :3 but the guilt is sooooo heavy!! X]

I want to eat ice-cream but I cant! This weekend going to see the gyne and sure say me again haha…
Need to be on diet… lol…
Going to wash all her clothing soon and get ready for hospital stay..
Yesterday went into argument mode with my daddy..(not really heated one.. those kind of play play one.. hehe)
he went to the storeroom and see so many baby clothes then he asked me..
"How come haven't wash!? Baby come out wear what?"
Fwah!! super angry dao!!(not really angry la.. lol..) he is the one who ask me don't wash so early one lo!! lolz.. tell me mid August then start washing!! ZOMG!! lol.. then i ask him is it senile liao!!.. X]

just had a BIG bowl of cereal with canned peaches then fried 2 eggs omelettes with cheese & milk & a glass of coke! now munching on cookies... sometimes i worry am i eating too much? i think most of it go to my baby... hopefully anyway.
Your Breakfast is equivalent to my whole day meal O.O

should i buy a baby cot? :bconfused:
if want buy baby cot, maybe consider buy those 3 in one? grow up already can become small bed.
funny only Munchkin have something like that. the one like Farlin I've seen a few... Ikea also have. Just looked online for something like Munchkin... cant find.
yeah lor.. sigh.. the price never change also... sad....

should i buy a baby cot? :bconfused:
its good to have one or play pen type? can also be like 2 in 1.. put mattress in play pen and baby can play inside taking out the mattress etc...

Ice-cream... ;_; stop making me emo.. baby too big already haha.. but my hubby was great.. he bought me cookies and cream ice cream and we had a mini movie night sharing the tub of ice cream.. :3 but the guilt is sooooo heavy!! X]

Yesterday went into argument mode with my daddy..(not really heated one.. those kind of play play one.. hehe)
he went to the storeroom and see so many baby clothes then he asked me..
"How come have not't wash!? Baby come out wear what?"
Fwah!! super angry dao!!(not really angry .. lol..) he is the one who ask me dont't wash so early one !! lolz.. tell me mid August then start washing!! ZOMG!! lol.. then i ask him is it senile !!.. X]
Just now i went down for lunch also wanted to get ice-cream but resisted and tell myself to just drink water.. sigh now craving for something sweet after lunch...

haha your dad is funny :) i will wash them next week :D so happy and keep putting them on my tummy n talk to baby.. my hubby says u ok? i told him i show baby her clothing mah.. she also kick in response :001_302::001_302:

nope actually. but how long can baby sleep in baby cot? my mom say no pt buy baby cot cox at most can sleep 2mths only. her suggestion is buy extra mattress i sleep on floor she sleep wit baby on bed.
why do u sleep on floor and mom sleep with baby on bed???
i thought it will be harder for you to get up if u sleep on floor?