EDD in Sept 2011

At PSB Academy.. I thinking to further my studies after that, lol.. and my hubby say, baby bunny how.. i tell him, throw one side =x give ah gong ah ma look after since both side "snatching" over who to look after.. let them snatch, don't want to entertain :p

No MIL to bother :p xue ge is hashima? the frog innates?
i think for all mothers .... u will feel bu she de to go to sch de... after i go back to work... i will miss my girl so badly... n when i knock off... the first thing is rush hm to hug her.... thats y i duno whether i can go back to study anot... mus really have discipline lo... now still thinking abt it... moreover, my hubby is studying his part time degree.... hais.... thinking thinking....

yes i think is the frog innates.... i will eat like once a week.... cos MIL say... carrying girl must take those tonic so that bb girl skin will b nicenice... duno how true it is. lols
my last day is 10th August.. so no difference to me..
will take time to clean up the room for baby and pack the stuff properly and hope she will like her room.. we painted green as we didnt know will have gal or boy haha green netural...

think i will keep myself very busy.... :we2Randy-git::we2Randy-git::we2Randy-git:

chocolate melts? sounds nice.. feel like trying it during lunch!:shyxxx:'
there goes my weight watching lol.... sigh... what the gyne will say to me this time round....
ehheheheh... ur bb hide issit... cannot see the gender.... well... bb wun b slping with u all? very hard to take care of ur bb in the middle of the night if he/she doesn't slp beside u correct?


my last day is 10th August.. so no difference to me..
will take time to clean up the room for baby and pack the stuff properly and hope she will like her room.. we painted green as we didnt know will have gal or boy haha green netural...

think i will keep myself very busy.... :we2Randy-git::we2Randy-git::we2Randy-git:

chocolate melts? sounds nice.. feel like trying it during lunch!:shyxxx:'
there goes my weight watching lol.... sigh... what the gyne will say to me this time round....
Dont worries you will get a part time job soon after your confinement. everything will be fine! =D


hi to all mummies here.. i'm new here.. jux wondering if anyone actually experience depression throughout their whole pregnancy.. :eek:11:
i cry myself to slp every now and den. dunno how to cope even till now.. :eek:10:


hi to all mummies here.. i'm new here.. jux wondering if anyone actually experience depression throughout their whole pregnancy.. :eek:11:
i cry myself to slp every now and den. dunno how to cope even till now.. :eek:10:
i kind of get depression at the 1st 6months. at the point of time, i just got married, never leave my parents side for long before. cried every night cause i missed my mum and dad and everything at home. Suddenly i feel like im all alone. plus im putting on weight and getting more and more ugly. my current hubby before marry ever have affair outside. but i still forgive him cause he really changed. but im too depressed till i dont believe at all. keep quarrel with him and argue. every night cry and keep blaming why must keep is baby for wad. why must i suffer with all the vomit etc. always think about the bad bad things.

Then one night, i cried again. but i tell my hubby how i feel and what is in my mind. den we talk things out. He must give me attention, show me more care and concern so i wont think too much during my spare time.

You must see what is your problem and where/ who is the key point den from there, talk and solve the problem. must smile and have a cheerful mood so baby come out also will be cheerful too. cause if u sad, baby can feel it also.


chocolate melts? sounds nice.. feel like trying it during lunch!:shyxxx:' there goes my weight watching lol.... sigh... what the gyne will say to me this time round....
Gynae will say : What have you been eating? lolz..

i think for all mothers .... u will feel bu she de to go to sch de... after i go back to work... i will miss my girl so badly... n when i knock off... the first thing is rush hm to hug her.... thats y i duno whether i can go back to study anot... mus really have discipline lo... now still thinking abt it... moreover, my hubby is studying his part time degree.... hais.... thinking thinking....
yes i think is the frog innates.... i will eat like once a week.... cos MIL say... carrying girl must take those tonic so that bb girl skin will b nicenice... duno how true it is. lols
Take it as Hearsay lo.. as long as don't harm baby can liao :D ... i think i will she de go back to school and leave the little monster at home.. haha.. :p go further studies is can get better job, earn more money and buy more toys for her also.. hehe.

hi to all mummies here.. i'm new here.. jux wondering if anyone actually experience depression throughout their whole pregnancy.. :eek:11: i cry myself to slp every now and den. dunno how to cope even till now.. :eek:10:
First few months of pregnancy yes, because i had to grapple with the fact that my dad lost part of his feet, he could no longer be as mobile as he was, his health was deteriorating, and he was getting depressed and worried about his own future which in the end made us all very worried and frustrated thinking how we can help him.. But now he's better and can't wait to see his lil grand daughter.. and i can't believe he showed my hubby a picture of my young young tomboy days... ZOMG!!.. not glamorous at all!!


i kind of get depression at the 1st 6months. at the point of time, i just got married, never leave my parents side for long before. cried every night cause i missed my mum and dad and everything at home. Suddenly i feel like im all alone. plus im putting on weight and getting more and more ugly. my current hubby before marry ever have affair outside. but i still forgive him cause he really changed. but im too depressed till i dont believe at all. keep quarrel with him and argue. every night cry and keep blaming why must keep is baby for wad. why must i suffer with all the vomit etc. always think about the bad bad things.

Then one night, i cried again. but i tell my hubby how i feel and what is in my mind. den we talk things out. He must give me attention, show me more care and concern so i wont think too much during my spare time.

You must see what is your problem and where/ who is the key point den from there, talk and solve the problem. must smile and have a cheerful mood so baby come out also will be cheerful too. cause if u sad, baby can feel it also.
i've tried talking to my hubby bout it but it never turn out well. at the end of the conversation i'll jux feel tat it's jux mi being unreasonable and it never seems to get across to him tat i need attention.
my hubby got a job in a club not long after we got married to deal with the extra expenses of my pregnancy, n i dun even get to see him for more then 4hrs a day. -.-" and during wkends when we're suppose to have more time together, he'll slp till e late aftnoon and most of the time he'll start playing his psp or watch shows online aft he wakes up.. zzz and when i finally start a conversation with him, he'll start to tok bout work, bout e gals there n his fellow bartenders.. n recently he jux told mi tat other then wrk he doesn't know wat to tok to mi about.. it make mi feel lik his burden, even thou i know he doesn't think tat way and thou i know he does care alot but it's jux tat knowing and feeling is different. T.T
hi to all mummies here.. i'm new here.. jux wondering if anyone actually experience depression throughout their whole pregnancy.. :eek:11:
i cry myself to slp every now and den. dunno how to cope even till now.. :eek:10:
y? pardon me for asking... are u facing any problems or difficulties? hubby/bf wasn't with u or wat? wat is the problem u faced that make u cry to urself? care to share? well.... stay cheerful astera... bb needs u... if u feel troubled/depressed/sad bb feel it too...
Take it as Hearsay lo.. as long as don't harm baby can liao :D ... i think i will she de go back to school and leave the little monster at home.. haha.. :p go further studies is can get better job, earn more money and buy more toys for her also.. hehe.
yeah... i hope i can be as strong as u.... yah i noe it dun hurt the bb... hahaah.. but jus miss her lo... ok.. will try to cope with that n go back to sch...=)
i've tried talking to my hubby bout it but it never turn out well. at the end of the conversation i'll jux feel tat it's jux mi being unreasonable and it never seems to get across to him tat i need attention.
my hubby got a job in a club not long after we got married to deal with the extra expenses of my pregnancy, n i dun even get to see him for more then 4hrs a day. -.-" and during wkends when we're suppose to have more time together, he'll slp till e late aftnoon and most of the time he'll start playing his psp or watch shows online aft he wakes up.. zzz and when i finally start a conversation with him, he'll start to tok bout work, bout e gals there n his fellow bartenders.. n recently he jux told mi tat other then wrk he doesn't know wat to tok to mi about.. it make mi feel lik his burden, even thou i know he doesn't think tat way and thou i know he does care alot but it's jux tat knowing and feeling is different. T.T
dun b=( i can understand now... yupp.. dear hubby also got no time for me n my lil girl... he is way too busy on work, business n his part time studies... usually.... I m left alone with my daughter after work... n he return home only like 11 plus... during the weekends... also the same... he go to work/biz/revision n we often quarrel due to no time for me n kids... but after a nice talk... i realise tat.... money is very impt n that he have to chiong on his work/biz/education for a better life for the family....

for your case... yes, mayb cos of the suffering u went thru plushe has got no time for u n that u got no one to turn too.. u will feel depressed... mayb its really ur problem... but dun blame urself... cos i m also like tt... mayb joining this forum is the start for u to feel better=) cos here u meet alot of mummies friends ... there is someone to talk to to voice ur problems n unhappiness here... u receive encouragement from this forum... n mayb u will feel less depress... I hope u feel better after voicing out ur unhappiness n we are here for u=D


dun b=( i can understand now... yupp.. dear hubby also got no time for me n my lil girl... he is way too busy on work, business n his part time studies... usually.... I m left alone with my daughter after work... n he return home only like 11 plus... during the weekends... also the same... he go to work/biz/revision n we often quarrel due to no time for me n kids... but after a nice talk... i realise tat.... money is very impt n that he have to chiong on his work/biz/education for a better life for the family....

for your case... yes, mayb cos of the suffering u went thru plushe has got no time for u n that u got no one to turn too.. u will feel depressed... mayb its really ur problem... but dun blame urself... cos i m also like tt... mayb joining this forum is the start for u to feel better=) cos here u meet alot of mummies friends ... there is someone to talk to to voice ur problems n unhappiness here... u receive encouragement from this forum... n mayb u will feel less depress... I hope u feel better after voicing out ur unhappiness n we are here for u=D
thanx alot.. ^.^ hope i can get a grip of my emotions soon. dun wanna affect my lil precious inside..
can't wait for him to arrived~ =D


i've tried talking to my hubby bout it but it never turn out well. at the end of the conversation i'll jux feel tat it's jux mi being unreasonable and it never seems to get across to him tat i need attention.
my hubby got a job in a club not long after we got married to deal with the extra expenses of my pregnancy, n i dun even get to see him for more then 4hrs a day. -.-" and during wkends when we're suppose to have more time together, he'll slp till e late aftnoon and most of the time he'll start playing his psp or watch shows online aft he wakes up.. zzz and when i finally start a conversation with him, he'll start to tok bout work, bout e gals there n his fellow bartenders.. n recently he jux told mi tat other then wrk he doesn't know wat to tok to mi about.. it make mi feel lik his burden, even thou i know he doesn't think tat way and thou i know he does care alot but it's jux tat knowing and feeling is different. T.T
Dont mind if i ask how old are you and your hubby? my hubby start to help my brother in his business as a bus driver not long after we got married same as your case. for the sake of earning extra money for the baby and other expenses like car etc. but at least im better than you, cause when he drive bus i can follow him but everyday i need to give up my sleeping hours and wake up at 5.30am. whenever he have time, he will slp or play with his iphone game or play ps3. we seldom talk, no topic as well. But if he lack of sleep right? let him sleep. cause if a person lack of sleep, he will hack care everything de. as a women we need to understand their work as well. you can try cooking for him, talk to him about baby process, what is happening to the baby now and then.

But never treat yourself a burden. cause i always tell myself. if one day he dont want me, i still have my baby with me forever. your mind set must be strong! talk to your parents, they will give you support. cause everytime i go home, my daddy and mummy will always ask did they bully u? did they ask u to do this and that? If yes, tell them. My dad says if anything happen i can always go back to my house. i still have the key and im always welcome back.
thanx alot.. ^.^ hope i can get a grip of my emotions soon. dun wanna affect my lil precious inside..
can't wait for him to arrived~ =D
=) sure... when i feel sad or depressed.. i voice it out here/complain here... the man wun understand wat we went thru exactly de...
where will u be delivering? n seeing which doc?=D


Dont mind if i ask how old are you and your hubby? my hubby start to help my brother in his business as a bus driver not long after we got married same as your case. for the sake of earning extra money for the baby and other expenses like car etc. but at least im better than you, cause when he drive bus i can follow him but everyday i need to give up my sleeping hours and wake up at 5.30am. whenever he have time, he will slp or play with his iphone game or play ps3. we seldom talk, no topic as well. But if he lack of sleep right? let him sleep. cause if a person lack of sleep, he will hack care everything de. as a women we need to understand their work as well. you can try cooking for him, talk to him about baby process, what is happening to the baby now and then.

But never treat yourself a burden. cause i always tell myself. if one day he dont want me, i still have my baby with me forever. your mind set must be strong! talk to your parents, they will give you support. cause everytime i go home, my daddy and mummy will always ask did they bully u? did they ask u to do this and that? If yes, tell them. My dad says if anything happen i can always go back to my house. i still have the key and im always welcome back.
we're both 25 n we stay with my parents. (lucky mi.. =D) i can understand he's tired and need his slp but he can reali slp whole day. -.-" lik frm 6am till 430pm and goes back to slp at 8pm till 9pm wakes up n go wrk. so he only spent 30mins eatin dinner with mi, cox i reach home frm wrk at 730pm. >.<
tried talkin to him bout bb, but he always stray back to talk bout his wrk. when i tried doin some planning for bb with him, he'll tell mi u decide lorx.. it's only when i flare up tat he'll try to suggest something.
we're both 25 n we stay with my parents. (lucky mi.. =D) i can understand he's tired and need his slp but he can reali slp whole day. -.-" lik frm 6am till 430pm and goes back to slp at 8pm till 9pm wakes up n go wrk. so he only spent 30mins eatin dinner with mi, cox i reach home frm wrk at 730pm. >.<
tried talkin to him bout bb, but he always stray back to talk bout his wrk. when i tried doin some planning for bb with him, he'll tell mi u decide lorx.. it's only when i flare up tat he'll try to suggest something.
The " u decide lo" and the "talk abt his work" sama sama like my hubby... For wat i noe is... i think they are too tired abt work n need someone to release their unhappiness at work... thats y he talk to u abt work when u talk abt bb and when u ask him to decide something he will ask u back instead... I used to flare at hm when he do that too often.. but now... I start to put myself in his shoes... sometime i jus keep quiet when he talk... when he finish his complaint at work he will listen to me.... well... mayb when u bb arrived le... he will b different? some of the daddies are like this... think positively?=)


we're both 25 n we stay with my parents. (lucky mi.. =D) i can understand he's tired and need his slp but he can reali slp whole day. -.-" lik frm 6am till 430pm and goes back to slp at 8pm till 9pm wakes up n go wrk. so he only spent 30mins eatin dinner with mi, cox i reach home frm wrk at 730pm. >.<
tried talkin to him bout bb, but he always stray back to talk bout his wrk. when i tried doin some planning for bb with him, he'll tell mi u decide lorx.. it's only when i flare up tat he'll try to suggest something.
you see! you are more lucky than me. you are staying with ya parents. so dont depress. talk to them and relax yourself. dont keep thinking too much. everything wll be fine. my hubby is also like this. cause financial and everything i decide. he just need to work and dont need to worries about other things.


The " you decide " and the "talk about his work" sama sama like my hubby... For what i know is... i think they are too tired about work n need someone to release their unhappiness at work... thats y he talk to you about work when you talk about baby and when you ask him to decide something he will ask you back instead... I used to flare at hm when he do that too often.. but now... I start to put myself in his shoes... sometime i just keep quiet when he talk... when he finish his complaint at work he will listen to me.... well... mayb when you baby arrived ... he will b different? some of the daddies are like this... think positively?=)
i guess i jux got too emotionally dependent on him. =/
hope tat things will change when bb arrived..

you see! you are more lucky than me. you are staying with ya parents. so dont depress. talk to them and relax yourself. dont keep thinking too much. everything wll be fine. my hubby is also like this. cause financial and everything i decide. he just need to work and dont need to worries about other things.
my hubby is lucky too cox my mom's a gd cook.. LOL~
he doesn't worry bout anything, i take care of his everything. =x he doesn't even have to worry about bb's medical bill cox i wrk and save up for it. >.<


i guess i jux got too emotionally dependent on him. =/
hope tat things will change when bb arrived..

my hubby is lucky too cox my mom's a gd cook.. LOL~
he doesn't worry bout anything, i take care of his everything. =x he doesn't even have to worry about bb's medical bill cox i wrk and save up for it. >.<
but thanx ladies.. i reali feel so much better now.. =D


we're both 25 n we stay with my parents. (lucky mi.. =D) i can understand he's tired and need his slp but he can reali slp whole day. -.-" lik frm 6am till 430pm and goes back to slp at 8pm till 9pm wakes up n go wrk. so he only spent 30mins eatin dinner with mi, cox i reach home frm wrk at 730pm. >.<
tried talkin to him bout bb, but he always stray back to talk bout his wrk. when i tried doin some planning for bb with him, he'll tell mi u decide lorx.. it's only when i flare up tat he'll try to suggest something.
astera, maybe becoz he works at night, so he tends to sleep more in the day as tong-ing nights is not easy and tiring on the body. some men take much longer time to realise their baby is coming. some men will only start to be really involved in bb when bb is born. during my 1st tri and mid of my 2nd tri, my hb was always working late and very switched off on bb and the pregnancy. it is only when we start to shop around for bb stuff and with my tummy growing bigger, he becomes more involved. he also realised in 2 months time, we will not have couple time anymore and he tries not to work so late and we try to spend more time together. but most of the time, he still works late and I just find activities to occupy my evening time.

try to find activities that can distract you or do some hobbies to cheer yourself up.