EDD in Sept 2011


but thanx ladies.. i reali feel so much better now.. =D
you can bully chocobaby and rabbit mummy by tempting them with FOOD!! nice delicious mouth watering finger licking GOOD food :D muahahahahaha... it'll bring ur mood up and also make them crave!!! CRAVE!!! :D

Rabbitmummy, tried the chocolate meltz already?
you can bully chocobaby and rabbit mummy by tempting them with FOOD!! nice delicious mouth watering finger licking GOOD food :D muahahahahaha... it'll bring ur mood up and also make them crave!!! CRAVE!!! :D

Rabbitmummy, tried the chocolate meltz already?

big bullies!!! lol :) not yet.. i went to eat duck rice and walk 1 hr and now so tired.. haha maybe later or tomorrow then i go try it out...

welcome astera...
all of us have different problems and we can share in forum...
i am fortunate to a hubby who is so happy to get a kid.. she came to us quite a surprise though we had been trying for 4 years before we got her..

for me is my job that having a bad boss making me miserable but end of the day i guess its the choice whether how u want to deal with a problem. Its not easy to juggle work / school / pregnancy / and lack of understanding from manager who is so fake at work. So nice in front of everyone behind backstab u until dont like what.. even ex-director also think she made a wrong choice to hire me.. what did i do deserve such pple? i just want to earn a decent pay and play no politics.. yet i am just a victim of my manager.. i am not even getting my maternity benefits since i am a contractor.. even the govt laws cant protect me.. how miserable i can be in this state? (sorry very long winded)

but to cut the story short its how u look in life.. i might have bad luck with work but i have a good support from hubby. Though we used to do our own things and just sleep but since the baby came along we spend time together and can see how caring my hubby is.... try to see the small things he does and try to get him involved some how to buy things or make him talk to the baby or rub the tummy and even a simple Good bye to baby will make things different...

I made my hubby do that every morning at least at night try to play with baby n talk to her.. and make him make funny noises to her and let her kick him... and let him feel the kicking..

Just sharing my ways of getting him involved... hope something works out for u..
big bullies!!! lol :) not yet.. i went to eat duck rice and walk 1 hr and now so tired.. haha maybe later or tomorrow then i go try it out...

welcome astera...
all of us have different problems and we can share in forum...
i am fortunate to a hubby who is so happy to get a kid.. she came to us quite a surprise though we had been trying for 4 years before we got her..

for me is my job that having a bad boss making me miserable but end of the day i guess its the choice whether how u want to deal with a problem. Its not easy to juggle work / school / pregnancy / and lack of understanding from manager who is so fake at work. So nice in front of everyone behind backstab u until dont like what.. even ex-director also think she made a wrong choice to hire me.. what did i do deserve such pple? i just want to earn a decent pay and play no politics.. yet i am just a victim of my manager.. i am not even getting my maternity benefits since i am a contractor.. even the govt laws cant protect me.. how miserable i can be in this state? (sorry very long winded)

but to cut the story short its how u look in life.. i might have bad luck with work but i have a good support from hubby. Though we used to do our own things and just sleep but since the baby came along we spend time together and can see how caring my hubby is.... try to see the small things he does and try to get him involved some how to buy things or make him talk to the baby or rub the tummy and even a simple Good bye to baby will make things different...

I made my hubby do that every morning at least at night try to play with baby n talk to her.. and make him make funny noises to her and let her kick him... and let him feel the kicking..

Just sharing my ways of getting him involved... hope something works out for u..
after bad luck good things will strike=)))) at least u have a supportive n loving hubby...=)


you can bully chocobaby and rabbit mummy by tempting them with FOOD!! nice delicious mouth watering finger licking GOOD food :D muahahahahaha... it'll bring ur mood up and also make them crave!!! CRAVE!!! :D

Rabbitmummy, tried the chocolate meltz already?
i luv food tooo~ LOL.. but lucky for mi bb's weight is jux nice 1.6kg.. (think i gave my mom a hard time as i was 4kg at birth.. hohoho)
will not cut chocolates n ice creams for anything in the world.. wahahahax~~

welcome astera...
all of us have different problems and we can share in forum...
i am fortunate to a hubby who is so happy to get a kid.. she came to us quite a surprise though we had been trying for 4 years before we got her..

for me is my job that having a bad boss making me miserable but end of the day i guess its the choice whether how you want to deal with a problem. Its not easy to juggle work / school / pregnancy / and lack of understanding from manager who is so fake at work. So nice in front of everyone behind backstab you until dont like what.. even ex-director also think she made a wrong choice to hire me.. what did i do deserve such pple? i just want to earn a decent pay and play no politics.. yet i am just a victim of my manager.. i am not even getting my maternity benefits since i am a contractor.. even the govt laws cant protect me.. how miserable i can be in this state? (sorry very long winded)

but to cut the story short its how you look in life.. i might have bad luck with work but i have a good support from hubby. Though we used to do our own things and just sleep but since the baby came along we spend time together and can see how caring my hubby is.... try to see the small things he does and try to get him involved some how to buy things or make him talk to the baby or rub the tummy and even a simple Good bye to baby will make things different...

I made my hubby do that every morning at least at night try to play with baby n talk to her.. and make him make funny noises to her and let her kick him... and let him feel the kicking..

Just sharing my ways of getting him involved... hope something works out for you..
tried alot of ways to get him involve but none last long enough n since my hubby's wrking at nite, i'm alone every nite, not much time for him to talk to bb.. but evry nite b4 he goes to wrk he'll say gdbye to bb..
i would say i'm pretty lucky at wrk. got a job when i was 5mths, thou i dun get any maternity benefits, e coy been pretty nice to mi n most of e time i wrk alone in e office, no politics to handle.. =D


i luv food tooo~ LOL.. but lucky for mi baby's weight is jux nice 1.6kg.. (think i gave my mom a hard time as i was 4kg at birth.. hohoho)
will not cut chocolates n ice creams for anything in the world.. wahahahax~~
O.O! 4kg!! Wow.. U must have been a notti baby!! haha..

big bullies!!! lol :) not yet.. i went to eat duck rice and walk 1 hr and now so tired.. haha maybe later or tomorrow then i go try it out...
:001_302: my hubby say i very evil also, i told him i recommend you go eat the chocolate meltz when your baby already overweight and he say i very "jik ark" lolz


but evry nite b4 he goes to wrk he'll say gdbye to bb..
Wow, at least he says bye bye to baby before he leaves for work.. Try to put urself in ur hubby's shoes.. It's a night job and he has to flip his timing so that he can support the family.. maybe ask him to find another job so that both of u can spend more time together? No harm trying :)
Wow, at least he says bye bye to baby before he leaves for work.. Try to put urself in ur hubby's shoes.. It's a night job and he has to flip his timing so that he can support the family.. maybe ask him to find another job so that both of u can spend more time together? No harm trying :)
YAH LO!! at least he say byebye to ur bb b4 he leaves... can imagine... its quite sweet isn't it... my hubby dun even do that... sometimes say bb to me also nv.!lols
O.O! 4kg!! Wow.. U must have been a notti baby!! haha..

:001_302: my hubby say i very evil also, i told him i recommend you go eat the chocolate meltz when your baby already overweight and he say i very "jik ark" lolz

haahahahah i going to try that later too! IT SOUNDS SO TEMPTING.hahaahahha


O.O! 4kg!! Wow.. you must have been a notti baby!! haha..
i think so.. lolx.. gave my mom a hard time n was e biggest at birth among all her 4 children.. xD

maybe ask him to find another job so that both of you can spend more time together? No harm trying
ermx~ i used to wrk at nite for 4yrs b4 i was pregnant and i change job cox it's not gd for bb.. so i understand how nite life is. had tried talking him out of this job before he even got it.. was quite against it cox i know e pros and cons very well aft being in it for so long. but he jux tell mi that it's his interest and he do things mainly cox of interest. =(

YAH !! at least he say byebye to your baby before he leaves... can imagine... its quite sweet isn't it... my hubby dont even do that... sometimes say baby to me also never.!lols
mayb u shld try kicking ur hubby.. lolx~ at least mux say byebye to u.. at least my hubby make sure he kiss gdbye to mi which is reali sweet of him.
i think so.. lolx.. gave my mom a hard time n was e biggest at birth among all her 4 children.. xD

ermx~ i used to wrk at nite for 4yrs b4 i was pregnant and i change job cox it's not gd for bb.. so i understand how nite life is. had tried talking him out of this job before he even got it.. was quite against it cox i know e pros and cons very well aft being in it for so long. but he jux tell mi that it's his interest and he do things mainly cox of interest. =(

mayb u shld try kicking ur hubby.. lolx~ at least mux say byebye to u.. at least my hubby make sure he kiss gdbye to mi which is reali sweet of him.
ohhh... envy.... ok la... ur hubby is good to u after all mah... jus that he is tired due to the job thats y he seems not to care... at least he still do the necessary stuff from u all married till now wat... i married for less than 1 yr plus n he only do that for the first few months then stop liao.. hahaahahah


YAH LO!! at least he say byebye to ur bb b4 he leaves... can imagine... its quite sweet isn't it... my hubby dun even do that... sometimes say bb to me also nv.!lols
My hubby will kiss baby and when i'm in pain he'll rub tummy and ask baby don't be notti.. other times, he just on songs to stimulate baby and then he'll look at my tummy "dance" and then laugh.

haahahahah i going to try that later too! IT SOUNDS SO TEMPTING.hahaahahha
My hubby will kiss baby and when i'm in pain he'll rub tummy and ask baby don't be notti.. other times, he just on songs to stimulate baby and then he'll look at my tummy "dance" and then laugh.

u all making me so jealous.... i gonna complain to me huby tonight for not doing the necessary stuff !! LOLS! N YES carisella! I M SO SURE that i gonna get the melts TONIGHT.. ahahahaha


ohhh... envy.... ok la... ur hubby is good to u after all mah... jus that he is tired due to the job thats y he seems not to care... at least he still do the necessary stuff from u all married till now wat... i married for less than 1 yr plus n he only do that for the first few months then stop liao.. hahaahahah
i'm married for 4mths plus onli.. =x

My hubby will kiss baby and when i'm in pain he'll rub tummy and ask baby dont't be notti.. other times, he just on songs to stimulate baby and then he'll look at my tummy "dance" and then laugh.
i mux admit tat is soo cute... LOL~ it never fail to bring a smile to my face when i c my tummy 'dance' or when i feel bb pokin at my tummy.. =D

Btw, anyone planning to give birth at mount alvernia? wat r e charges like? need prepare enough cash.. >.<
i'm married for 4mths plus onli.. =x

i mux admit tat is soo cute... LOL~ it never fail to bring a smile to my face when i c my tummy 'dance' or when i feel bb pokin at my tummy.. =D

Btw, anyone planning to give birth at mount alvernia? wat r e charges like? need prepare enough cash.. >.<
good enuff=DDD heeheh YESYES! *raise hand* me me! i will b going back to mount alvernia!=D i may bump into u!=) ahahahah u edd so near my edd=D lols


wah..... i gone for few hours u all talk for 2 pages liao! hehehehe....

fiong88 - im taking ML 4 weeks before EDD.cannot tahan lah... peak hours, my feet like balloon, breathless.... no mood to work already. just going to keep myself busy by day dreaming about baby. hehehehe.... maybe go for some pre-natal class about breastfeeding. (KK have a few workshops for mummies) Go swimming, eat, watch movie, eat, yoga, eat.... whatever u like to do to relax.

astera - welcome! anytime u wanna let out ur feelings & noone to talk to, come here & let it all out ok. :)


good enuff=DDD heeheh YESYES! *raise hand* me me! i will b going back to mount alvernia!=D i may bump into u!=) ahahahah u edd so near my edd=D lols
oh great!! bb n mommy all got companion.. r u goin for 2bedded or 4bedded? i'm optin for 4bedded cox i scare.. LOL~

heard the prices online ain't veri reliable worx.. cox i dun have much cpf for deduction so need prepare enough cash go down.. >.<


you can bully chocobaby and rabbit mummy by tempting them with FOOD!! nice delicious mouth watering finger licking GOOD food :D muahahahahaha... it'll bring ur mood up and also make them crave!!! CRAVE!!! :D

Rabbitmummy, tried the chocolate meltz already?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! i just saw this! u ah!!