EDD Jan 2013


Morning mummies!

Asphere:we tahan today and tmr..Friday can see our boy!Hehehe!I also wanna buy insurance which reminds me that LeeTham got intro me someone to buy frm.

Aksoh:I also feel so sian totally dint want to drag myself out of bed to come work.Weather so hot air quality also no gd..if my boss nv promise to drive out for lunch and buy me laoban beancurd today I wont even wanna come..But if today dont come fri I on leave cos of appt,I will miss 2 days of work liao.Will feel bad!=(

Diydee:Very fast end one(I wish)..tmr u on leave alrdy.I got to tahan till Friday than on leave.Super sian...feel like keng half day today..but dunno what reason to give.Lol


Apshere: so good. Can see your boy on Friday. Short week for you.

Hikari: you also short week. Seeing your boy on Friday. I didn't feel the heat of today. Maybe cause I left home even before sun rise. But I was shivering last night. Don't know why so cold. And I was only using fan. I am stoning at my seat. Going to fall asleep soon.


Asphere:Fri u taking whole day?My appt at 10.30am so I think I have to take whole day.Hahaha.So I cannot keng too.

Aksoh:Haha you sleep with only fan?I every night air con plus fan..Actually air con cold enough alrdy but I cant slp without the sound of my fan blowing.I am sooo weird right!I think my mind is complete blan today.Idk hw to sit through until 5.30pm.Sian


Thanks, go home and see, my workplace alot if website restricted haha.
Like as though im in school.

Tmrw i on leave, friday back to work.
Should have just taken thursday and friday.
FASTER 5.30PM :(


Hikari: yup. I only sleep with fan. But 2 fans nowadays. Hahaha. I also want aircon. But my mil say that unless we go buy ourselves. Her room have aircon. My sil buy for her de. But the compressor only support 1 unit. So if I want 1 more unit. Then I have to change her aircon as well. Then I rather dont want aircon. Anyway for years I have not been using aircon already. Quite used to it. So I am okay. Hahhah. Just only scare during confinement. I cannot tahan.


Diydee: that's why I don't bother to apply Internet access for my workstation. I rather use my phone. My side restrictions is totally crazy. Even hotmail also restricted.


Active Member
Aksoh: my company also ban alot of sites. i cant fb i cant go yahoo mail all that..

LeeTham: I buying later. ask my agent to get all document ready later i sign can liao.. haha
you also get the pru 1st gift?


LeeTham: thought of that. But my room window is facing corridor. I don't want to cause any trouble to the neighbor.


Active Member
haha i cant even rem those details.. just know that i bought for my #1 so now wanna buy for #2 haha..
cant wait for lunch :D


LeeTham:I rmb CNY always raining one.Bo bi bo bi..hope cooling weather throughout hehe!

Aksoh:Wahliew poor thing so many restrictions lucky my workplace everyone bo chup.I guess Im lucky.Haha.I cannot sleep with aircon cos my Hub cannot also.He very easy sweat one..if he feel too warm whole night sure cannot sleep and keep tossing in bed end up I cant slp also..always we sleep he sure turn the aircon until very strong and than nv wear top..me hide in blanket like heibi.Haha!

Asphere:I think our everyday mentality is come to work.Wait for lunch..after lunch wait for 5.30pm.

Diydee:The reason why I always take appt on Friday its cos I want long weekend..if not in btwn on leave and come back to work super sian!


2 more hours to lunch!! It's like forever.

LeeTham: yup. Maybe I will pester my hus to get me a cooler. I hope to have my own house real soon.


Active Member
yah drag to work. look forward to lunch then look forward to 530.. haha
so slpy wor... 1 more hr then i can get out of office.. woo hoo.. 1 hr of enjoyment~~


Asphere & Aksoh:
Same can't access my own email and facebook too.
There will be a page to remind us that we are being monitored.
Unlike my previous company any website also can.


Active Member
haha ur also ar.. being monitored... sometime i find it ridiculous to ban the sites. but well too much black sheeps around haha