EDD Jan 2014

Preggers usually have some amount of discharge, it's normal. But those kind that you should be worried are the very brown type and almost reddish or completely red. It may or may not be accompanied by cramps and it may or may not imply that you have an impending miscarriage (touch wood). It just means that you should voice out your concern to your gynae, have it checked and rest, rest, rest.

i understand your feelings. My current boss also more or less typical type as what you describe. He did mention to me like this and said he is just giving me advice. He said i should pay full attention to my career first and achieve something before i have any family planning. He even told me how her wife struggle between work and kids. He himself has 3 kids. Now he is asking people not to have kids and "cheong" for him!! Everytime i think of this it just make me frustrated. Now i have been pregnant for 5 weeks more. i still keep this from him. i guess he will not happy when he hear that news from me. He just keep pushing new tasks on me only, in a sense to stress me and dun let me be pregnant. He is way of sarcastic during our 1-1 session and i just reply him: "you discriminate on pregnant woman!" He just laugh it off and say No, he is not. Till the day comes, i still dunno how to break the news to him. It really create sort of invisible pressure on my pregnancy.;(
Hi Bii, i totally understand what u mean, my boss never wants to talk to us about all these stuff. Even when my colleague's grandparents passed away, she could even comment stuff like orh how many grandparents do u have ? cos her paternal grandmother n grandfather passed on 6mths after the other. We were all shocked to hear such comments from her. she is those who dont mingle around or even talk to us, she just inform us. That's y i doesnt wanna worsen the situation.
I tried to switch department within the organisation but she refuse to release me over =.=''
Sooner or ltr u'll need to break the news so maybe think of a nice way to break the news to her. I didnt dare to see her expression so i broke the news to her through Office communicator and she never bring this topic up face to face. Even when i need to leave on time she will tell me to ensure i clear all my stuff for the day and sent her a email before i leave for the day :elvis:

Wish u luck, hope things will be better off from ur end :001_302:
Oops sorry I didnt read till here and replied but I see you found dr tan's details already..

I'm very happy with dr tan as I mentioned I was already seeing him before so it didn't cross my mind to change gynae..

He's patient, has an email for you to contact him with further questions and he responds promptly.. his nurse is very friendly too..

So far I've never had long waits for any appointment ..
Hi Ajcy, yup manage to find him on google :001_302: his timing was good since he is open in the evening, it's better for my schedule :Dancing_tongue:May i check with you if you are aware which hospital is he affiliated to ? cos i've very bad experience with one of the private hospital.


Jasminetay, I think I saw my alvernia and Thomson medical on the reception area.. I only looked out for my alvernia .. Monday I'll look out when I go for scan :)

Mummies, please pray/send good vibes cos I just had to have the injection cos had heavy staining today but no cramps or other symptoms so dr said to keep to Monday's scan..


Active Member
ajcy:797705 said:
Jasminetay, I think I saw my alvernia and Thomson medical on the reception area.. I only looked out for my alvernia .. Monday I'll look out when I go for scan :)

Mummies, please pray/send good vibes cos I just had to have the injection cos had heavy staining today but no cramps or other symptoms so dr said to keep to Monday's scan..
Take care my dear, any cause for the staining?? Any medication?
Jasminetay, I think I saw my alvernia and Thomson medical on the reception area.. I only looked out for my alvernia .. Monday I'll look out when I go for scan :)

Mummies, please pray/send good vibes cos I just had to have the injection cos had heavy staining today but no cramps or other symptoms so dr said to keep to Monday's scan..
Greatly appreciated and thanks alot for your prompt reply. Will appreciate if you r able to help me keep a look out.

Please becareful and take care of urself, wish u all the best. Any reason for staining ?
Me too.... push away food, my mum(im only child) understands if i push away the food she cooked, then she will find something else for me,

Sadly to say, ny MIL who had 3 sons including hubby, dont understand this, keep saying why dont eat, fish not smelly, this nice tat nice, must eat more.... how i wish i can puke in front of her to protest..... then i will kick hubby to rescue me...

Btw cold water really helps, although we cant take cold water, i take it real slow, then followed by another glass of warm water to neutralize
My soon to be MIL is like that. She will keep on pushing the food for me to eat. good thing i'm not staying there yet permanently so i can still whatever i want to eat. My HTB is nice enough to understand this and tell me not to eat if i really don't feel like eating. he's just strict with milk and my vitamins, but he's quite relax with the food since he knows that it's not really my fault.


Active Member
chiching8256:797721 said:
Me too.... push away food, my mum(im only child) understands if i push away the food she cooked, then she will find something else for me,

Sadly to say, ny MIL who had 3 sons including hubby, dont understand this, keep saying why dont eat, fish not smelly, this nice tat nice, must eat more.... how i wish i can puke in front of her to protest..... then i will kick hubby to rescue me...

Btw cold water really helps, although we cant take cold water, i take it real slow, then followed by another glass of warm water to neutralize
My soon to be MIL is like that. She will keep on pushing the food for me to eat. good thing i'm not staying there yet permanently so i can still whatever i want to eat. My HTB is nice enough to understand this and tell me not to eat if i really don't feel like eating. he's just strict with milk and my vitamins, but he's quite relax with the food since he knows that it's not really my fault.
Usually hubby is more understanding than anybody else.... i dont stay with PIL, just that always ask her dun cook so much, as I can't eat much, so she will "force", luckily hubby will rescue


ajcy, please take care! Lie down if possible and reduce walking around or carrying heavy stuffs. Sending lots of good vibes and positiveness to you and baby! :red:
Jasminetay, I think I saw my alvernia and Thomson medical on the reception area.. I only looked out for my alvernia .. Monday I'll look out when I go for scan :)

Mummies, please pray/send good vibes cos I just had to have the injection cos had heavy staining today but no cramps or other symptoms so dr said to keep to Monday's scan..
Jia you!! Ya, I think bed rest is key nw, nothing is more impt than urself nw, plus there is nthg much u can do to help other than to rest, so try to put everything aside n rest! Jia you ajcy!
Hi ajcy, how are you today? Hope no more staining...just take a very good rest. No movements unless necessary. Bedrest is the key now...will continue to pray for you


Thanks mummies, today seems ok so far.. doc said the injection is useful up to 48h so tomorrow will be the test.. yup just staying in and resting

Only thing is partner is overseas but I asked him to try to come over to go for scan on Monday with me cos I still feel a bit sacred even if we want to tthink positive ..

Hope all other mummies are feeling great :)


Active Member
So are you going for the test alone, get someone to accompany you then.... stay positive, you can always talk here....


Preggers usually have some amount of discharge, it's normal. But those kind that you should be worried are the very brown type and almost reddish or completely red. It may or may not be accompanied by cramps and it may or may not imply that you have an impending miscarriage (touch wood). It just means that you should voice out your concern to your gynae, have it checked and rest, rest, rest.
Thanks for ur advices, Rockmy baby


Hi Bii, i totally understand what u mean, my boss never wants to talk to us about all these stuff. Even when my colleague's grandparents passed away, she could even comment stuff like orh how many grandparents do u have ? cos her paternal grandmother n grandfather passed on 6mths after the other. We were all shocked to hear such comments from her. she is those who dont mingle around or even talk to us, she just inform us. That's y i doesnt wanna worsen the situation.
I tried to switch department within the organisation but she refuse to release me over =.=''
Sooner or ltr u'll need to break the news so maybe think of a nice way to break the news to her. I didnt dare to see her expression so i broke the news to her through Office communicator and she never bring this topic up face to face. Even when i need to leave on time she will tell me to ensure i clear all my stuff for the day and sent her a email before i leave for the day :elvis:

Wish u luck, hope things will be better off from ur end :001_302:
Hallo, Female boss is like that...can't imagine mine one is a male boss, but he also act that way...sort of selfish boss and doesn't care on employeess..;(


baby cot & bedding set and angelsound fetal hb doppler

Dear mummies.. congrats!! I would to take this opportunity to sell away my baby cot inclusive of bedding set @$160 original price is cot $280 & bedding set @ $39.90. I also have a angelsound fetal hb doppler selling @ $30. Original price is $60. All items self collection at amk ave 10. Please kindly pm me for further details. Thank you!



Missy10:797976 said:
So are you going for the test alone, get someone to accompany you then.... stay positive, you can always talk here....
Yup staying positive! Thanks :)
HTB trying to ask his boss and move his schedule around.. guess I also miss him and want him to be by my side

My mom want me to eat bird's nest, anyone knows of ok?

Gynae told me this sporting/bleeding is nothing do with what I eat or drink .. but I still want to be on safe side..


Active Member
ajcy:798062 said:
Missy10:797976 said:
So are you going for the test alone, get someone to accompany you then.... stay positive, you can always talk here....
Yup staying positive! Thanks :)
HTB trying to ask his boss and move his schedule around.. guess I also miss him and want him to be by my side

My mom want me to eat bird's nest, anyone knows of ok?

Gynae told me this sporting/bleeding is nothing do with what I eat or drink .. but I still want to be on safe side..
you can but not too much, and unless it is home-cooked, not those bottled ones (handling process may have bacteria, after still bird saliva).....
although bird nest is good for mummy n baby skin, but usually they say dont take during 1st tri, as you may have MS, you may vomit out, then wasted, and baby only try to absord nutrient from mummy in 2nd tri