EDD Jan 2014


Active Member
Rzena & ajcy - thanks for the concern...... yeah.... been resting at home.... n try not to walk around..... no appetites for food.... but i just had my 白米粉 at sembawang which i crave for days, luckily i can finish all....
@ajcy - my sis travelled from Bangkok back to Singapore on her second trimester. She's on a high risk pregnancy so the doctor only allowed her to come back during the second trimester. But after that, no travelling for her anymore.


Hi Ajcy, my hubby and I plan to go for our honeymoon during my 2nd trimester!! (yes we have not been to 1 yet!) hehe.. Actually every pregnancy is different. My first gynae said I could continue to fly through my 1st trimester (which he claimed alot of people do though personally I have heard about m/c too) but my 2nd gynae said better not. so who should I listen to.. I prefer to be on the safer side. but comparing the 3 trimester, 2nd trimester would be the best time to fly. just nice before our belly get too big in the 3rd trimester and before the baby comes along :)


ajcy, 4-6weeks is really rather young for the infant to fly. I guess should be ok, just latch the baby during landing/takeoff to help him/her cope with the air pressure change.

As for travelling in your 2nd trimester... if you really have to travel, i think should be ok if your pregnancy is a stable one. Where is the destination? You'll probably have to do some research to find out where is the nearest medical help if choy choy need any while you are there.


Wow super happening here :)
guess all mummies are excited for th next check up?

what did your gynae say abt th spottings? Feeling better now?


Active Member
Diydee:795648 said:
Wow super happening here :)
guess all mummies are excited for th next check up?

what did your gynae say abt th spottings? Feeling better now?
She din say anything as its my first visit to her, but she says no vigorous sex, dun walk much, prescribed me medication for 2 weeks before the next scan.... so now im scare to walk around.... hubby restricted me from staircase, even needed to go out for meal, i will walk real slow.....
Just hope that the clot will disappear and baby to grow healthily


Congrats to all mummies!!.Mine is 4 wk plus....EDD in early Feb 2014.

This is my first pregnancy. Something that quite doubt me..does pregnant woman can consume Huai Shan (Chinese yam) soup...check online it seem like has good and bad comments. Can someone advise here?
Hi Bii, regarding the foods you can eat, there are list of things you can eat but i'm not sure about the chinese yam. When in doubt better see a doctor first before eating. I heard that some foods are actually bad for those who are pregnant.

Hi Gabrielle, if everything is normal and there's no spotting, try to wait I guess around 2 weeks more. I was so excited that I'm pregnant that I immediately see a doctor, ended up the doctor didn't see anything on the first check up. Two days later when I came back, she was able to see the sac and it could have saved me around 300sgd since the first visit cost me around 300 with the blood test and the trans-v scan.


Active Member
chiching8256:795804 said:
Hi Bii, regarding the foods you can eat, there are list of things you can eat but i'm not sure about the chinese yam. When in doubt better see a doctor first before eating. I heard that some foods are actually bad for those who are pregnant.

Hi Gabrielle, if everything is normal and there's no spotting, try to wait I guess around 2 weeks more. I was so excited that I'm pregnant that I immediately see a doctor, ended up the doctor didn't see anything on the first check up. Two days later when I came back, she was able to see the sac and it could have saved me around 300sgd since the first visit cost me around 300 with the blood test and the trans-v scan.
Chiching - @ TMC?? Mine only $260 including consult, medication, scan, hubby blood test
Hi Missy, hope you are feeling better.

my first check up is with raffles women's centre. Had I waited for two days, i could have saved 300SGD. On the second visit when they saw the sac, it cost me another 300. Thus, after that, HTB and I decide to find another gynae since we 300/visit is really too much plus the gynae doesn't have any package. So through another friend's recommendation and feedback online, i have chosen to go to Dr. Ang. My first visit to him is going to be tomorrow. :)


Fay and rzena

Thanks for sharing.. I need to go back to Switzerland where I've relocated and hb is working there..

Hope mummies are feeling better today!!
I was having stitch feeling on my left side the whole night.. I think slept in a wrong position haha

Feb mummies.. Congrats!!


I just came back from my second appointment. I can't believe how much baby has grown! Officially 9 weeks and baby growing on schedule. Crl is now 24.5mm and can see baby's legs and arms already! We saw him kicking a little and even wiggle his body when I laugh.

Going back next month and doctor mentioned there will be blood tests to be done and optional Oscar. Can't wait to see baby again!!


congrats illuz! I was actually contemplating to skip my 9th week scan and directly go for my oscar in the 12th week. But now after reading your post I'm thinking I should just go for the 9th week one just to see baby wiggle and kick legs! :D


Missy 10:
do rest well and get well soon ya!
next scan is in 2weeks, thats fast mine is end of june!

Hows th 2nd pregnancy, i find tt being pregnant th 2nd time is a lot easier just tired tt is hehe.
Is your #1 starting to be clingy?


Active Member
Diydee:796045 said:
Missy 10:
do rest well and get well soon ya!
next scan is in 2weeks, thats fast mine is end of june!

Hows th 2nd pregnancy, i find tt being pregnant th 2nd time is a lot easier just tired tt is hehe.
Is your #1 starting to be clingy?
Diydee, actually there shouldnt be this 2nd scan so early, because gynae suspected i have blood clot, so she just want to make sure