EDD June 2012 Mummies


New Member
Hi all mummy out there.. i was having bad time for the past few week cant really take train and car to travel far place make me wann to vomite and dizzy,As i was working now so have to take train everyday :we2arghh: wonder any mummy have this also.. visit my gyna on the past sat. heard the baby heart beat:001_302: but was still early to know the sex for the baby haha, doc have cfm my EDD is in early June.
Hello oinkbay...

Hope u are feeling better. U got buy any sour plums or those sour preserved foods and put in ur bag?? I think it will help if u feel like vomiting while taking transport. And also put a bottle of medicated oil in ur bag too.

Pls be careful ok? Remember get plenty of rest!

I am about 6 weeks as of now. Went to my gynae few days back and also heard the baby's heartbeat le.. so happy... beep boop beep boop... So amazing... =)

My EDD around early July or late June. Cant wait to know e sex of the baby too! =)


Active Member
Hello oinkbay...

Hope u are feeling better. U got buy any sour plums or those sour preserved foods and put in ur bag?? I think it will help if u feel like vomiting while taking transport. And also put a bottle of medicated oil in ur bag too.

Pls be careful ok? Remember get plenty of rest!

I am about 6 weeks as of now. Went to my gynae few days back and also heard the baby's heartbeat le.. so happy... beep boop beep boop... So amazing... =)

My EDD around early July or late June. Cant wait to know e sex of the baby too! =)
Depends on indiviual mummies... not all pregnant ladies like sourish stuff.. :) You got to observe what help u in nausea... Like me I sip coke & even just by smelling coke I don't feel nausea. Oh ya .. Medicated oil you can use in small amt.. apply on your forehead... not too much on your nose... too much may be harmful to ur baby.

Jia you mummies


New Member
want to sell: Capella S230 premium cony stroller! & Brand new Avent Electronic Breastpump!
Selling Capella S230 premium cony stroller @ $220
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Selling Avent electronic/manual single breastpump @ $160
100% Brand new in packaging!
Comes with Free breast shield!

Prices can be negociated!
Sms @ 98899784​


New Member
I'm 7+ weeks now and have not visit any gynae yet.

Not eating well & sleeping well these days though I feel very tired.


New Member
I want a gynae but have not decided which one. I stay & work in the West area.

He said that NUH is a good option as it's very convenient (esp. after the Circle Line opens) but dont't know which gynae to choose. I also a bit skeptical of NUH's charges, service and expertise as I've read of some horror stories in different forums. However, I'm keeping my options open.

I'm considering Dr Ben Choey (Clementi), Dr Kee Wei Heong (Jurong Point), Dr Selina Chua (Bt Batok), Dr Su Lin Lin or any others (NUH)?


Active Member
I want a gynae but have not decided which one. I stay & work in the West area.

He said that NUH is a good option as it's very convenient (esp. after the Circle Line opens) but dont't know which gynae to choose. I also a bit skeptical of NUH's charges, service and expertise as I've read of some horror stories in different forums. However, I'm keeping my options open.

I'm considering Dr Ben Choey (Clementi), Dr Kee Wei Heong (Jurong Point), Dr Selina Chua (Bt Batok), Dr Su Lin Lin or any others (NUH)?
Hi Moi,

You shouldn't be reading too much actually. You can only take it as a reference on what is written on the forum. Every mummies have their own preference & judgement towards certain gynae. Trust your own judgement & instinct to choose one gynae among these.

Personally , I think it's best for you to start seeing a gynae asap so you can get those sufficient supplement & scans to ensure that baby's all well. By 8wk... you should be able to hear baby's heartbeat already.

Unfortunately, I am staying in the east so I can't recommend you any gynae in the west. Jia You!


New Member
I want a gynae but have not decided which one. I stay & work in the West area.

He said that NUH is a good option as it's very convenient (esp. after the Circle Line opens) but dont't know which gynae to choose. I also a bit skeptical of NUH's charges, service and expertise as I've read of some horror stories in different forums. However, I'm keeping my options open.

I'm considering Dr Ben Choey (Clementi), Dr Kee Wei Heong (Jurong Point), Dr Selina Chua (Bt Batok), Dr Su Lin Lin or any others (NUH)?


This is my 3rd pregnancy. I lost my first one at 19weeks in 2010 and I delivered my 2nd pregnancy in Jan this year and Now I am preggy again and my edd will be June 2012. I am following up with gynae in NUH under Prof Biswas who is expert in high risk pregnancy. NUH is not that bad as ppl think or perceived. I feel that the staff in the clinic is really friendly and they remember you by ur name which I felt like home ;). For Prof Biswas, he is a experience and beri patience gynae also beri reassuring. HIs waiting time at times can be quite long, say abt 1 hr but normally I get to see him in 30mins upon registering. Dr Su lin Lin is also another good option, I heard a lot of good feedback abt her. Hope this help in your decision to choose your gynae ;)


New Member

This is my 3rd pregnancy. I lost my first one at 19weeks in 2010 and I delivered my 2nd pregnancy in Jan this year and Now I am preggy again and my edd will be June 2012. I am following up with gynae in NUH under Prof Biswas who is expert in high risk pregnancy. NUH is not that bad as ppl think or perceived. I feel that the staff in the clinic is really friendly and they remember you by ur name which I felt like home ;). For Prof Biswas, he is a experience and beri patience gynae also beri reassuring. HIs waiting time at times can be quite long, say abt 1 hr but normally I get to see him in 30mins upon registering. Dr Su lin Lin is also another good option, I heard a lot of good feedback abt her. Hope this help in your decision to choose your gynae ;)
can u share what happen to yr 1st preg ? this is my first..and i lost it without any sympton..my D&C appointment is on next week. did u went for D&C of u let it happen naturally?


New Member
I lost my 1st preggy due to an auto immune in my body called APS. This is something not known to me and I am told tt it only occurs when I am preggy. APS is where my bld get thick and can't travel from mother to child. So for my 2nd and current preggy I have to inject myself daily with clexane and take aspirin to think my bld. I was diagnosed with this only during the 2nd preggy. My first boy is already beri well formed and big so i have to deliver him out using induction just like a normal delivery process.


New Member
I lost my 1st preggy due to an auto immune in my body called APS. This is something not known to me and I am told that it only occurs when I am preggy. APS is where my bld get thick and can't travel from mother to child. So for my 2nd and current preggy I have to inject myself daily with clexane and take aspirin to think my bld. I was diagnosed with this only during the 2nd preggy. My first boy is already very well formed and big so i have to deliver him out using induction just like a normal delivery process.
Mine Don't know reason..sigh..just saw Andy Lau's bb also due in June 2012.. Happy for him, sad for me :"(


New Member
Mine Don't know reason..sigh..just saw Andy Lau's bb also due in June 2012.. Happy for him, sad for me :"(
Andy Lau? the hk actor? he is married ah? hahaha.....Dun be too upset, i have been thru that and I understand tt kinda feeling. Pick urself up and try again..... surely u will have a bb to carry in ur arms ;) Jia You


Hi All Mtbs,

Im in my 10th week now...tummy started to balloon and i cant wear most of my pants.. Goin for my 2nd checkup appt tomorrow. Just had my first scanning 2 weeks ago, dunno y need to go often...Btw, im seeing Dr Loke Kah Leong. His clinic in Tampines more convenient for me and he is with Parkway East Hospital or TMC. Anyone seeing him as well? My edd is on the 28th June 2012 :)


New Member
Does any mommy had sudden intake of food and get hungry easily? You feel that what ever u eat is not enough! I'm currently in week 10 now.


New Member
No heartbeat on 2nd checkup.. =..(
Just had the evac...

Good luck to the rest of you..
Hi jean1e,

Take care, I understand how you feel, this is also our first bb..I just evac on tue, now still feeling cramps at lower abdomen..do u have such feelings?
Did yr gynae say why did the heartbeat stop? Mine was no reason..heart beat just stopped at wk 9..

Life seem so fragile..so far there are 3 miscarriage in the this forum, u, me & nurisyardini

Sigh..let's be brave n try again!


New Member
Hi jean1e,

Take care, I understand how you feel, this is also our first baby..I just evac on tue, now still feeling cramps at lower abdomen..do you have such feelings?
Did yr gynae say why did the heartbeat stop? Mine was no reason..heart beat just stopped at wk 9..

Life seem so fragile..so far there are 3 miscarriage in the this forum, you, me & nurisyardini

Sigh..let's be brave n try again!
Same.. No reason.. It seems common to them as they see many such cases.. Some embryos are just not meant to be complete to be fetus.. Mine was at 8.7 weeks which is like a day before I had the scan...

Ya.. There are sayings (even from another doc) that women are very fertile after this (not sure why..) lets not give up..

I do not have any cramps but I have muscle ache on my back from neck downwards... So painful to even sleep! I maybe going to see a sinseh for followup...

Are you doing any confinement?