Edd june 2014


My nausea got worse last last week, then I started taking metoclopramide and the veragel regularly and it got better. I still vomit this week, but i dun feel so bad before i vomit... i searched around and found the sea bands... it helped to reduce nausea also. Can get your hubby to press the acupressure points to see if it makes you feel better, google for the sea band accu pressure point.
The air-con makes me feel cold, but also helps reduce my nausea, I just wrap up more layer under the aircon... haha


Hi all, I'm new joined here, my edd is 6june. Congrats to all mum! Oh ya. This my 2nd bb.

It seems like we r having the same ms. I also having gastric n heartburn. It's normally in the late afternoon to night times. Always burp n burp. Luckily no vomit. (Cross finger) the burping sound is like vomit a lot. Lol. We all bear with it ok. It's ending soon! I hope!


Hi all, I'm new joined here, my edd is 6june. Congrats to all mum! Oh ya. This my 2nd bb.

It seems like we r having the same ms. I also having gastric n heartburn. It's normally in the late afternoon to night times. Always burp n burp. Luckily no vomit. (Cross finger) the burping sound is like vomit a lot. Lol. We all bear with it ok. It's ending soon! I hope!
Seems like a number of 2nd time mummy here. How old is your #1? Boy or Girl? I did not have any MS with #1, only 2 weeks of poor appetite.
Veragel supposed to chew before swallow if I am not wrong, my MS still here and I am struggling with it. Week 11 liao still like this so sad. Still have to drip in clinic and also got go jab in the middle of night. Going for oscar scan on 19th june feeling nervous. How is everyone else doing?? Oh, btw, have you ladies started to book ypur confinement lady? I think I am real slow. :(


Hi Smurfete, my 1st child is a girl. Going to 10 month. :)

My 1st one also got not much ms except for a little gastric. This time round my heartburn is serious. Esp when I drink cold drinks. Whenever I drink cold drinks, I'll burp n burp.. :(

My 1st girl loves bread. Now like totally different! 1st one scare of hot, now like scare of cold. Dunno is it due to the recent weather.

How abt u?

Oh ya. I've already book the CL n the jamu massage lady. Due to 1st onebad experience, now must look out earlier..


My first is a boy, 18 months now. I am pregnant while working overseas with the first one, there is no issue of coldness in winter.. Its can be as cold as -15 degrees but still no complains. Now, I am freezing cold at 23 degrees. Don't dare to tell my gynae, scare she tells me to do blood test to rule out the possibility of tyroid gland deficiency. I believe maybe due to MS, we don't eat. empty stomach, chasing #1, sure cold la
Hi Smurfete, my 1st child is a girl. Going to 10 month. :)

My 1st one also got not much ms except for a little gastric. This time round my heartburn is serious. Esp when I drink cold drinks. Whenever I drink cold drinks, I'll burp n burp.. :(

My 1st girl loves bread. Now like totally different! 1st one scare of hot, now like scare of cold. Dunno is it due to the recent weather.

How abt u?

Oh ya. I've already book the CL n the jamu massage lady. Due to 1st onebad experience, now must look out earlier..


Icic.. I'm having thyroid since young. So if u suspect u have better tell doc. It's necessary to do the blood test as the hormone level will affect bb. Coz my gynae tell me if too low will miscarriage. So I rather do the blood test. To be safe ya.


Icic.. I'm having thyroid since young. So if u suspect u have better tell doc. It's necessary to do the blood test as the hormone level will affect bb. Coz my gynae tell me if too low will miscarriage. So I rather do the blood test. To be safe ya.
if found got thyroid, then what is the cure? oral med?


It depend if urs is low or high. Previously I was diagnose w hyperthyroid. Before I married. Then I took the radioactive iodine. The my hormone level is too low. So have to take the hormone replacement medicine. That's y if too low no gd. I so worried I can't preg, now feel blessed to have my 1st child so the comin one will bring us joy too!

Dun worry ya. It may not necessary be thyroid. Just to ease ur mind. Better to be get treated right? Just remember to take medicine everyday and dun forget to miss will do.


Mine is first kid. How are you second timers coping with MS with first kid? I am so tired that I can't imagine having to deal with #1 when having #2... lol but I do want to have more if possible. I have 8-10 hours of sleep per night and still so tired ...
Also any one feel faint after stand for too long? Most of my severe symptoms appear after first visit to gynae.. second visit will have lots of qns!
I haven't book confinement nanny yet.... dunno when should book... normally how does it work, what if your place no space for confinement nanny to sleep?
Alof of confinement nannies are being taken up especially the good ones which are well recommended.

Normally the confinement lady will request for a place to sleep with the baby. If with maid also should be fine. I think now should start calling them and make your booking. If not last minute find ah very headache plus later the price sky high u also bo bian.

Now the market rate just for the service is about 2.3k to 2.5k. Food and all seperate u have to buy yourself. They normally ask for a deposit too. So June mummies hurry hurry.

Anyone of u tried traditional chinese medicine to help with MS? I really cannot take it anymore and I went. Dunno should inform my gynae or not. :p


christylee:840524 said:
Alof of confinement nannies are being taken up especially the good ones which are well recommended.

Normally the confinement lady will request for a place to sleep with the baby. If with maid also should be fine. I think now should start calling them and make your booking. If not last minute find ah very headache plus later the price sky high u also bo bian.

Now the market rate just for the service is about 2.3k to 2.5k. Food and all seperate u have to buy yourself. They normally ask for a deposit too. So June mummies hurry hurry.

Anyone of u tried traditional chinese medicine to help with MS? I really cannot take it anymore and I went. Dunno should inform my gynae or not. :p
Hi Christylee you are right. I just called to book yesterday n she's already booked for end Apr n early Jul while my edd is 3 Jun. Very close but lucky she say she will try her best to help if not she will arrange for her friend who help.

Yes ladies better hurry hurry.
yvonnensn:840527 said:
christylee:840524 said:
Alof of confinement nannies are being taken up especially the good ones which are well recommended.

Normally the confinement lady will request for a place to sleep with the baby. If with maid also should be fine. I think now should start calling them and make your booking. If not last minute find ah very headache plus later the price sky high u also bo bian.

Now the market rate just for the service is about 2.3k to 2.5k. Food and all seperate u have to buy yourself. They normally ask for a deposit too. So June mummies hurry hurry.

Anyone of u tried traditional chinese medicine to help with MS? I really cannot take it anymore and I went. Dunno should inform my gynae or not. :p
Hi Christylee you are right. I just called to book yesterday n she's already booked for end Apr n early Jul while my edd is 3 Jun. Very close but lucky she say she will try her best to help if not she will arrange for her friend who help.

Yes ladies better hurry hurry.

Weee we have the same edd!!!


Hi singsong. At 1st I'm also worried that I can't cope. But right now it's still not so bad as my in law help me to look after. So these period I may not able to bath w her n play w her longer. But I'm still able to play w her n feed her In midnight if I'm able to wake up. I think its mothers nature. So when u have the 1st one already, the 2nd one tend to heck care abit. Lol..

It's gd actually to distract urself from thinking the ms making u uncomfortable.

Hi all.. My edd 6june lei.. All the 1st week June bb here.. But I'm afraid mine will ended up early as my 1st bb was born in week38. :) hope can eat the drumpling (ba zhan) then labour. Lol!

I also book the CL n massage already. But due to the 1st bad experience, I'm scare that the cl last min cannot make it then headache..


Eeyoremum:840686 said:
Hi singsong. At 1st I'm also worried that I can't cope. But right now it's still not so bad as my in law help me to look after. So these period I may not able to bath w her n play w her longer. But I'm still able to play w her n feed her In midnight if I'm able to wake up. I think its mothers nature. So when u have the 1st one already, the 2nd one tend to heck care abit. Lol..

It's gd actually to distract urself from thinking the ms making u uncomfortable.

Hi all.. My edd 6june lei.. All the 1st week June bb here.. But I'm afraid mine will ended up early as my 1st bb was born in week38. :) hope can eat the drumpling (ba zhan) then labour. Lol!

I also book the CL n massage already. But due to the 1st bad experience, I'm scare that the cl last min cannot make it then headache..
Hi Eeyoremum, its a disaster if cl last min cannot make it.

Which hospital are you mummies going? I'm going for my DNA test on Tuesday n result will take 2 wks. Praying for god's blessing everyday :)