EDD March 2013


Thanks luckymum for your precious advices :001_302: will discuss with hubby about this.

So envy of some mummies that could already feel the movement of bb.. I still dont feel anything yet. My hubby is urging our Ah boy to kick me every night so that we would know he is active inside womb. :001_302:


New Member
Wow haven't logged in for a while so many new posts!
I agree with Neymo - mommy got intuition. Hee... Though didn't know I was right till confirmed by gynae. :)

Apr gal

Actually to think bout it we shd not b bias, as long as healthy will do. :) seemslike next week we will find out our bb gender. Am so excited as previous gynae check up at w14 can't c. Din talk to bb then as I tot too early to give pressure to bb. But since coming next week us w20 checkup at hospital I will talk to bb a day b4 and when I on d way to hospital so tat bb will b co operative n quai quay during checkup. After gender is known most probably will go shopping buy him/her 1st outfit!!! Really can't wait... So excited!!!

i dont know why but somehow i wished mine's a boy.. but my mother in law and hub are fine with boy or girl.. and my hub keep saying i shouldnt be bias in case mine's a girl and she gets really angry to know i yearn for a boy.. my hub says it's like "pantang" thing..


AprGal, I believe yours one at W20 should be able to know the gender :001_302:

Me too.. Very excited and looking forward to next Friday W20 detailed scanning...... Wait until soooooo long (6 weeks) to see the bb again :embarrassed:

Hopefully my bb is healthy in all aspect and the gender wont suddenly "change"... LOL

Apr gal

Neymo, we will countdown to next week!!!! Wat hv u bought for bb d? I hv not buy anything yet.

AprGal, I believe yours one at W20 should be able to know the gender :001_302:

Me too.. Very excited and looking forward to next Friday W20 detailed scanning...... Wait until soooooo long (6 weeks) to see the bb again :embarrassed:

Hopefully my bb is healthy in all aspect and the gender wont suddenly "change"... LOL


AprGal, I had bought an useful bb shelf from IKEA 2 weeks ago. Most of the stuffs will be passing over from my hubby's brother. Could save up quite a lot of $$. :001_302: I'll be going to baby fair this weekend and see if there is any good bargain LOL


my gut feeling tells me that im having a boy.. i'm afraid that it's only based on my biasness..
oh, well.. =(
Be cheerful, purplelicious :001_302: I believe you will love your bb regardless of what gender it is. Trust your intuition and keep us posted about the news ya :001_302:


Hi lucky mum, I can feel the little one move already.. Probably cos its my 2nd kid.. And I do get the tightening of the tummy as well.. Heehee..

For me I feel comfortable sleeping on my back.. But have to sleeping sides at times..

Hey Juju, i so hoped for a boy in any case whether it's boy or girl, it alright.

Yeah I feel baby moving too.. some stomach tightening at times too. Does anyone start to have difficulty sleeping on back, I had to sleep on my sides now..

Neymo I recommended a baby carrier with waist support. I used Manduca. You can consider beco or ergo as well. I chose manduca as I like it has extendable back, newborn insert, a hood to over baby head and the waist band feels really stable. If there are like 6-7 mummies interested we can organise a spree to bring in from Europe. It would be cheaper. Local cost $250 basic model, we can get like maybe $190.


Hi mummies,

Anyone went to the spring warehouse sales?

How is the sales there?
I went on the first day of the sales.
Hmm not bad I can say.. Got myself two pants for $70+. Saved quite a lot as one pants actually cost about 60-70 plus originally...


New Member
Oic.. So will you be going to triple test instead of OSCAR?
My appt is on the 19th Oct. Its optional. I'm definitely not going for Oscar this time. I was thinking of not going for the Triple Test as well.
Will discuss with Hubby 1st. I was thinking of going for the detailed scan only.


New Member
Hey Fizafifi, just did mine during my last appointment.. Awaiting my clinic to call for the results... ;D
Hi Ms Saggi, I'll be having mine in 2wks. Still deciding whether to proceed with Triple Test or not.
Did Oscar for my 1st born thou and was in the Low risk group.


My gynea was saying if your age is below the high risk rate actually is optional to do the test. I still did mine though and it's low risk group.

Anyone have any idea which type of moisturizer is good for the belly?


Siti, so far only myself and neuros were confirmed by gynae that ours will be prince.. :001_302: the rest of mummies will have their scanning these few weeks and most probably the gender could be known...

Will update the Gender Score Board once more mummies do their update here..:001_302:

Also wishing you have the boy as you wish!!