EDD May 2011


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What's her last feeding time before she goes for her long period of sleep?
Mine is currently at 9:30 or 10pm and she will last until 2:30 or even 4am. She will just fidget when hungry but still asleep one.
Latch her then she quietly sleep again until bout 7am.


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Hi all, i have a small lump under my armpit,not sure is it blockage . If need to clear the clog, is there any urut lady can help?, Any recommendation ?i am quite concerned tht it is not blockage..
Quickly get a hot towel n place under ur armpit then massage towards ur nipple area and get your best pump to suck. Your baby can clear them for you.


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Just saw my girl turning herself side lying. I think in another week or two will flip already. Extra care now ...


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When you pump, do you massage youre breasts too? When I pump, my fingers are the most busy part of my hands. They would be busily massaging and pressing those clogged ducts. This method really works as I see a letdown. My breasts feel empty too. I am using quite a lowend pump, so no choice..

I still intend to pump during office time when I go back, but will try to increase the time interval a little. 3 hours interval is taking a toll on me. I am just too tired..
If my breast is hard in the morning it is pretty easy to pump out. Most of the times I lazy to massage no hot towel too :p
Bought the Nuby breast aid kinda good to use but I damaged it by pouring water too hot on it. That day I put the warm pad under bra and a min later felt leaking.this product meant for hardworking people coz need to soak it 5 mins.
I only keep trying to adjust the flange to suck and stimulate letdown. Once got letdown u can feel the lump is gone. Unless the lump is hard then I just latch my baby next feeding session to clear it.
Recently I suspect the standard flange I'm using too big. But they say most moms can get better result using bigger flange.
Since u got sufficient supply now why not u train ur body to pump at 4 hrs interval?


Active Member
If my breast is hard in the morning it is pretty easy to pump out. Most of the times I lazy to massage no hot towel too :p
Bought the Nuby breast aid kinda good to use but I damaged it by pouring water too hot on it. That day I put the warm pad under bra and a min later felt leaking.this product meant for hardworking people coz need to soak it 5 mins.
I only keep trying to adjust the flange to suck and stimulate letdown. Once got letdown u can feel the lump is gone. Unless the lump is hard then I just latch my baby next feeding session to clear it.
Recently I suspect the standard flange I'm using too big. But they say most moms can get better result using bigger flange.
Since u got sufficient supply now why not u train ur body to pump at 4 hrs interval?
Still thinking. I figured I can get her daily need in 3-4 pumps, the rest for store. But what I fear is what will happen when I go back to work. Scared no time or too tired to pump.


Ur baby sleeping long hours at night or day now? Are u pumping when she's having the long stretch of sleep?
After ML I think I will still pump once during her long sleep. That milk will be used to cover day time feed so that not so stress with the pump output during the day. I can't imagine what will happen if I'm engorged at work but still not relax to get letdown just like now during daytime. I knowy breast not completely empty and spending 30 mins waiting for letdown.
I m trying to get back her previous feeding timing. Now I am planning out so that it fits my timing instead. Thus changing from demand feeding to scheduled feeding. For today, she managed to sleep her usual 5hrs. True bt worrying in the day to pump in the end no letdown. Anyway I ve tried placing warm towel on the breasts before pumping works to speed up the letdown. But at work I will drink a cup of hot tea it s an alternative. Works for me. I finally understand how it works. Hope I am right.

Anyway I am pumping almost after every feeding. I can get a bottle from her last feeding which she only drink abit from one side just to fall asleep, at 3am and after her 5am feeding. The daytime pumping is just to stimulate so as to increase my milk supply.
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May I know how do u all wash off poop stain? I find it very tough on the clothing. Normal baby laundry detergent doesn't seem to work.
Immediately after I found it is stained I wash with baby detergent cum softener by pureen. I have to use a scrub to get rid of it. Then wash with the rest of her clothes in the washing machine.


What's her last feeding time before she goes for her long period of sleep?
Between 10-12am. The trouble is I m still doing direct latch on mostly. So I cant figure out how much she actually drink each day. I thought of collecting 4 bottles of ebm and try it out on her just as advised by lsy so i told hubby abt it but he dun want me to fall sick again and stressing over not enough ebm. But I want to feed her bm if poss so we ve decided to try it out first. If it s taking a toll on me, we ll feed her fm during my working hrs and direct latch when I am with her. Thank God he s understanding. But of cos had a good talk on how to deal with the problem first.
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Hi azzzima to determine if u have sufficient is not through pumping.
1stly after each feeding are ur excess supply which can be 2 oz maximum according to kellymom since u r full time latching. My friend is also same situation as you and now pumping 3 times at work daily using manual pump trying to get 3 oz per session that her dd is currently drinking during day time.
2ndly u can test whether the pump is suitable for you by skipping a latch on session and pump out to feed ur dd. If u can get 80ml both side that means the pump works. If u could not then perhaps ur body not reacting with that pump.
Lsy I ve been doing direct latch on so I m so not used to pumping. But hubby got do research and advised me to do this n that so far I ve understand how to tackle the problem. Thank you for being vvv informative. I think i am like ur hubby didn't bother much to research whereas my husband is like u. Hahaha... So what I can say is I didn't have a strong bond with my baby first 2 mths only recently we have developed a stronger bond thus makes me more concerned and wants the best for her if possible. :D


Active Member
Between 10-12am. The trouble is I m still doing direct latch on mostly. So I cant figure out how much she actually drink each day. I thought of collecting 4 bottles of ebm and try it out on her just as advised by lsy so i told hubby abt it but he dun want me to fall sick again and stressing over not enough ebm. But I want to feed her bm if poss so we ve decided to try it out first. If it s taking a toll on me, we ll feed her fm during my working hrs and direct latch when I am with her. Thank God he s understanding. But of cos had a good talk on how to deal with the problem first.
U will need ur hubby help to do that over weekend. Just remember ur pump session should be equal or more than number of feeds.


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my girl opp. These few days, she refused bottle feed. Cried till super loud when I gave her bottle. Checked teat etc everything ok then realised when latch she immediately ok and suck. Sometimes I tried cheat her by latch and immediately bottle. Succeeded once only:( waste my milk in th bottle sigh
Same here but I manage to cheat her couple of times d. Never waste.
Just bought nuk bottles classic and S1 teats. Hope she's ok with it.
So far she's taking all teats avent, dr brown, nuk.. haha trying to confuse her with all nipples.
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Hi mummies

Do you guys thaw ur ebm from freezer at refridgerator? With all the other food in the fridge. Will it spoil the ebm? As in affect it s smell and etc. Since my daughter has a cluster feeding a few times daily so I thought of thawing the express bm and informed my mum in law as to how much to pour the desired amt and feed her accordingly.


Active Member
Hi mummies

Do you guys thaw ur ebm from freezer at refridgerator? With all the other food in the fridge. Will it spoil the ebm? As in affect it s smell and etc. Since my daughter has a cluster feeding a few times daily so I thought of thawing the express bm and informed my mum in law as to how much to pour the desired amt and feed her accordingly.
Ebm can be kept for 3 days in the fridge, why not u pump and don't freeze them yet. Pour n warm from there is easier. Once frozen ones being thawed they must be consumed within 24hrs. A bit waste if u r not able to bottle feed all.
I've messed up my freezer stash too coz now my girl drink 80ml and I freeze 200ml per pack. Infant care need at least 4 bottles for 12 hr = 320ml. 1 pack not enough 2 pack too much ...aiks
Think I will thaw 1 pack + fresh ebm to make up the amount.


Active Member
Ebm can be kept for 3 days in the fridge, why not u pump and don't freeze them yet. Pour n warm from there is easier. Once frozen ones being thawed they must be consumed within 24hrs. A bit waste if u r not able to bottle feed all.
I've messed up my freezer stash too coz now my girl drink 80ml and I freeze 200ml per pack. Infant care need at least 4 bottles for 12 hr = 320ml. 1 pack not enough 2 pack too much ...aiks
Think I will thaw 1 pack + fresh ebm to make up the amount.
Mine is mostly 150ml.. But since my MIL will be helping to take care of my girl, I can ask her to take note. I am intending to feed half half. If possible, day feeds frozen ebm and refrigerated ebm, night feeds fresh ebm.


Active Member
Mine is mostly 150ml.. But since my MIL will be helping to take care of my girl, I can ask her to take note. I am intending to feed half half. If possible, day feeds frozen ebm and refrigerated ebm, night feeds fresh ebm.
What u intend to do with the frozen milk if u maintained your oversupply now when start work? I mean the freezer ones only 3 months if nearing expiry still couldn't consume how ar? Coz by 6th month when they wean they will consume less right?


Active Member
What u intend to do with the frozen milk if u maintained your oversupply now when start work? I mean the freezer ones only 3 months if nearing expiry still couldn't consume how ar? Coz by 6th month when they wean they will consume less right?
Doubt my supply will keep up, coz would be super busy at work. If can't consume then throw lo. Really no choice. But I m starting to feed her a pack of milk every day.


Active Member
Doubt my supply will keep up, coz would be super busy at work. If can't consume then throw lo. Really no choice. But I m starting to feed her a pack of milk every day.
Wah dont throw le can give away to those in need. Think hospital would want too for preemie babies. Or perhaps this thread got mummy want.