EDD May 2011


Ya but compared to breast I think still faster. Cos my girl suck breast longer than bottle
I am using pigeon. Very slow. She has no problem so far. The feeding time is similar between latching on and by bottle. I hope it stays that way. I did buy nuk and medela teats but end up using pigeon cos recommended by kkh lactation consultant.
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Hopefully u feel better today. Do try rest more.
Hi thanks for the well wish. I m feeling much better today. Hubby took leave so he took care of baby and helped sterilize the breast pumps for me. I am grateful to have a supportive husband if not I will be sad and feeling like I am doing all the things alone. I slept alot today till I missed my baby. Haha am I over reacting? Haha. Anyway today s Friday so sleep at mum s place thus no housework to do so get to be more relaxed. Should have pumped when I am here. Anyway I get to pump 50ml today and will pump later ard 3-4am. Glad that it worked. Hubby was worried that I can't express bm. Die die dun want fm.

I hope all of us able to feed our baby bm or ebm as much as possible after we return to work.
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Active Member
Nuk wide neck bottles.. Why? But I start to wonder if I should change
Coz I need to invest in bottles for infant care. At least 4 bottles. I'm not confident in other people pouring my milk here and there so need to fill in to feeding bottles directly.

What makes u want to change? Ur dd don't like?
My dd when crying wouldn't take bottle yesterday night. Again crying so badly in her daddy's hand wanted to burp. I burped her and calmed her follow by bottle but she rejected. Offer breast ok. After breast I offer bottle again, haha don't waste my milk. After nice talk to her she took.
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Active Member
My body clock alarm seems to be waking me up everynight between 2-3:30am. Here I am again after pump session. Baby never whine in sleep so no need to feed her yet , pump both side got more lol.


Active Member
Coz I need to invest in bottles for infant care. At least 4 bottles. I'm not confident in other people pouring my milk here and there so need to fill in to feeding bottles directly.

What makes u want to change? Ur dd don't like?
My dd when crying wouldn't take bottle yesterday night. Again crying so badly in her daddy's hand wanted to burp. I burped her and calmed her follow by bottle but she rejected. Offer breast ok. After breast I offer bottle again, haha don't waste my milk. After nice talk to her she took.
Hmm.. She doesn't reject the bottle but rejects my nipple? So was thinking if it has got to do with the bottle/nipple


Active Member
My body clock alarm seems to be waking me up everynight between 2-3:30am. Here I am again after pump session. Baby never whine in sleep so no need to feed her yet , pump both side got more lol.
If only my body has such an alarm clock, then I don't need 2 clocks yo wake me up. Now pumping milk.. Lol



I am not sure whether I am pumping correctly or not. I am pumping after each feeding time. Will it eventually increase my milk supply? Many thanks I am getting nervous each day as I am going back to work very soon. Kanchiong cos if can I do not want to introduce fm as few of my friends introduced fm as they returned to work and their babies fell ill such as fever and eye infection.

Are you guys intending to continue pumping at 3-4am daily after ur ml ends? I have got to make her get used to drinking from bottle during the time I will be at work but apparently I can't cos not enough ebm in freezer. Arrrr... Sian.

I know all of us are free at the moment hope all of us will still share or post useful tips or information here.

Anyway I am abit upset that my mum commented so little seeing my ebm from one of the pumping session. But I can understand because my brother and I are fm fed babies. She only fed us abt a month. Old folks won't understand how tedious and alot of effort are put in to ebm as they never went through it. I m thankful that my mum in law sees how tedious the whole process is and understands when I take an afternoon nap. Ultimately nothing beats having your own house so you won't be disturbing other people daily lives with all the pumping washing and sterilizing.

Sorry just letting out my thoughts. Hope you guys dun mind. :D
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Active Member
Hi azzzima to determine if u have sufficient is not through pumping.
1stly after each feeding are ur excess supply which can be 2 oz maximum according to kellymom since u r full time latching. My friend is also same situation as you and now pumping 3 times at work daily using manual pump trying to get 3 oz per session that her dd is currently drinking during day time.
2ndly u can test whether the pump is suitable for you by skipping a latch on session and pump out to feed ur dd. If u can get 80ml both side that means the pump works. If u could not then perhaps ur body not reacting with that pump.


Hi azzzima to determine if you have sufficient is not through pumping.
1stly after each feeding are your excess supply which can be 2 oz maximum according to kellymom since you r full time latching. My friend is also same situation as you and now pumping 3 times at work daily using manual pump trying to get 3 oz per session that her dear daughter is currently drinking during day time.
2ndly you can test whether the pump is suitable for you by skipping a latch on session and pump out to feed your dear daughter. If you can get 80ml both side that means the pump works. If you could not then perhaps your body not reacting with that pump.
Hi lsy i know i should try out but i do not wish to use my ebm as i only have 2 and a half bottles of ebm and time is running out. only have to blame myself as i didnt diligently stock up ebm. perhaps i will still need to try out a day as if i am at work.

On a positive note, I have roughly estimated that i can latch her at 5am. Cluster feeding at 7am and 9am which is 40ml each. She drinks 80ml between 10-12pm depending on how much she drinks from the previous feedings. Then she drinks another 80ml at 2pm. Next feeding could be 4-5plus in the afternoon. So
I roughly estimated about 3oz per session. Exactly like your friend! Have to pump 3 times at work. Sian..I dont think I can pump 3 times. People will think I am skiving. So I guess I have to pump one session at 3-4am and pump twice at work. Oh no... i will be so tired. :S

Thanks for the useful info. Made me think it thoroughly. :D
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Active Member
Ur baby sleeping long hours at night or day now? Are u pumping when she's having the long stretch of sleep?
After ML I think I will still pump once during her long sleep. That milk will be used to cover day time feed so that not so stress with the pump output during the day. I can't imagine what will happen if I'm engorged at work but still not relax to get letdown just like now during daytime. I knowy breast not completely empty and spending 30 mins waiting for letdown.


Active Member
May I know how do u all wash off poop stain? I find it very tough on the clothing. Normal baby laundry detergent doesn't seem to work.


Active Member
Oops I just went on a shopping spree...
By the way what did u spree on the other day?
I shop online now lol since signed up borderlinx. Dunno how much is the shipment though lol.
Ordered some bottle label and cloth label for my girl girl. Infant care say every belonging must be labelled and I was wondering how to label clothing. I shall just let her wear old ones la that people pass down. No need label dunno can or not. New one will label.


Active Member
your baby sleeping long hours at night or day now? Are you pumping when she's having the long stretch of sleep?
After ML I think I will still pump once during her long sleep. That milk will be used to cover day time feed so that not so stress with the pump output during the day. I can't imagine what will happen if I'm engorged at work but still not relax to get letdown just like now during daytime. I knowy breast not completely empty and spending 30 mins waiting for letdown.
When you pump, do you massage youre breasts too? When I pump, my fingers are the most busy part of my hands. They would be busily massaging and pressing those clogged ducts. This method really works as I see a letdown. My breasts feel empty too. I am using quite a lowend pump, so no choice..

I still intend to pump during office time when I go back, but will try to increase the time interval a little. 3 hours interval is taking a toll on me. I am just too tired..


Active Member
By the way what did u spree on the other day?
I shop online now lol since signed up borderlinx. Dunno how much is the shipment though lol.
Ordered some bottle label and cloth label for my girl girl. Infant care say every belonging must be labelled and I was wondering how to label clothing. I shall just let her wear old ones la that people pass down. No need label dunno can or not. New one will label.
Err.. I just bought socks, small towels a set of clothe and all sorts of pigeon wipes in small pack.. Lol.. want to try out whats the differene.


Active Member
Hi lsy i know i should try out but i do not wish to use my ebm as i only have 2 and a half bottles of ebm and time is running out. only have to blame myself as i didnt diligently stock up ebm. perhaps i will still need to try out a day as if i am at work.

On a positive note, I have roughly estimated that i can latch her at 5am. Cluster feeding at 7am and 9am which is 40ml each. She drinks 80ml between 10-12pm depending on how much she drinks from the previous feedings. Then she drinks another 80ml at 2pm. Next feeding could be 4-5plus in the afternoon. So
I roughly estimated about 3oz per session. Exactly like your friend! Have to pump 3 times at work. Sian..I dont think I can pump 3 times. People will think I am skiving. So I guess I have to pump one session at 3-4am and pump twice at work. Oh no... i will be so tired. :S

Thanks for the useful info. Made me think it thoroughly. :D
What's her last feeding time before she goes for her long period of sleep?
Hi all, i have a small lump under my armpit,not sure is it blockage . If need to clear the clog, is there any urut lady can help?, Any recommendation ?i am quite concerned tht it is not blockage..


Active Member
Hi all, i have a small lump under my armpit,not sure is it blockage . If need to clear the clog, is there any urut lady can help?, Any recommendation ?i am quite concerned tht it is not blockage..
If it is a clogged duct, you can get your baby to latch that side and suck. And for yourself, you need to keep pressing and massaging it.


Active Member
By the way what did u spree on the other day?
I shop online now lol since signed up borderlinx. Dunno how much is the shipment though lol.
Ordered some bottle label and cloth label for my girl girl. Infant care say every belonging must be labelled and I was wondering how to label clothing. I shall just let her wear old ones la that people pass down. No need label dunno can or not. New one will label.

O ya..I have been doing quite a bit of spree during my ML.. Kept going to SMH forum and buy things.. Lol..


Active Member
Hi lsy i know i should try out but i do not wish to use my ebm as i only have 2 and a half bottles of ebm and time is running out. only have to blame myself as i didnt diligently stock up ebm. perhaps i will still need to try out a day as if i am at work.

On a positive note, I have roughly estimated that i can latch her at 5am. Cluster feeding at 7am and 9am which is 40ml each. She drinks 80ml between 10-12pm depending on how much she drinks from the previous feedings. Then she drinks another 80ml at 2pm. Next feeding could be 4-5plus in the afternoon. So
I roughly estimated about 3oz per session. Exactly like your friend! Have to pump 3 times at work. Sian..I dont think I can pump 3 times. People will think I am skiving. So I guess I have to pump one session at 3-4am and pump twice at work. Oh no... i will be so tired. :S

Thanks for the useful info. Made me think it thoroughly. :D
Hi azzzima, I think what isy suggested is not a bad idea. It's actually killing many birds with 1 stone. If you were to express milk just before her feed, you can tell how much is your capacity, as well as train her to drink from bottle. It's not touching on your current reserve. Who know perhaps you would have enough say 1 bottle for her to feed, the other bottle for reserve. Since you already know roughly how much she drinks at what time, that's the amount you can pour into the bottle. If she needs more, then top up.