EDD May 2012 Mummies!


My CL said can give water but since I'm BFing I just give another mouthful of breast milk till his hiccup stops. But since hiccup is very common in newBorn no need to be over worried bah :)
Sometimes I find burping very difficult cos burp very long still can't hear the burp sound!
Yes, my baby hiccups a lot too. We asked the PD and she said is normal as she alrdy hiccup when in our stomach... I also not very good at burping the baby, always dun get the sound...


my baby having hiccup pretty often. anyone experiencing it too?

if so, any way to stop other than patting them?
My CL said can give water but since I'm BFing I just give another mouthful of BM till his hiccup stops. But since hiccup is v common in newBorn no need to be over worried bah :)
Sometimes I find burping v difficult cos burp v long still can't hear the burp sound!
I agree! I always cant get my boi to burp so he ended up with hiccups everytime after his feed.


my baby having hiccup pretty often. anyone experiencing it too?

if so, any way to stop other than patting them?
My gal hiccups often too.

What I learnt from my CL

1) Continue to bf her until hiccup stops or

2) Tear a corner of the tissue paper, wet in cooled down boiled water n stuck in on Bb's forehead, in btw the 2 eyes where the nose bridge is. This 贴 tissue method works for my gal. Her hiccups tend to stop within


I gave my baby water from day 3 onwards coz the pd say he had signs of dehydration. 1 ounce each time and max 3 times per day.

The water does help him stop hiccups too.


have the same prblem, it takes a lot to pat and burp my girl. Thanks to all mummies. this forum has gotta be the most active and dear ones.
Mummies, need your advice..
Issit true that for newborn boys, the full month celebration has to be held 1 or 2 days before the actual, while gals to be held on the exact date??


Till now, I only managed to pat n make my gal burp few times. My CL usually managed to get my gal to burp thou. Think gotta practice more.

Wonder how is Climsp wif her preparation? Soon, we mummies can meet n hv a mini gathering wif all our precious ;) Counting down the days!!
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Mummies, need your advice..
Issit true that for newborn boys, the full month celebration has to be held 1 or 2 days before the actual, while gals to be held on the exact date??
I asked my CL n she said boys late one dae while gals earlier one day. For my gal, we will hv the buffet this Sat n Sun so tt frens n relatives can join in the celebration. I wil bring my gal back to my mum's place for the prayer one dae before her actual dae though.


Still at home!! Going to have long bath later, have a meal b4 go admit to mount A!! Have tell baby to come out fast fast dun delay too long! Hubby super excited now playing his game to relax!! Hahaha!! Will update all when my naughty boy is out!


Still at home!! Going to have long bath later, have a meal b4 go admit to mount A!! Have tell baby to come out fast fast dun delay too long! Hubby super excited now playing his game to relax!! Hahaha!! Will update all when my naughty boy is out!
Jia you! Have a smooth delivery! Remember to take some chicken essence!


Any mummies not having post natal massage? I am still hesitating, I worry I cannot take it being wrap up in such hot weather n worry my girl need to be feed while I am having massage.

I broke another confinement rules today I am siting under the ceiling fan... I felt much more better than to hide in the air con room where I will keep weeping for nothing....


I just started my malay massage today. So shiok! I slept so well after that. :) The binding is indeed a little hot and uncomfy but i think i can manage. Looking forward to my second session tml morning.

I also broke a few confinement rules. At first guai guai sleep in no aircon and no fan room. But until one night I woke up crying in extreme discomfort, whole head drenched in sweat, and heat rash broke out. Scared my mum.. In the end my parents allowed me to tweak the environment a little, but hanging a towel in front of the aircon vent to direct the draft downwards. Slept in aircon room that night and felt so much better. :)


Me too broke the rules long ago. Always under fan if not i perspire everytime i have my meals. Even under aircon, my whole head is drenched with sweat coz i dun dare to on too cold with my boi slping in the room.

I just started my massage today too. I find the binding tight and i cant bend. Lol. But so far so good. For the sake of slimming dwn, i must tahan!!!


Any mummies not having post natal massage? I am still hesitating, I worry I cannot take it being wrap up in such hot weather n worry my girl need to be feed while I am having massage.

I broke another confinement rules today I am siting under the ceiling fan... I felt much more better than to hide in the air con room where I will keep weeping for nothing....
I switched on air Con n ceiling fan since Day 1. Windows also open le. CL dint say no so I never ask incase she say cannot ;) lol.

Why do you weep? U feeling any unhappiness?


Still at home!! Going to have long bath later, have a meal b4 go admit to mount A!! Have tell baby to come out fast fast dun delay too long! Hubby super excited now playing his game to relax!! Hahaha!! Will update all when my naughty boy is out!
Enjoy the process!! Counting down the hours ;)

Rem to remind ur hubby to encourage u to say no to Epi, jia you!!


Hi climsp, Jia you!! Are u the last one to pop among all of us?

So envy some mummies can start the massage, I am supposed to have my 1st massage on last sat, but due to my stitches still pain, they advised me to start later.

Hi cn211279, thanks for the info, tmr will bring my gal for the jaundice check up again, will ask hubby call the polyclinic for more info too.

My milk flow still not enough for my baby gal, I think I shld drink more soup n milk. Now I only pump out my milk to feed her.

I didn't really follow the rules although my mum keep nagging at me, i realized that if I am tired or not comfortable, milk flow lesser, so i insist to wash hair every few days, on the fan or air con.
Any mummies not having post natal massage? I am still hesitating, I worry I cannot take it being wrap up in such hot weather n worry my girl need to be feed while I am having massage.

I broke another confinement rules today I am siting under the ceiling fan... I felt much more better than to hide in the air con room where I will keep weeping for nothing....
Jia you!! Dun worry abt breaking rules! Most impt is we are feeling good cos confinement is the most diff period to go thru for us mummy. I think it's good to step out of the Aircon room, to sweat it out so as to reduce water retention!

Btw, your concerns for post natal massage is valid. It is super hot with he binder and ur BB may cry for milk during ur massage. So let the CL to handle that or feed before massage.


Hey, I'm the last one to pop, after Climsp. Nothing much to do now, so I also started research on caterer.

Went back to our prev post, can checked out. For food wise, I'm thinking of Huazhu caterers. Looks affordable.

Gifts wise, maybe use ecreative?