EDD May 2012 Mummies!

I need help! Breast super hard now, how? I pump again for 1hr at 12 just now. Can't just keeps pump rite? My nipple got bruised now!

Btw if breast milk been warmed. How long can it be keeps at room temperature??
Climps, try using a hot towel to massage your breasts before feeding or pumping. It works well for me :)
For diaper rash, I believe Mustela's diaper rash cream is useful. My CL said it is good to wipe n wash BB's buttock when it's stained with poo so she's doing it for my boy now. She just carry my boy to the sink to wash his buttock follow by applying the cream m change diaper.


I need help! Breast super hard now, how? I pump again for 1hr at 12 just now. Can't just keeps pump rite? My nipple got bruised now!

Btw if breast milk been warmed. How long can it be keeps at room temperature??
Dear Climsp, use a hot towel n wif your palm to massage against the hard areas if possible. I used fingers n pressed hard against my breast n also resulted in bruises.

For ur query re warmed breast milk, I googled but conflicting info. Guess maybe if anyone of us next talk to a LC or pd can ask n share the answer.


Oh forgot to mention that I don't use baby wipes on baby bum when diaper changing. I used the first 2 days I was home and her bum got red so I figured she must be sensitive. So I went back to using cotton and cool boil water to wipe her bum


Hey Mommies, time for my story!

I admitted myself to hospital yesterday morning 12am, just like Gynae instructed. Insert pill everything fine, but too excited didn't sleep much.

5.30 bowel prep. Feels that vjj is a bit sore Liao. Thinking that u dilated quite a bit. Later Gynae came at 8am say only 3cm. Sian
6am feels like got alot more poo. Went to release. After that, felt my first contractions. Lasted 1 min but repeats every 4 mins! Oh no. Thinking I'm in for a rough ride.
7am breathing techniques and imagery dun help to control pain anymore, ask for gas even though Gynae not here to see me yet. Now contractions every 2 mins, grabbing hubby's hand/wrist, any part I can manage when pain comes.
7.30 decided to sign epidural papers, tot I can take it, but I know this is just the beginning. Must take all your advice, go for epi straight.
8am Gynae came, say might deliver late afternoon. In my heart I think, wat! 8 hours more! Peng San. Fanatically asking for a anesthetist Liao.
8.30am finally caught hold of one, informed that epi takes 5-10 mins for effect. Me already like vegetable. Cannot move, contractions every min, breathing gas all the time.
9am back to being alert. Epi is great, just like u guys said. Sleepz....
11.30 Gynae say dilate 8cm Liao. Good. Then he realized baby heart beat dropped to 50. Then give instructions for more oxygen. No effect. Start to rush for c sec. I was like... No.... I dilate so much Liao, why must cut!!! But I know bo bian, otherwise baby in danger. Reluctantly let things be. But hubby realized at the last
Moment that baby heartbeat went back up.
He alerted Gynae, checked, Heng ah. No need to cut right away. Monitor.
15 mins later, 9.5cm dilated. Ask me to push. But I cannot feel anything.... Nurse teach me technique but I always get it wrong, posture not straight, use too much leg, let out too much air, push not long enough.
12pm everyone realized that Everytime I push, baby heart beat drop. Gynae decided to do vacuum. 12.19pm baby out! 2.97kg cutest thing ever.


Hey Mommies, time for my story!

I admitted myself to hospital yesterday morning 12am, just like Gynae instructed. Insert pill everything fine, but too excited didn't sleep much.

5.30 bowel prep. Feels that vjj is a bit sore Liao. Thinking that u dilated quite a bit. Later Gynae came at 8am say only 3cm. Sian
6am feels like got alot more poo. Went to release. After that, felt my first contractions. Lasted 1 min but repeats every 4 mins! Oh no. Thinking I'm in for a rough ride.
7am breathing techniques and imagery dun help to control pain anymore, ask for gas even though Gynae not here to see me yet. Now contractions every 2 mins, grabbing hubby's hand/wrist, any part I can manage when pain comes.
7.30 decided to sign epidural papers, tot I can take it, but I know this is just the beginning. Must take all your advice, go for epi straight.
8am Gynae came, say might deliver late afternoon. In my heart I think, wat! 8 hours more! Peng San. Fanatically asking for a anesthetist Liao.
8.30am finally caught hold of one, informed that epi takes 5-10 mins for effect. Me already like vegetable. Cannot move, contractions every min, breathing gas all the time.
9am back to being alert. Epi is great, just like u guys said. Sleepz....
11.30 Gynae say dilate 8cm Liao. Good. Then he realized baby heart beat dropped to 50. Then give instructions for more oxygen. No effect. Start to rush for c sec. I was like... No.... I dilate so much Liao, why must cut!!! But I know bo bian, otherwise baby in danger. Reluctantly let things be. But hubby realized at the last
Moment that baby heartbeat went back up.
He alerted Gynae, checked, Heng ah. No need to cut right away. Monitor.
15 mins later, 9.5cm dilated. Ask me to push. But I cannot feel anything.... Nurse teach me technique but I always get it wrong, posture not straight, use too much leg, let out too much air, push not long enough.
12pm everyone realized that Everytime I push, baby heart beat drop. Gynae decided to do vacuum. 12.19pm baby out! 2.97kg cutest thing ever.
Luckily no need c sect. Have a good rest!


Congrats gracecwz!

To mummies who are bf your baby - how much milk are you giving per feed? When I give EBM to my baby who is today 1 month old, she's taking about 90-100ml per feed. Just wondering if this is too much?


New Member
I need help! Breast super hard now, how? I pump again for 1hr at 12 just now. Can't just keeps pump rite? My nipple got bruised now!

Btw if breast milk been warmed. How long can it be keeps at room temperature??

When i experienced super hard breast, my massage lady taught me to take a milk bottle.. Fill up with hot water n compressed at the hard area then massage towards the nipple.. Roll the milk bottle at the point of hardness towards the nipple.. Then pump / latch.. Then compress while pumping . The hot compressed is to so call melt the milk so that it will flow out.. It really work for me..

I always max keep for 2 hours and throw the warmed up ebm if bb not drinking within the 2 hrs..
Congrats gracecwz!

To mummies who are bf your baby - how much milk are you giving per feed? When I give EBM to my baby who is today 1 month old, she's taking about 90-100ml per feed. Just wondering if this is too much?
90-100ml seems reasonable. I read it fr a source. Does your BB have nipple confusion if she is using a bottle for ebm?


Congrats gracecwz!

To mummies who are bf your baby - how much milk are you giving per feed? When I give EBM to my baby who is today 1 month old, she's taking about 90-100ml per feed. Just wondering if this is too much?
Its fine. My baby is coming 1 month old, she takes about 100ml of milk. PD says she can take up to 120ml


Congrats gracecwz!

To mummies who are bf your baby - how much milk are you giving per feed? When I give EBM to my baby who is today 1 month old, she's taking about 90-100ml per feed. Just wondering if this is too much?
90-100ml seems reasonable. I read it fr a source. Does your BB have nipple confusion if she is using a bottle for ebm?
Thanks. So far no confusion. I'm using Medela Calma which was recommended to me as it simulated a mothers breast by making the baby work/suckle for milk - it doesn't drip on its own


Gongratz gracecwz!! U did it!!! So heng! Take care!! Remember to ask more on breast feeding there!! All the nurses there very helpful!

I nvr sleep the whole nite! My whole family nvr sleep well also! Cos got 1 hungry crying monster! I feed FM 40ml at 1am! 50ml BM at 3am! Cry to 4am after tat. 530 start cry again. 6 I feed 40ml FM cry non stop, 20ml BM to top up. I hug him to sleep on top of chest. 1hr later place him beside! Hubby is like total knock out after 4am, snore even baby cry! He super tired! 830am 40ml FM just sleep off! I really dun know how to feed him! seem like forever hungry! He can't wait for food, will cry till whole body chilli red n hot! My mum n I so worry he fever cos of injection. Now then I feel I realli is a mummy! Hospital stay is nothin.


New Member
Hey climsp, mayb is e FM problem. Which brand ru feeding him? I knw S26 n Nan pro nv seem to be filling for em. Kept wanting for more. Am nw using similac. Feeding 120ml at every 3hrs interval for my 6 wks old baby. At nite only wakie once for milk. Mayb u can consider changing e milk brand ya


I feed nan pro! He onli 5 days old. PD say he ok w/ the milk. Nurse @ mount a actually say he drink alot. Think he is just drink more cos I feed BM he also nvr filled. Now I try every 2.5hr 40ml for today. Then see how. mon went see PD see Wat he say abt it. I realli feel helpless, later MIL comin. Hope she dun say anything to me, cos watever she say is Wat she hear from diff ppl! Which alot is useless. I just want to rest!


Gongratz gracecwz!! U did it!!! So heng! Take care!! Remember to ask more on breast feeding there!! All the nurses there very helpful!

I nvr sleep the whole nite! My whole family nvr sleep well also! Cos got 1 hungry crying monster! I feed FM 40ml at 1am! 50ml BM at 3am! Cry to 4am after tat. 530 start cry again. 6 I feed 40ml FM cry non stop, 20ml BM to top up. I hug him to sleep on top of chest. 1hr later place him beside! Hubby is like total knock out after 4am, snore even baby cry! He super tired! 830am 40ml FM just sleep off! I really dun know how to feed him! seem like forever hungry! He can't wait for food, will cry till whole body chilli red n hot! My mum n I so worry he fever cos of injection. Now then I feel I realli is a mummy! Hospital stay is nothin.
Check wif your pd re your Boy's intake. May be due to type of fm instead of being hungry.


My 2-week old baby is taking 90ml every feed for 2.5-3hrly cycles. When i feed direct from breasts, he usually still not full even after 1 hr, still need to top up EBM for about 25-30ml.

Congrats gracecwz!

To mummies who are bf your baby - how much milk are you giving per feed? When I give EBM to my baby who is today 1 month old, she's taking about 90-100ml per feed. Just wondering if this is too much?