EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Hello ladies..Been such a looonnggg time since i logged in..Its difficult to find the time to do so with my 27-month old and 9-month old boys...!!!! I cant imagine how my life will be like wen my girl arrives..!!*gulp*..Anyways just an update,my last checkup at 24weeks,my baby weighed 782g...!!! Looks like im gonna be expecting another big baby..!! My next checkup at 29weeks will be nxt week tuesday..I cant wait..!!! :Dancing_wub:


agree that the baby expo is not worth going.. not many vendors and the big ticket items are so expensive.. now thinking to go for the one next week..

have anyone bought the breastfeeding pump and accessories? my fren told me not to buy so early cos I won't know now if I'll hav milk until I deliver. But won't it be too late to buy the breastpump by then? Is it really necessary to buy the pumps since I'll be breastfeeding at home during the 4 mths of maternity leave (though I've not decided how long to breastfeed my boy)? And also I'm not sure if my boy will latch on to me or not.

if buy, manual or electric pumps is better? for the storge cups, mus it be the same brand as the pump to be compatible? Must it be the same brand for the milk bottle and the teats? so confusing and lost when I was at the Baby Expo yesterday.. duno wat to buy first... anyone can help?
I bought my pump already. Rationale is that I intend to breast feed even after I return to work so with such a hefty investment will be more motivated. No such thing as not enough milk or no milk! Just have to perserve! It will be painful but worth it!!

I bought the medala freestyle for $699 at Isetan private sale. Keep a lookout for Taka 10% off sales too. I saw the same pump for $699 but there's additional 10% off. That's the cheapest I found liao for local set. Figured a double electric pump can always pump single but single pump can't do double so just buy the double pump. ;)

As for milk storage, you can use breast milk bags or bottles, which takes up much space. If you inten to bf when you return to work, best to get the milk bags. My set came with 4 milk storage bottles too.


Hey ladies, I went to baby kingdom at KaKi bukit, they have this offer for quinny zapp xtra + maxi cosi cabriofix infant car seat for $755. Is it worth it to buy? Feels a bit costly
Sounds quite ok? Coz the car seat is $300+ normally already. I'm not sure on the px of price stroller tho


Anyone knows where can I buy infant pillow and bolster covers? All the ready made covers are adult size
A few friends told me to look at aussino but I didn't see any at the great world branch.

Hey dear newborn don't need pillows and bolsters? Might have suffocation risk?


HEy ladies, Isetan called me up to inform of their baby fair too, up to 20% off, some more if got card, extra discount. I think metro dun have a lot of choices, so not buying from them even though got sale.

BTW, which so u ladies prefer for baby cot ah? the wooden traditional type, or the new age, travel baby cot which doubles as playpen? i'm so torn between them
Both have pros and cons personally I got the traditional cots (hand me down so no choice!) but heard my colleagues baby might knock onto the wooden sides (bumpers can pose suffocation risk), hands and feet get stuck in the rails (I got one of those mesh breathable bumpers from amazon, a lot cheaper in US. Saw it selling at robinsons for $70-80!). Cot also more bulky and hotter (if u use a traditional bumper)

Good part is that traditional cots can drop down the sides. I'm planning to put the cot next to my bed so baby can sleep beside me in her cot, can't do that with playpen.

But playpens have more ventilation. Good for when baby starts to walk or crawl around. Can put the baby in the playpen while you're in the toilet or cooking etc


I'm also considering cloth diapers leh. but i was looking at happy heinys or charlie banana one size diapers. they look great and doubles up as pants too. anyone else getting such diapers?
Let me go check out those brands :) too many out there... Hard to choose!


im also sourcing for cloth diaper, dont wan spend too much on them, as long as cheap and good. will buy one from few brands and try after birth if good then stock up
Hey hey don't wash your PUL diapers in high heat! Read on some mummy's blog, the plastic waterproof material might separate if washed at high heat....

Joleen Koay

New Member
Hey ladies, I know it's still early but anyone due in May 2012 and want to hang out on this board? Just got the confirmation from my doc this morning after taking six positive home pregnancy tests! Am due on 9th May 2012. Really cautiously excited and hoping to meet other May mums-to-be!
Hey, my EDD is 9 May 2012 too!. This is my first baby and is a baby girl..really excited and nervous.


I got the pillow at NTUC Xtra, which is also running a baby fair now. I need pillow casing now ... dunno how to sew, so looking for ready made ones:(
there are many pillow and bolster cases at kiddy palace.. i saw at the tpy outlet.. not sure if available elswhere :)


A few friends told me to look at aussino but I didn't see any at the great world branch.

Hey dear newborn don't need pillows and bolsters? Might have suffocation risk?
Really? I am aware of suffocation risk for blanket. So, I bought swadle (the wear on blanket).*


Hello ladies..Been such a looonnggg time since i logged in..Its difficult to find the time to do so with my 27-month old and 9-month old boys...!!!! I cant imagine how my life will be like wen my girl arrives..!!*gulp*..Anyways just an update,my last checkup at 24weeks,my baby weighed 782g...!!! Looks like im gonna be expecting another big baby..!! My next checkup at 29weeks will be nxt week tuesday..I cant wait..!!! :Dancing_wub:
782g is consider big??? Mine weigh 800g! *sweatz


Hi Tannie,

I had this experience once or twice towards the end of my 2nd trimester.. I thought it was bcos I have a full bladder when I sneezed..
You can try wearing those pads specially for urinary leaks...Poise or Tenna.

I heard its quite common during pregnancy. Pelvic floor exercise should help as well.