EDD May 2012 Mummies!

yes.. I also the same.. feel hungry very easily and especially most of the mid night.. around 3am.. feel hungry so get up make a milk then go back to sleep..
Day time I am either eating or drinking too... :p I think it is normal... how much weight you have put on so far?

Do u gals get hungrier these days (3rd trimester), I get hungry 2-3 hours after every meal. I was literally eating every waking hour ytd. N I just woke up at 5am feeling the intense need for food! Eating somewhat became a chore( when I need to b careful w my food intake) at the same time, I feel like a pig!


dun u feel our babies got sleeping spell? ppl tend to act blur or sleep when they see us on train or bus? once my sis say very loud in train - jie u wan to sit? i ask for u. i reply her dun bother to ask if they want to give me sit they willnt sleep or act blur once i am in!! even we say so loud, no one give me sit also!! btw all is young guy n women at tat time!

i told hubby next time when i see preg women or old ppl i make sure i tell my boy to get up to give up his seat even when he is onli 2 or 3 yr old!!
Yah I think the spell very strong, even take lrt short distance, the person can also fall asleep.
Hi May mummies-to-be,

My EDD was supposed to be 18 May but I was found to have some problems and was admitted few weeks back. Baby had to be delivered by emergency caesarean as a result at 25 weeks :( Now she's in ICU, stable condition but I worry for her all the time.

Since it was so sudden, I was totally not prepared for anything. Had to rush to buy pump to pump breast milk since the lactation consultant said it's the only thing I can do to help my baby grow quickly. Now having confinement and buying the stuff I need online like nursing bra etc. Mad rush! If everything goes well, my baby should be able to come home around the time that she was supposed to have been delivered.

Please take care of yourselves mummies! Nice to read about babies kicking so hard in the stomach. My baby was in fact found to be on the small side. So on top of being premature, she's also small for her gestation age :(

Praying that everything goes well..

Hope everything is well for u and baby... Will be keeping u in the prayers.. :)

Be strong for your little one.


Hi May mummies-to-be,

My EDD was supposed to be 18 May but I was found to have some problems and was admitted few weeks back. Baby had to be delivered by emergency caesarean as a result at 25 weeks :( Now she's in ICU, stable condition but I worry for her all the time.

Since it was so sudden, I was totally not prepared for anything. Had to rush to buy pump to pump breast milk since the lactation consultant said it's the only thing I can do to help my baby grow quickly. Now having confinement and buying the stuff I need online like nursing bra etc. Mad rush! If everything goes well, my baby should be able to come home around the time that she was supposed to have been delivered.

Please take care of yourselves mummies! Nice to read about babies kicking so hard in the stomach. My baby was in fact found to be on the small side. So on top of being premature, she's also small for her gestation age :(

Praying that everything goes well..
w the modern technologies, i'm sure ur bb is gg to b fine n pull thru.. dont worry too much ya. =))



Wipes wont dry up unless its not well-kept after opened. Usually there is a expiry date for the wipes stated on the packaging.
Hi Dilys,

Thanks, if we put the unopened packs in the bomb shelter is it okay? we dun close the door for the bomb shelter so can still be considered not stuffy inside.. :p

btw, jus came back from the Baby Fair at BHG Bugis.. the fair is until this Sun only.. the whole children's section having 20% for selected brands/ items.. cheap deals like 2 for $9.90.. Disney rompers $19.90.. Strawberry shortcake designs, etc... good for those who doesn't like to squeeze with the crowd like the baby expo last week.. but maybe also bcos I went on weekday lunchtime so not many pple...


Hi sunkissed....

All the best to you and your gal. Stay strong and positive.
Have faith that she will be fine!
You must take care of yourself too... eat and rest well so you can give her the best breastmilk that she needs for now.

Hi May mummies-to-be,

My EDD was supposed to be 18 May but I was found to have some problems and was admitted few weeks back. Baby had to be delivered by emergency caesarean as a result at 25 weeks :( Now she's in ICU, stable condition but I worry for her all the time.

Since it was so sudden, I was totally not prepared for anything. Had to rush to buy pump to pump breast milk since the lactation consultant said it's the only thing I can do to help my baby grow quickly. Now having confinement and buying the stuff I need online like nursing bra etc. Mad rush! If everything goes well, my baby should be able to come home around the time that she was supposed to have been delivered.

Please take care of yourselves mummies! Nice to read about babies kicking so hard in the stomach. My baby was in fact found to be on the small side. So on top of being premature, she's also small for her gestation age :(

Praying that everything goes well..


Agree.. so far, no one has ever given up his or her seat for me.
Kind of can't believe it. Only managed to get seats when pple stand up to leave at their stations/stops.

sometimes i feel so awkward standing in front of them, what if i kena Stomped the next day, as a victim!

dun u feel our babies got sleeping spell? ppl tend to act blur or sleep when they see us on train or bus? once my sis say very loud in train - jie u wan to sit? i ask for u. i reply her dun bother to ask if they want to give me sit they willnt sleep or act blur once i am in!! even we say so loud, no one give me sit also!! btw all is young guy n women at tat time!

i told hubby next time when i see preg women or old ppl i make sure i tell my boy to get up to give up his seat even when he is onli 2 or 3 yr old!!


Agree.. so far, no one has ever given up his or her seat for me.
Kind of can't believe it. Only managed to get seats when pple stand up to leave at their stations/stops.

sometimes i feel so awkward standing in front of them, what if i kena Stomped the next day, as a victim!
I have the same problem. At 27weeks now and I've given up taking MRT to work even tho it's only 4 stops to raffles for me. It's impossible to get in and when I do there are goons who will force their way into the sardine packed mrt! The last straw for me was when I was squashed from all directions! One guy had his back against mine with no space in between and another 2 ladies squashed on my left and right and a guy in front of me and me hanging onto the pole for dear life.

Since I stay 4 stops away I don't really need a seat but I've noticed many times ppl refusing to give their seat up- and that it doesn't just apply to the reserved seats but ANY seat. Most often time people take it fr granted that only the reserved seat person needs to vacate his/her seat.

Anyway not all are bad. I've had some ppl giving up their seats for me at the start or mid journey (which I wld decline since its already halfway). I've also given up my seat for other preggie moms who are further down the pregnancy progress compared to me and also some elderly people. The only time I take Mrt now is otw home


Hi May mummies-to-be,

My EDD was supposed to be 18 May but I was found to have some problems and was admitted few weeks back. Baby had to be delivered by emergency caesarean as a result at 25 weeks :( Now she's in ICU, stable condition but I worry for her all the time.

Since it was so sudden, I was totally not prepared for anything. Had to rush to buy pump to pump breast milk since the lactation consultant said it's the only thing I can do to help my baby grow quickly. Now having confinement and buying the stuff I need online like nursing bra etc. Mad rush! If everything goes well, my baby should be able to come home around the time that she was supposed to have been delivered.

Please take care of yourselves mummies! Nice to read about babies kicking so hard in the stomach. My baby was in fact found to be on the small side. So on top of being premature, she's also small for her gestation age :(

Praying that everything goes well..
Hi Sunkissed,

Keeping you in my prayers. I'm 29 weeks going to 30 soon. My gynae has commanded me bed rest as I'm experiencing early contractions along with a short cervix. Also worried that baby will come out soon but keeping my fingers crossed.

Do stay positive as that will guide you along and everything will go fine. Jia you!!


Hey mummies, I just want to express how much I admire those who have to fight with the rush hour crowd. Yesterday I had a special event, so I took the mrt at rush hour. OMG!

I was expecting it to be packed and all. But I didn't expected to be pushed. And I was pushed from the entrance all the way to the handle pole. And my tummy was pressed against it. Aiyo! I was so scared. Then at the next stop, worse. People trying to get out of the train pushed me from both directions! I had to where to position myself so that my bump is safe. After that I felt so bullied, I couldn't help but break down and cry...

I really admired ladies who still take public transport to work at this stage.
Only experienced it once and that alone was enough for me. Agree with you! Totally admire MTB who can tahan these crowds. Am lucky that I am able to drive my mom's car to work. Though it can be tiring, it beats having to squeeze with inconsiderate pple!


Agree.. so far, no one has ever given up his or her seat for me.
Kind of can't believe it. Only managed to get seats when pple stand up to leave at their stations/stops.

sometimes i feel so awkward standing in front of them, what if i kena Stomped the next day, as a victim!
same onli manage to seat when ppl alighted! sometime i scare to go seat also, scared those alot of legs-going-to-broke ppl push me!!

i nvr thou of been stomped as victim!! :wideeyed:


Anyone going to Expo today?
I m at the expo BB fair. Def bigger scale than last week one. More stalls. I got my BB cot, stroller, cloth diapers from this Expo. Stroller wif BB car ride cheaper abt S$150/- compared to mkt. BB cot we got Bloom brand. Can double up as BB bed Tok 5 yrs old so more exp. all in all can come tk a look


Active Member
dun u feel our babies got sleeping spell? ppl tend to act blur or sleep when they see us on train or bus? once my sis say very loud in train - jie u wan to sit? i ask for u. i reply her dun bother to ask if they want to give me sit they willnt sleep or act blur once i am in!! even we say so loud, no one give me sit also!! btw all is young guy n women at tat time!

i told hubby next time when i see preg women or old ppl i make sure i tell my boy to get up to give up his seat even when he is onli 2 or 3 yr old!!
Hi dear.

Dont talk about young girls & boys not giving up seats. Sometimes U will find that this happens to middle age aunties... Once they glanced a preggie lady.. They will dozed off very quickly... This is the selfishness act of Singaporean... Sometimes.. U will be very surprise that it's those blangdesh workers that are the ones who give up seats.


1 glance onli, they will sleep. our babies sleeping spell realli super powerful!!

so far onli 1 aunty give me seat, 1 aunty ask seat for me, 1 blanga give me seat!! ever since my bump is big to see i AM preg. btw i cant say all singaporean is selffish, cos i kanna push by other F.t when i try to get a seat or go in train or bus. n i hate ppl see my bump as fat or nice burger to eat! nvr see b4 is it!! :bmad:


Anyone going to Expo today?
I just came back from expo. Many good deals, but the things I wanted to buy eg swaddling cloth $10 and baby carrier, nursing bra - all ALREADY out of stock. :( so sad

Luckily managed to get the happy heinys cloth diapers I wanted. Otherwise it will be a wasted trip. The other deals are all same as if u go to the vendors shops.

If I didn't buy anything, I very scared my grouchy husband (whom I dragged down with me) will sulk even more...:p


yes.. I also the same.. feel hungry very easily and especially most of the mid night.. around 3am.. feel hungry so get up make a milk then go back to sleep..
Day time I am either eating or drinking too... :p I think it is normal... how much weight you have put on so far?
put on ard 10 kg alr. it just keeps going up. with the 4th month increased like 4kg a month. damn scary. n to think i'm eating quite healthily. yourself?