EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Hi Meilynn,

is this the package for C-section or natural birth? Yest at the baby fair at expop, I sign up for the 7-day natural birth package and it cost $684 plus the freebies you mentioned.. paid a deposit of $100 and can change the package when we deliver and when we call to make appointment. hmm.. so how I feel cheated...
How come yours is so ex? From my understanding C-Sec or Natural Birth no difference in package except that the commencement of the massage will is later for C-Sec.

Did you purchase the Classic or the Other add on plans with Gangang? If so, then i think that could be the reason for the price difference.


hi Gracecwz,

one of the lady at the fair told me if I want to see the effect, must do at least 7 days. the massage can help to reposition the womb and can help to slim down the tummy area. the only thing I dun like is the free body scrub.. we have to go to their outlet to return the wraps in order to enjoy the free body scrub..
I was planning on doing the body scrub when i go bring baby back for checkup during the one month period? At the same time can bathe...haha...Just in case my mum keeps a close eye on me during confinement and dont allow me to touch water.


I got similar things as you too yest at the expo fair.. Combi stroller ($359.10 aft discount, free 3 packs of Combi baby wipes, free delivery in Apr), PUKU baby cot (convertable to bed until about 3-4yrs and can sustain a weight of a male adult at $299, includes 6pcs bedding sets like pillow, bloster, bumper and the cases, free delivery in Apr), Avent breastfeeding essentials set at $229 (usual $400+, didnt had the lucky dip but was given 1 umbrella, ipad cover and 2 teats), M size playmat at $140, cloth diaper from Lovelyworld (6 sets with inserts at $165).

the best deal I tink is the vendor selling the PUKU products, its a Taiwan brand with a penguin as their logo. The salesman was very patient and professional, not pushy type and is a father of 3; he also gave me advice on how to take care of my boy (my 1st child). Any 4 items and above is 40% off and I simply love their products, so cute.

All in all, I feel that this baby fair is much much better that the previous one, no doubt both occupy only half the hall. It really didnt disappoint me and I didnt expect we'll buy so many tings yest. hee...

Haha, wif so many purchases def u r not disappointed .. Lol.. I felt more assured now tt we managed to prepare some stuff for bb. Now juz need to buy the smaller items then shd be ok. I was wondering if worthwhile going down for the mothercare fair at Harbour front this weekend.
Hi mummies..interested in purchasing Baby head to toe cleanser and aloe jelly for preventing nappy rashes? I had been using them for my first born and now going for my second born... They giving away free Aloe Lips worth $6.70 that personally i think is good for mosquito bites, skin cut and for mummy's dry lips too... Distributors selling $55 Plus free gifts and delivery. I thought was worth while... Give a try then...
isetan also having baby fair... can go see see look look... Pigeon liquid cleanser (1 bottle + 2 refill) at $29.50....

Products at 15% discount also....

THere is baby fair at Taka this weekend too right ? I think there is pigeon pdt so will be making a trip down.


Hi sunkissed,

Happy to hear positive updates from you! I smiled when I read that your gal opened her eyes when you went to see her. So sweet... :)

There are many checklists available online and other pages on this forum. Do check them out and select those you need. I cross-referenced a few to decide what do I need and what do I not. I've got a pdf list of things to buy that my sister passed me, tried to load it up here but dunno how to do it. If you need, can PM me, i can send by email to you. :)

Thank you mummies for your prayers and support :) went to see her yesterday and she was sleeping very soundly. Opened her eyes big big when Daddy and I reached. Super cute!

Don't know if it's too early to buy baby stuff for her also. I can't wait to get all the stuff but I'm scared the clothes and diapers I buy will be too big for her. I'm also CLUELESS as to what to get! Yday I created a list but also don't think it's comprehensive enough.

Yup spoke to a nurse right after operation and she said she knew of babies smaller than mine who grew up to be fine. Now too premature to see if there will be any problems. But so far so good. Still got a LOOOONG way to go! Hopefully everything will be normal!

Hi gessim, I was hoping that my baby can stay at least 4 more weeks in my womb. Cos the doctors said that chance of survival is very high at 29 weeks. I was actually hospitalised and kept under observation for the first few days. They were monitoring the baby's heartbeat and kept asking if I had contractions. I felt very fine and had NO CONTRACTIONS.

But one night, I had super high blood pressure and the doctors advice was to have the caesarean as it was very bad and can lead to damage to my liver and kidneys. :( No choice lor have to do operation. They said the only way to bring the blood pressure down is to give birth to the baby.

I don't have any history of high blood pressure and I'm young so it was a very odd thing for me. Couldn't understand how it happened also. It was just a routine checkup that became an extended hospital stay.


Hi sun kissed, I guess no matter how comprehensive the list is, we will still feel it is not enof... I have a list too but when I am at the malls and baby fair i still feel very lost cause there is a lot of things to see, a lot of brands and diff prices... End up I can only complete half the list...

Maybe u can get those necessity online first, after ur confinement then go shopping for some other item.

At the moment take care of yourself.


isetan also having baby fair... can go see see look look... Pigeon liquid cleanser (1 bottle + 2 refill) at $29.50....

Products at 15% discount also....
OIC, thanks.

I got the same pack of liquid detergent at same price from John little too... Wanted to get the laundry detergent but only left one bottle...


hey MTBs, for those of you working... when will you start taking leave? I know some people work till they deliver, while some take leave 2 weeks before EDD... what are your plans?


hey MTBs, for those of you working... when will you start taking leave? I know some people work till they deliver, while some take leave 2 weeks before EDD... what are your plans?
I plan to work as long as I can, otherwise I'll be lazy and sit around at home. Not good for labour. If want to take leave also take after the public holidays, after Vesak day. Currently I'm taking a off day or 1 day annual leave every week, so I can rest


I plan to work as long as I can, otherwise I'll be lazy and sit around at home. Not good for labour. If want to take leave also take after the public holidays, after Vesak day. Currently I'm taking a off day or 1 day annual leave every week, so I can rest
oh 1 day annual leave per week is a good idea! thanks for sharing, Gracecwz :)


I'm also hoping to work till i deliver... Don't want to start lazing too early. :D
But if my body cannot take it towards the end, I'm also prepared to take a few days to a week earlier than my EDD.
See how it goes... :)


hey MTBs, for those of you working... when will you start taking leave? I know some people work till they deliver, while some take leave 2 weeks before EDD... what are your plans?
my edd is on 13 May n happens to b mothers day too..hhehehe.. well hopefully i can deliver on that day.. hehe
well i plan to start on the 2nd week of May. so that means a week's rest from work or maybe a lil lesser.. i havent decide just yet.. hehhe


hey MTBs.. how many of you are experiencing headaches now?
i'm having pressure like headaches only on my left side n is affecting my teeth. i dont know if it's my teeth got hole or the nerve in my gums bt i'm pretty sure its the latter. n this has been going on for like 4-5 days already. it usually starts in the late morning after doing some work. could it be that i'm stressing my eyes by looking at the comp? :wong7:


Gosh... I'm having diarrhoea for 5days and it still doesnt stop. Anyone knows if it is alright to take lomotil?
better go see your gynea or visit hospital. i got stomach flu before also, was on drip n took a blood test when go hospital. dont anyhow take medi. alot of we cant take now, will be harm to baby also

take care

for ML - think of taking it 1 or 2 week b4 due date, then take onli 10weeks, will take 1 week per mth after tat
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