EDD May 2012 Mummies!


New Member
Agree with Dilys. Belt does not help to move placenta higher but rather give some support to relieve backache as yr tummy get heavier



Thks for all the advice. Guess I will monitor further n ensure sufficient rest n no heavy weight lifting :) My col going on 2 mths med leave so gotta cover her duty. Pretty worried abt getting too stressed up but will def try my best to relax.

Also, can I ask anyone experience a pain from the back of waist to the buttock n thigh? I hv been hv this "pulling" pain on my left side. Gets worse whenever I lie down n try to shift my leg or body. Cant sleep well cos the pain is always there whenever I change position


Active Member

Thks for all the advice. Guess I will monitor further n ensure sufficient rest n no heavy weight lifting :) My col going on 2 mths med leave so gotta cover her duty. Pretty worried abt getting too stressed up but will def try my best to relax.

Also, can I ask anyone experience a pain from the back of waist to the buttock n thigh? I hv been hv this "pulling" pain on my left side. Gets worse whenever I lie down n try to shift my leg or body. Cant sleep well cos the pain is always there whenever I change position

Always support yourself with pillows.. Support ur buttocks, back & legs well u should have no problem !! Whenever you are having pain by taking deep breathe it helps!!


I felt so no pregnant, still can't feel any baby movement... And tummy not very big yet... Can't wait for my 20wks scan coming thurs... Hope everything will b fine...


Active Member
I felt so no pregnant, still can't feel any baby movement... And tummy not very big yet... Can't wait for my 20wks scan coming thurs... Hope everything will b fine...

Don't worry .. Sometimes mummies will baby"s movement abit later. Tummy don't have too look big .. Isn't that Gd?? Some mummies having too bulging tummy will have hard time walking..


Not true !! Maternity belt is to hold your tummy if your tummy is bulge alot.. Doesnt helps in Low lying placenta .. Placenta is inside your body ...Once bigger get bigger your placenta will automatic move up in your later trimester.

Those who r having low lying placenta need to have sufficient rest, no carry of heavy stuff to prevent spotting or bleeding!

Placenta is one of your "internal organ" .. Ridiculous .. How can a "internal organ be hold up by using the belt?

Agree w/ dilys!
Have more bed rest! Dun walk too much also! Take care


Having stomach flu since Friday! Have a drip at hosiptal yday! Realli got scared when doctor say need blood test! Lucky result is ok! Allow to go home after drip!
If have stomach flu for too long is not good for little one inside! Is best to go hosiptal for a check! cos we can't take any Pills to stop the diarrhoea


New Member
Hihi..I started feeling my baby move only at 20 weeks. First time mummy here due in May. So do not worry, I am sure you will feel him/her soon. Going for 21 week scan tomorrow. Feeling very excited to see little one again.


Active Member
Having stomach flu since Friday! Have a drip at hosiptal yday! Realli got scared when doctor say need blood test! Lucky result is ok! Allow to go home after drip!
If have stomach flu for too long is not good for little one inside! Is best to go hosiptal for a check! cos we can't take any Pills to stop the diarrhoea
Hi climsp,

Hope u r feeling better now .. Wow so serious .. U having stomach flu... Hmm usually diarrhea doc will give u char coal pills that r safe for pregnancy. Not those in normal store!! Get well soon!! Drink more water to replenish !!


Having stomach flu since Friday! Have a drip at hosiptal yday! Realli got scared when doctor say need blood test! Lucky result is ok! Allow to go home after drip!
If have stomach flu for too long is not good for little one inside! Is best to go hosiptal for a check! cos we can't take any Pills to stop the diarrhoea
Dear Climsp

Hope u feeling much better now. Guess wif our little one inside, we hv to tk extra caution ESP when we not feeling well. Never know wat's the impact on our little ones. Do tk good care ya.


I felt so no pregnant, still can't feel any baby movement... And tummy not very big yet... Can't wait for my 20wks scan coming thurs... Hope everything will b fine...
I m almost 21 weeks yet to feel the BB movement too. Guess we gotta hv more patience :) at 5 mths still from feel not much pregnant is good news le. At least u dun hv MS n backaches. Cheer up k. So long BB is growing well guess most impt ;)


Hi climsp,

Hope u r feeling better now .. Wow so serious .. U having stomach flu... Hmm usually diarrhea doc will give u char coal pills that r safe for pregnancy. Not those in normal store!! Get well soon!! Drink more water to replenish !!
Both doc for hosiptal n clinic dun give charcoal pills when I ask. Both say not very safe to have. so better dun take lo. got scolded by my mum also, nearly make me cry out! She say I am not alone now! Everything have to think of the one inside also! Cos I drag 1 day b4 go hosiptal.

Poor hubby also sick now! Worst then me. Think have to go hosiptal later also!


Active Member
Both doc for hosiptal n clinic dun give charcoal pills when I ask. Both say not very safe to have. so better dun take lo. got scolded by my mum also, nearly make me cry out! She say I am not alone now! Everything have to think of the one inside also! Cos I drag 1 day b4 go hosiptal.

Poor hubby also sick now! Worst then me. Think have to go hosiptal later also!
The hospital wants to earn your $$. Cannot be.. Char coal can be taken if given by your gynae. It's totally safe.. I had diarrhea at my 16wks.. I was given that for 3days. I recovered.
Maybe for your case .. U drag for 1 day that's why they put u on drip!!

If it happens again, better go immediately don't take the risk! When u r in pain.. Baby will curl up in pain also. That's what I saw during my scan that time ... Baby will curl up like a ball.
I think you have to start taking tonics to boost up ur immune system!
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The hospital wants to earn your $$. Cannot be.. Char coal can be taken if given by your gynae. It's totally safe.. I had diarrhea at my 16wks.. I was given that for 3days. I recovered.
Maybe for your case .. you drag for 1 day that's why they put you on drip!!

If it happens again, better go immediately dont't take the risk! When you r in pain.. Baby will curl up in pain also. That's what I saw during my scan that time ... Baby will curl up like a ball.
I think you have to start taking tonics to boost up your immune system!
Hi I was told that we can't take charcoal pills during pregnancy too by the gynae. So I turned to tcm to relieve it.


For my case is not diarrhea, is stomach flu so is best not to take charcoal. I need to drink more water to wash out the virus!

For traditional Chinese pill like po chai pills can't take also for diarrhea or stomach flu during preg.

I went see clinic on Friday, at night it get worse! So morning then go hospital. due to lose of too much water, I was giving the drip!
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Active Member
For my case is not diarrhea, is stomach flu so is best not to take charcoal. I need to drink more water to wash out the virus!

For traditional Chinese pill like po chai pills can't take also for diarrhea or stomach flu during preg.
Ya agree po chai pills Definetly a no no! Take care !!


Btw no H2O 100plus or any fruit juice also! Will only give u more cramp. My hubby took H2O feel better, but I onli drink half glass I got bad cramp.


Btw no H2O 100plus or any fruit juice also! Will only give u more cramp. My hubby took H2O feel better, but I onli drink half glass I got bad cramp.

According to my tcm doc. For people with weak stomach like me, we cannot take too much fruits or juices. Dunno why leh, but I did listen to him cos he helped stop my spotting despite me going to gynae to take jabs and duphaston during my first trimester. Was so grateful to him!

Btw, there's one more thing we should be weary. He mentioned white fungus as a big no no to pregnant women. He says though the medical books never say it is bad for expectant moms, he has personally seen 6 cases of miscarriages due to that. He banned that food for all his expectant patients.


Active Member
Btw no H2O 100plus or any fruit juice also! Will only give u more cramp. My hubby took H2O feel better, but I onli drink half glass I got bad cramp.
Hello... Dear

U just recover u shouldnt be taking gas drinks or cold drinks. Hot n warm drink make ur baby more comfortable inside for this moment!