EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Good evening,
I am a new mummy in this forum. I just finished the OSCAR test yesterday at Thomson Medical. My husband needs to pay 485SGD for OSCAR + FA scan + blood test. The nurse makes me very pain when she takes my blood. I dont't like the blood test. :(( . I like FA scan, my husband n I can see my baby swimming around in my tummy and see 2 cute legs n hands. That moment makes me cry. Maybe I am so sensitive.
This is my first baby n my baby is 12weeks. After 3 months of pregnancy, I didn't gain my weight. I am worry about that. Before and during my pregnancy, I eat the same amount of food. Can you give me some advice?

One more question I want to ask: Do you know about CORD BLOOD BANKING SERVICES? Anyone plan to do it? Can share for me some information?

Thank you and have nice weekend.
Hi Cy, I also dint gain weight caused I cant seemed to eat much. Are your tummy showing at week 12? I also dont have frequent urination..I dont wake up middle of night needing to pee..is it normal?


Meltie, you are always so encouraging and positive :Dancing_wub:
Thanls Xiongmao! How are u? :)

Welcome cyphuong84! Wah your scans so ex? no package?
Don't worry about weight again as long as you have a proper diet.. In my previous pregmancy i lost 3-4kg due to morning sickbess! This time i'm losing abit of weight too.. not to worry, you'll gain it back at 2nd trimester and we will balloon up!! ;) I gained 13kg and lost all 11kg immediately after delivery.. and lost 4 more kg after breastfdg for few mths! :p
As for cord blood banking, i did it with cordlife.. must pay some lump sum n the rest is instalments till the year you wanna store it up till.. mostly to tue age of 21.. i'm tjinking of not doing for my no.2 coz can still use no.1's cord blood. Hmm its actually like an insurance.. just in case anything happens to bb, you canfall back on cord blood ..

applez10, you're doing well! Haha different ppl different.. so you might gain weight little slower but surely.. my tummy is showing abit... i think coz its 2nd one... :p Wah you don't need to wake up to pee , its v gd!! Enjoy the rest! We'll go through the days of peeing at night! I went toilet like 7-8 times to pee afew drops! Felt so uncomfy towards 3rd trimester!! :p Currently i wake up 1-2 times.. i try not to drink too much water at night too... but aircon too dry.., lol

Piglim! Hi5! Gonna be a mum of 2 kids before i turn 30! :) Hmm ya the days seem slow... esp taking care of a 13mo... :p let's jiayou!


sorry ladies got so many typo.. typing in safari n keeps running.. my typing skills on iphone not v gd lol.. kep forgetting to check errors! :p


Hi meltie, I will be going for my Oscar test next week. Struggling with ms for past weeks. It's becoming more random now with moments of respite. Hopefully it goes away for good!


applez10:836149 said:
Good evening,
I am a new mummy in this forum. I just finished the OSCAR test yesterday at Thomson Medical. My husband needs to pay 485SGD for OSCAR + FA scan + blood test. The nurse makes me very pain when she takes my blood. I dont't like the blood test. :(( . I like FA scan, my husband n I can see my baby swimming around in my tummy and see 2 cute legs n hands. That moment makes me cry. Maybe I am so sensitive.
This is my first baby n my baby is 12weeks. After 3 months of pregnancy, I didn't gain my weight. I am worry about that. Before and during my pregnancy, I eat the same amount of food. Can you give me some advice?

One more question I want to ask: Do you know about CORD BLOOD BANKING SERVICES? Anyone plan to do it? Can share for me some information?

Thank you and have nice weekend.
Hi Cy, I also dint gain weight caused I cant seemed to eat much. Are your tummy showing at week 12? I also dont have frequent urination..I dont wake up middle of night needing to pee..is it normal?
Hi Cy, before Oscar test , is there any fasting required?
I currently lost more than 3 kg as I vomit out anything i could eat and no appetite for anything. quite worried my bb won't have sufficient nutrients. I also dun wake up during night to urinate, even during day time I also visit the loo less often cuz I drink less water nowadays as the water makes me vomit more often and it taste so awful ...


Hi I went to see my gynae this morning! My baby is sleeping during scanning cos he is not so active as 3 weeks ago.. When I asked "y baby is not moving?" N baby moves for awhile.. We all laughed cos it seems like he heard us.. Then I asked abt baby heartbeat he is beating at 120-160.. N the most excited part was my hubby n myself saw his hands moving! Really excited! :D


New Member
So glad to have you ladies here to share experience! My Oscar is 2 weeks later and I'm really getting a little impatient partly cos I'm worried too. I'll be 13 weeks 3 days by the time I'm gg for Oscar. Can't wait to see my baby moves!

I do not experience vomiting, but nausea after meal. So food still got digested eventually and I feel much flabbier now. :( my weight went up abt 0.5kg and tummy is quite obvious now!


Mrsjlim, maybe you can try adding abit of ribena into water. Or dilute juice with water. I experienced that "water tasting horrible feeling" when I had my 1st. It's like e water got some metal taste right? I heard that not drinking enuff water can cause water retention (yeah I wonder y) but do try to drink. Of maybe dilute ur milo?

Meltie, I m 30 alrdy but by the time e 2nd one is out my bday is not near yet haha so it's abit of cheating to say mother of 2 by 30 haha.. Hmm initially I tot 2nd one also do Cordlife cos must b fair mah.. Haha I dun wan to b bias towards the 2nd one. But what u say seem quite true. Maybe will consult more professional advice. As for e tummy, u mean it gets bigger faster cos its e 2nd? OOo didn't know that. But I realised my breasts seem to b getting flatter and flatter.. So upset! Read most of u feeling tender and swelling of the breasts... I am like an etopia kid now-tummy big n chest So flat. :((
Wah u still in contact with e sept mummies! That's Gd but it's so sad they stop councils ting via this forum. Hope everyone is doing fine. And yes I think we sept mummies can never forget all the things you went thru. Really wasn't easy for u but you survived! So bravo!

As for those weight loss it's really ok. Its only natural that u lose weight cos u Puke out the food u consume.. just remember to eat those premultivitamin N watever Pills that ur gynae prescribe. Don't worry too much. Ur baby is fine n growing well.

Next week i will b into my 10 week! Urgh it's getting too slow! I m sooo anxious to see my baby's development too.


Mrsjlim, i vomitted n gagged on plain water.. i find that it tastes like fish tank water at times lol.. i tend to drink ribena n fruit juices.. try apple yakult, orange for vit C.. :)

Piglim, i've got friends who all looked bigger earlier in their 2nd pregnancy! :p sigh ppl think i'm 3-4 mths?! :p Haha i'll be 30 next yr, but bday in nov.. lol..
I have been having really saggy breasts n chest is all flat.. :( Was in C/D cup during active breastfeeding! Now i guess its A/B and saggy.. feels like a beanbag.. :( My friend says i breastfed too hard.. emptied out too much.. burnt all the fats in my breasts.. even the original ones.. haha.. hope i gain back soon.. i haven' feel any swell in my breasts.. wishing for it.. lol These days my girl can just climb n press over my chest like nothing is there.. sad..
I guess the sept mummies is more active on FB .. but also quieten down alot liao.. everyone's bz.. forum abit harder to get in n type.. i type in my little iphone safari page n sometimes accidentally press a link n my post is gone! :p A number of sept mummies are preggy too! :)

Great to hear all your babies' development! :D May all of us get over to 2nd trimester with no more m/s! I felt slightly better today but hope that's not temporary! :p


meltie - not too sure abt iphone but samsung has mummy forum app to use! I been using mummy.sg app to follow up this forum.. haha.. it is so much easier.. mayb u wana check it out?


Hey JA13, i used to have the mummysg iphone app last yr, but it kept hanging and does not update etc.. ended up using safari.. this time i want to d/l it frm the forum, the app cannot be found! Directed to app store but nothing appears.. so i'm sticking with Safari.. can check out my little ticker too .. reminds me how many weeks n days i'm along! lol..

Hows the weekend for everybody? Hmm today i managed to eat cod fish without the feeling nausea! Finally ate some fish! i miss sashimi!! arghhh..


Haha.. Meltie, I also managed to eat grilled fish without puking. The m/s is getting random now.

Went for the test and scan on sat. Saw baby bouncing and moving non-stop! So cute! The nurse took 6 bottles of blood from me. Omg... I nearly fainted on sun while queueing for food :/ Luckily hubby saw n quickly took over me in the queue. Lol. I know i shouldn't be queueing for food but the mee pok was all i wanna eat... I drool just thinking of it now.

Hopefully the m/s can go away forever! I'm at 12 weeks plus now btw. Can't wait!


Hi ladies.. wana ask if is it okay to let so many people know abt our pregnancy before 2nd trimester? Last night I got an heart attack hearing my mum bragged abt she told this auntie that auntie n this n that!! I cant believe she has alrdy broadcasted for me.. It makes me unhappy n abit worry cos is like against the norm?.. Any advice?
JA13 - LOL I understand how you feel... it should be OK la, but can tell your mum to keep quiet until after your 1st trimester?

My gynae said as long as the baby heartbeat is stable, and baby is growing well, more or less is out of the danger zone and okay to tell people :)

But I still haven't told anyone yet, hehe


excitedwifey - I told her not to tell but she keep saying nvm then I told her after 13 weeks then say but she will throw anger at me.. for this time I wont give in! As last night I was so angry this morning I quickly explain to my baby that grandma is just been too anxious to annouce his/her present.. maybe is my first I m tensed up when I heard what she did.. I cannot accept that she as an elder but so insensitive towards it.. u know my hubby n me havent tell our in-laws abt it as we wana tell them on my hubby's bday n by then baby is stable also.. I told my mum abt this thought she is understanding but.... haiz.. upset.. :mad: I m now trying to get over it..


Oh ya I agree with u not to say after 1st trimester wil b better.. I m doing so too but...

When u gg for ur oscar scan?
I'm going for OSCAR scan on Nov 15... a bit nervous but also excited to see baby again hehe :p

Aiyoh your mum will be angry with you? But you're the pregnant one... you are queen during these 9 months LOL... I'm blessed, my MIL is treating me like a queen hehe :D


Wah thats really nice.. sobs sobs.. my hubby will throw his anger back at me when I been grumpy also.. haiz.. I hope moving forward it will b better too cos I have expressed to him what I would expect from him le..

I m gg for the scan on 13th Nov.. n ya really happy to meet our little one.. :)


Hi Ladies
I think im either in my 2nd tri or one more week to it depending on when 2nd trimester is.
Ive been feeling sicker than 1st mostly from bloat and nausea. I did not experience this much in 1st Tri.
I also have been having headaches every alt day...

Not sure why there is no respite from this yet.


New Member
Hi Cy, I also dint gain weight caused I cant seemed to eat much. Are your tummy showing at week 12? I also dont have frequent urination..I dont wake up middle of night needing to pee..is it normal?
My tummy is not showing at week 12, if I eat too full so the pp can see my tummy but fat tummy, hahaha. I prefer drinking more water in the morning and in the evening i don't drink too much. That is why I don't need to wake up middle of night to pee.

Hi Meltie, I heard the nurse said that is a package. This week I will sign the cordlife form too.

Hi Mrsjlim, before OSCAR test, there is not fasting required. But I think that u should drink more water, easily to see ur baby.

Now, I start vomiting when I brush my teeth in the morning. Is it normal at 12 weeks?