EDD May 2014 (maybe)


New Member
@applez10 I was down with flu.. and coughed (very badly) non-stop for 2 weeks.. until my abdominal hurts. Didn't take any medicine. I've recovered since.. went for ultrasound recently and baby is healthy :p


Hi, got this home remedies from one of mummy in FB group, proven to work on her boy, mayb u can try too... For stuffy nose n cold...
Method: Chop ginger (just enough for his two soles). Heat wok and fry. Cool n when he sleeps, wrap them under his soles in socks. Remove in the morning. When I put this on, i did not apply baby vicks nor use a nasal spray..[FONT='lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif]

Cough (with flu) remedy:
Cut orange into half. Sprinkle w salt. Use fork or chopsticks to poke so that salt absorb. Cover the two halves and steam upright (use a container whcih will fit the orange) for 10-15mins. Juice and drink. I gavr twice over 2 days.



meltie can share the blogshop? i also bought 1 from shoplah! to see if worth to buy or not.. cos alot cheaper too..
Hey JA13, this blogshop is opened by a mummy , own business at home.. can call for appt to go up her house to try the clothes etc. Her items not too ex. Maternity | Nursing | Online Store - MyLittleAngels Maternity . Previously bought my nursing bras n tops frm there...

Hey tannie, i have gotten used to nursing outside.. haha but under a nursing blanket like a shawl kind.. If i can find a room will be best, but i find it easier to multitask after awhile.. initially hubby had to find a room for me n wait 45mins-1 hr for me to feed bb.. end up cannot do much.. so i just cover up n nurse while sitting down to eat my meals.. :p haha but i agree nursing tops are quite a hassle.. easiest is to take off all ! lol

Those planning to have more kids, can invest in better n nicer ones.. if not can just go for bigger sized tops , those loose dresses .. i found them v useful.. can wear after pregnancy too ..but i found that having some maternity shorts n pants can be helpful as it wraps the tummy n the pants don't drop.. after awhile i also lazy to wear pants.. just dresses! lol easier to go toilet.. esp with frequent urination..

ST Woo

Hi everyone, I am 38 and my 2nd pregnancy. Same like all of you have nausea and puking worst then my 1st pregnancy. My Edd on 25 may. I will be going for my Oscar test on 14 Nov.


Welcome ST Woo.

Meltie, I really salute those mummy who nurse in public. I am v clumpsy person, I duno how to latch on my gal with clothes n cover on... also my gal cannot stay still n being under cover... so I dun think I can nurse without being exposed... and I dun like it when ppl stare as u nurse....
Welcome ST Woo! Am going for my OSCAR on 15 Nov :)

Can't wait, am counting down to the end of my 1st trimester! But I still dunno how to tell my friends I'm pregnant, LOL... weird to just blurt it out right? Hahahhaha


Hahaha excitedwife, maybe u can wear a tee saying im pregnant when u meet ur friends... or just drop some hints on ur Facebook. :D


Thanks meltie!

excitedwifey me think so too.. dont knw hw to announce to colleagues either.. think just wear a maternity dress n say yes i m pregnant.. haha

Oh ya wana ask if any of u ever experience that at times u forgot u r pregnant? I did sometimes.. :confused:


JA13:838273 said:
Thanks meltie!

excitedwifey me think so too.. dont knw hw to announce to colleagues either.. think just wear a maternity dress n say yes i m pregnant.. haha

Oh ya wana ask if any of u ever experience that at times u forgot u r pregnant? I did sometimes.. :confused:
Yes, for my first pregnancy. .. cause I dun feel weak or nausea or breathless... I still walk faster thn my friends. ... but this pregnancy make me v weak... walk abit faster will fel breathless....

ST Woo

excitedwifey me too also counting down for the test. Hope everything goes smoothly. I have told my gals friend and my colleagues no choice bcos I have to apply leave quite frequent. My MS started early when I knew I was pregnant. I even got spotting. My gyne need me to rest on bed. But now is fine.

Tannie me too also feel weak and walk slower. I like can feel my baby weight at the lower tummy.


JTS... if u r taking fish oil off the rack, pls make sure it is stated pregnancy sage. My gynae advised that some had v high EPA n it will cause bleeding....


Welcome ST Woo! :) Hi^5 2nd time mum! How old is your no.1?

Tannie, haha ya can be v troublesome.. my girl sometimes cannot keep still too.. and sweat alot .. i only nurse under cover in aircon.. :p Haha i guess it takes alot of practise? If not i find very restricted , gotta keep finding a room when outside.. haha Ya ppl stare.. i stare back loh.. nothing to be ashamed lol! haha

This pregnancy i feel weaker too.. but already not bad, can still force myself to summon strength to do chores and take care of my no.1. Last time no baby ca just chill and lie in bed.. now the chores are nv ending and bb is always demanding attention.. :p i did not do a proper confinement the last round.. guess body already feeling the stress.. i black out easily when i stand up suddenly.. and i feel cold easily.. :p

Yup! I always forget i'm pregnant.. still doing the usual things.. carry baby in carseat, carry her alot.. 8kg load.. bathe her, throw bath tub water.. etc.. run in n out of room.. jump up n down stairs.. :p carry all the grocery when out w her alone.. :p But my m/s reminds me i'm pregnant! lol I remember even after my baby was born, i still worry that i forget and sleep.. forget to feed bb, forget that she is around.. lol but its all post natal fears bah.. motherhood instinct kicks in alot... even now..


Oh ya! My STM got worse towards end of my pregnancy and after that its perpetually short memory after giving birth lol.. maybe bb took some of my brain cells? Or i'm just getting tired every day.. lol Long days for mummies!! A word of advise to first time mums! Please rest as much as you can.. enjoy ur baths.. enjoy every moment.. after bb is out.. sleep is precious, toilet breaks are privileges and eating meals plus bathing is a luxury.. :p rest rest!! ;)


Yes, yes! First time mum, rest as much as u can, enjoy as much as u could, go par tor with ur hubby when free... can even go baby moon... after baby is out, personal time become luxury. .. unless u plan to be weekend parents. ..

ST Woo

excitedwifey my no.1 already 3 years old. I'm glad that my hubby help up with most of the housechores and take care of my boy. Now I feel that father and son bonding become closer. But I worry that me and my hubby got no time to spend together because of my pregnancy I'm staying at my parents place so that my mum can take of me.

I agreed rest and sleep is important for us. Rest well during confinement.