EDD May 2014 (maybe)

ST Woo

Meltie oh I should answer your question... peiseh...my boy now 3 years old.

Me also after given to my first one got short memory and easily forget thing. I think is common...haha


yes yes.. first time mummy.. njoy ur freedom now! once the little one is out, u hardly have me time.. my girl will cry if she wake up and see tat there's nobody in the room.. even if im jus in e loo and telling her it's ok, mummy is here.. she will jus go to the door and bang on it and cry and cry until I come out.. smetimes big business oso gotta wait.. and meals have to be gobbled down quickly cos they get restless v easily.. wen she's still small, she will cry to be carried.. wen she's bigger now, she will try to climb out of the high chair.. sighz.. on rare occasions wen I go out for dinner with hubby alone, I will finish my food in 5min flat.. super well-trained by my girl oredi and forgot how to enjoy my food..

toking abt short term memory.. I tink with this pregnancy, I got more absent-minded.. I v often leave the house without my keys or my hp.. once I pack bb milk powder and hot water and went out but forgot to bring her milk bottle.. argh.. now hubby keeps niaming me and said I shld do a checklist before I leave e hse everytime.. and earlier this week I insisted the steriliser is spoilt cos there's no light.. wen hubby shifted it to another power socket, still no light so I insisted im right.. but then he did e simplest thing of switching on e steriliser (which I forgot!) and bingo, the light came on.. Omg!


Wow ST Woo, ur no.1 should be more independent by now.. :) My hubby also helps out alot.. trained by me to be able to do everything for bb.. feed, make milk, bathe, change diaper, wipe down, put to slp, play, read, walk her, take care of her. Lol now i try my best but wheni wake up in the morning, my arms n hands are stiff , so my hubby helps to change diaper for bb.. I think its best that hubbies help out! Really can rest abit more! I can go bathe while he puts her to slp..

Lingz! Totally agree.. trained by bb , we can multitask , carry n eat.. or eat super fast lightning speed, bathe w door open n in 5 mins.. control poop n pee.. lol and not to mention tahan the sleepiness and tireness.. their smelly poop n leaks.. lol.. i also forgot to bring milk bottles before!! Rushed home at feed time!! Last time got afew times forgot to bring packed ebm!! Just last week i forgot to refill diapers in diaper bag.. had to go buy! kan chiong kan chiong! what absent minded mums we are!!


I also forgot to bring bottle to my mum hse and my girl go on hunger strike, so got io rush to the supermarket n grab one, send home during lunch time... Thn hubby face black black, so angry! He never help to pack bag still dare to nag at me! But he does help out a lot taking care of my gal esp when I m sick which I appreciated v much. Hubby help is really impt.n to all first time mum, remember to get ur hubby involve in taking care of baby.


I also forgot to bring bottle to my mum hse and my girl go on hunger strike, so got io rush to the supermarket n grab one, send home during lunch time... Thn hubby face black black, so angry! He never help to pack bag still dare to nag at me! But he does help out a lot taking care of my gal esp when I m sick which I appreciated v much. Hubby help is really impt.n to all first time mum, remember to get ur hubby involve in taking care of baby.
Lol Tannie! haha ya agree! Gotta get hubby to be involved! If from the start they dun even help change diapers, u can expect them to not do it at all w time.. :p


I'm 13 weeks today! But just gagged this morning! All thanks to the incense burning of my mil.. saturated the whole balcony and diaper changing area.. was changing bb's diaper.. choked me like mad.. :/ Then i went to brush teeth and gagged again.. :( Just managed to eat my breakfast... coz was bz w bb and getting nauseated w hunger! :p

I'm getting v gassy.. not sure if its coz i started adding onions to the ABC soup i made for my bb n me (for lunch).. today gonna drink same thing again coz need to use up the carrots, potatoes, tomatoes and onions.. :p Mummies, do u find anything gives u more gas? I'm personally lactose intolerant, so i avoid dairy as much.. and w a sensitive stomach, i skip nuts, broccoli florets, beans.. :p actually i avoided all during breastfeeding coz it caused colic in my bb.. was so serious that i only ate afew things for meals for months!


Maseyzal:838702 said:
Hi all, im preggy fir the 5th child. EDD 22/5/2014.
How abt u?
Hi5 Maseyzal u got the same edd as me! This is my 1st child.
Went to Oscar test today, will know the result in a short while, nervous ...and pray hard everything is ok ")

ST Woo

Maseyzal, Wow...Congrats! Do you have helper to look after your 4 children?

meltie, Ya I do not need to carry my boy and he can walk on his own at this age. When go out just bring a small bag will do....Hee. your girl now 14 mths old also very fun to play with. At this age, she must be very active learning how to walk....mummy must be very tire following her....
Same like you I got a sensitive tummy I also avoid dairy food. Very easily hungry.

Not sure you ladies have this problem my tummy has been feeling very cramp all the while. Is this normal? I cannot sleep in the night very uncomfortable.


New Member
Hello all! Another May 2014 mum-to-be here... EDD 20 May. My initial symptoms have somewhat subsided but I notice I'm more prone to getting sick these days (eg. flu, sensitive stomach etc) -_- Its my first pregnancy too so apprehensive but excited at the same time.
Hi cassiel, welcome! :)

All - this morning not only gagged on toothpaste but also puked up bile again :(

Any brand of toothpaste recommended?


New Member
I am using Darlie Toothpaste.
I have been craving for salmon sashimi recently. Any mummies having the same craving too? Lol...


Welcome all new mummies! Wow 1st time i meet a mummy with 5th child! I'm not sure if i can go beyond 2! :p

ST Woo, yup my little human can be super cute n fun to play with but comes with her set of character , feeding n slping problems.. lol super tiring to walk her , esp have to bend.. i feel cramps all day today.. i also feel a flu catching on.. maybe my bb started having mucus n sneezed at my face.. :p I guess being pregnant we are slightly immunocompromised.. so gotta take care coz its not gd to be sick.. that feeling is v bad.. no medicine too.. :p

Yes i crave for sashimi all the time! I just went to eat changi v nasi lemak! Craving for mac's hashbrown.. hope hubby buys tml.. i wanted to eat sambal stingray but guess not v safe... i also wanna eat chocolate rice roll / bun! The polar one is $1.80 for a small slice!! argh.. me not working not earning.. spending my savings .. haha heart pain.. :p

I heard u can go for toothpaste w plain taste.. but i find it doesn't work for me coz its the gag reflex i have when i brush.. :x

sigh my mil just flared up today.. say i purposely don't let her carry bb, don't like her to carry, purposely hide bb fron her.. arghhh


Meltie.. cannot eat stingray meh? I had cravings for it! I went to my office hawker to da bao lunch and saw assam stingray in the mixed rice stall.. wanted to order tat and the auntie (in her 60s) pointed at my tummy and asked if im preggie.. I say ya.. and she REFUSED to sell me assam stingray! she say nt good for bb.. and insist I take assam fish instead.. so yest I finally went for sambal stingray.. ooops!

poor Meltie.. mils are nt called monster in law or nothing.. u're moving out soon right? jia you!