EDD May 2014 (maybe)

ST Woo

I remembered for my 1st pregnancy, I did not eat crab but I ate alot of prawns ....when my boy in my belly he used to kick a lot and now he likes to play ball..... huh I think is related....sometimes the old wives tales can listen....lol


Hi mummies.. Wah so many of u seem fine.. I m in my week 13 and ms is getting worst. Loss weight in fact though tummy is getting much obvious. Belly button also pop out le.. In e first place it didn't go back to its original state after my 1 at preg. So sad hubby somemore dare to say why ur belly button looks so funny now. I haven't been in e greatest state for e past week. Either vomitting or feeling like vomitting, hungry yet can't eat... It's damn terrible. Did my Oscar this morn and all was fine ;) hate e blood drawing session too-4 bottles! my goodness.

My boy wasn't selected for e finals soooo sad. But e audition was crazy there were hundreds of babies!! And I was the 2nd last cos e q was crazy. End up e cameraman also take the pic like for e sake of taking. ;(((((

wah u all really dare to eat crab hor even though this round is 2nd preg I also stop at crabs and stingrays cos better to be safe than sorry. But the only diff this time round I drank abit of tea. Which I m guilty about but surprisingly I feel better drinking that. Maybe clears the bloatedness and oilyness of the food inside my stomach?

Meltie how come ur baby just started eating buns? Hmm can start to introduce alot of adult food for her le. Mine is eating Bao, chwee kueh, raisin bread, banana cake.. Etc.. Once in a while he snatches our food that we eat like chocolates and ice creams but we only let him have a few bites and nothing more. Do start her adult food le otherwise she will get more choosy with food.


Sherin86 & ST Woo! Glad ur oscars went well! Excited for the pther mummies!! Wah piglim, 4 bottles?!?! i vaguely saw 1 tube of blood drawn.. :p

ST Woo, try and see how you feel abt bio oil! :) Alot of ppl say gd.. hmm for me i still kenna the stretch marks.. its like inevitable.. :/ stretched too fast at the end..

Piglim! Wah ur baby so power can eat so much food! I'm having a problem feeder.. regressing in feeding ..
6mo - started cereals and purees
9mo - started porridge
10mo- Started vomitting milk n everything
11mo- Switched to soy milk , porridge better but plain only ((she chokes on mini bits of carrots)
12mo- 1st 2 weeks after bday good appetite, after that started spitting everything, cannot eat hard food or bigger pcs.. will gag alot n choke.. even gag n choke on porridge?! Started bread , but she can only take v v tiny bits.. :p
13mo-now - rejecting n fighting evety mealtime.. i've just given up on porridge, she prefers some bread.. even chokes on bread.. cannot hold bread n bite.. gotta feed like bird.. started abit of rice but she eats super little .. currently at wits end.. just feed abit here n there loh.. milk is still her main.. recently gave her niscuits, caused her to gag n vomit.. same for fruits.. will vomit previoys milk feed (3 hrs ago) .
She's a poor feeder, gags alot, chokes easily , bad appetite, no time to slot in snacks , sighhh ... i wish my bb is those greedy type cannot stop eating one.. she's still below 8 kg, 3rd percentile.. super petite, wearing 3-6mo clothes! can u believe it? :p

Sigh i can't fall aslp.. dozed off just now and woke up to wash up.. end up so alert.. aching jaw, back and my butt-tailbone starting to ache.. maybe walked n stood too much today... carried my fussy girl too.. she refused to let daddy carry n screamed in stroller.. :( Starting to feel pregnancy aches!!! argh so early!!


hi ladies, in week 14 today.. why am i still having ms.. really struggling day by day to see the light at the end of the tunnel..
hey jojosnake, my ms lasted 4-5 mths for 1st pregnancy! And it came back ard 8-9mths! grr some of my frens had it throughout while some had nothing!! :p When i went for my last gynae appt at 12 weeks, she said probably my ms will last for anoher month..i really hope it ends soon! I'm having slightly better appetite.. but still gagging here n there at extreme smells n brushing teeth..

Really wish all our ms go away tomorrow morning when we wake up! No more nausea and vomitting! Gd gd appetite and happily eating our fav food! :D


nearly freaked me to die
i fell a gasp coming out n realised my panty was full of blood after bathing my #1.
immediately call hb to come bk fr wrk.. chiong to A&E

Came bk after midnight ytd
Did a full blood count - gyane on duty said was really low ..
Took the hormo jab, came bk with 2 weeks of pills.
was told bb look ok fr the scan n they review me in a week time.
Meanwhile these few days got to rest n no heavy load.


oh dear simbaobao.. I would freak too! glad to noe tat bb is ok! did e gynae on duty say y this happened? take care and rest well dear.. put ur feet up!


nearly freaked me to die
i fell a gasp coming out n realised my panty was full of blood after bathing my #1.
immediately call hb to come bk fr wrk.. chiong to A&E

Came bk after midnight ytd
Did a full blood count - gyane on duty said was really low ..
Took the hormo jab, came bk with 2 weeks of pills.
was told bb look ok fr the scan n they review me in a week time.
Meanwhile these few days got to rest n no heavy load.

Oh my!! Are you ok? pls have a gd gd rest! Informed your gynae?
Did you carry v heavy stuff? Or your no.1?
pls take care!!


sighz.. I have called so many CL the past 2 weeks and they are all not available! And im nt comfortable with the CLs these CLs recommended cos I dun hav friends who used them before.. After my CL encounter for my first pregnancy, I really have phobia le.. I realli wan a good CL this time! sobz.. do I realli have to resort to PEM? :(


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ya, next yr MAY seems popular. the full day good CL i called all taken up from march onwards. but i manage to find one day CL which i wanted to initially. hope she dont backout last minute.
oscar test went very smoothly, at least i was told baby neck thickness is in acceptable range. so waiting for the blood results, most probably tjey will call mext week to tell me.


All the best to the mommies going for the oscar test. I have gotten my results and all is normal.. Next visit is 4weeks later.
Anybody feel not so pregnant except for the ms and abit of showing tummy?
Sometimes can be paranoid and wonder if bb is growing well inside.


hey jojosnake, my ms lasted 4-5 mths for 1st pregnancy! And it came back ard 8-9mths! grr some of my frens had it throughout while some had nothing!! :p When i went for my last gynae appt at 12 weeks, she said probably my ms will last for anoher month..i really hope it ends soon! I'm having slightly better appetite.. but still gagging here n there at extreme smells n brushing teeth..

Really wish all our ms go away tomorrow morning when we wake up! No more nausea and vomitting! Gd gd appetite and happily eating our fav food! :D
Ya my first pregnancy wasnt so bad as this one. I cant rem when ms subside but im def not puking everyday for the first one.
As for now, if the night before i dont take the anti-nausea med the next day i will be puking like mad. Really hated it..
Really wish for the day that we wake up in the morning, feel fresh, welcoming the pregnancy and without the ms!


Hi jojosnake, congrats to u on the outcome of oscar result! I m still waiting for mine.. hee.. & yes! Sometimes i dont feel pregnant to the extend i forgot i m pregnant?! Then i will start thinking if baby growing well n etc too.. maybe it is normal?

ST Woo

Oh dear,,, Simbaobao, I also freaked to hear it....you have to rest ...normally the gynecologist will advise to rest on the bed cannot walk too much...you have to take this as alert and take care dear...


Oh dear,,, Simbaobao, I also freaked to hear it....you have to rest ...normally the gynecologist will advise to rest on the bed cannot walk too much...you have to take this as alert and take care dear...
thanks dear
yes this is really a scary lesson to come across. will b more careful fr nw on.


Take care mummies! Aiyo so many happenings!
Anw Thomson really very efficient le. Yest mornin I went for my Oscar this noon my gynae called to say blood test and everything normal. Phew ;))))
btw do u gals experience itchiness. I m scratching like mad at night. Thigh area, the bra hook area buttock area.. Not sure if its bed bugs (but can't be cos my hubby feels the bed is ok) or is it cos my skin is stretching so it's itchy?

For my 1st preg I was quite diligent in applying the stretchmark cream. Didn't have any stretch mark until I gave birth n tummy shrunk. Now this 2nd preg like abit sian.. Cos mentality think apply also no use one. If hv means will have... I still apply but only once a day or alternate days cos sometimes forget.

Lingz I tot I was kaisu call my CL early to block her didn't know so MAY also good hot mth? Most of my friends don't use CL-use their mum or mil. So can't help to recommend any. The gahment always complain about the baby population but seriously I don't see any issue le in fact I think alot of people r preg and giving birth! Baby fairs so crowded, nursing rooms also have to queue.