EDD May 2014 (maybe)

ST Woo

I'm going for my oscar test tomorrow at 9.30 am . Hope my baby cooperate and can finish by 30 miss. I also scare of drawing blood. It really depend how experience is the nurse who do it for you....I'm worry too.

Me too ytd and today have problem going to the loo and my tummy feel bloated too.

Ladies, have you start to apply stretchmark cream? Any brand to recommend?


I alrdy started using Palmers rosehip oil cause I alrdy gt stretch marks at my thigh area... so sad... I dun hv it during last pregnancy. ...:mad:


Yes Tannie, my gynae is Joycelyn Wong.. U too? She gave u the same advice?

ST Woo.. I didnt apply stretchmark cream wo.. Cos I oredi have v ugly stretchmarks from my previous pregnancy.. I think it couldn't get worse anymore.. It's too scarred.. haha.. Will prob jus apply moisturiser onli towards e end to avoid rashes again.. sighz.. nt looking forward to tat..

ST Woo

Tannie, is the fragrance smell very strong? Due to this pregnancy I cannot stand smell....sigh-_-

Lingz12, huh...ic...some of friends also got strechmark after giving birth. The cream just to prevent it, it may work on some of us....~^O^~


Hi MTB, i went for my oscar scan this late afternnon! Scan took me just 10mins cos baby is in sleeping position.. Then the sonographer purposely pressed down my adominal abit n baby moves his/her hands n legs.. so touched to see baby grow well.. get to see baby's brain, heart, nasal bone, skin thickness, hands & legs.. The consultant commented baby is growing fine.. Now just have to wait for blood test results n hear from gynae..


JA13! Nice! Great that baby cooperated!!

ST Woo, all the best for your OSCARS tomorrow! Have a gd rest and try to drink some water to keep bladder 3/4 full for a clearer scan! Hope you get an experienced nurse to take blood! My hubby couldn't accompany me into the room to take the blood test.. :p so i braved i out myself.. told the nurse pls only do it on 1st try.. :/ heng she did ..

Oh ya, stretch mark cream or oil use or don't use , will still get stretchmarks one.. they say if ur mum had, most likely you'll get it too.. genetics? I used Bio-oil religiously, applied generously every morning and night in my 1st pregnancy.. in the end by 3rd trimester still kenna bad bad stretchmarks like tiget stripes at lower abdomen..red red ones at the sides.. after delivery i did not use the oil as breastfeeding very oily and afraid baby sensitive to the oil.. Got silver n greyish lines now.. earned the stripes of motherhood.. :/ boohoo.. i haven't started applying the bio oil yet.. costs ard $15.50 per bottle .. orange words on white box one.. not much scent.. after absorbed into skin, not v oily.. took it as a massage .. Sigh shld i use again this time? actually apply moisturiser or oil can help when skin is stretching, to prevent itchiness.. but my skin stretched too fast, not elastic enough i guess.. :p Now got alot of loose skin and space to stretch still lol!

Oh ya i enjoyed my buffet! Wah 1st time eat like mad till full full after all the 1st trimester of gagging n vomitting! I scared later i bloat! I ate some salmon sashimi.. tasted like heaven lol.. but drank hot water to flush down haha.. hope everything is fine! Ate some lobsters and crabs too.. hubby peeled like a drumstick for me loh! :p Ate n ate the desserts, fruits, fondue, etc.. but gagged abit at the baked salmon.. zzz fishy fishy.. :x My baby 1st time ate 2 soft buns! Hehe! Just drank vitagen, hope digestion goes well! ;p wah my friend tell me 2nd pregnancy i really everything also dare to eat liao.. :p but in moderation..

Lingz12, my bb also has some eczema.. hmm can it be related? But i do have some sensitive skin and eczema too.. maybe passed on to her.. :p poor baby has some runny mucus and got rashes around her neck and back now.. everytime sick also flare up.. :p scratch like mad..

ST Woo

meltie, Wow.... can tell you really have an enjoyable buffet..hee.oh I heard of Bio oil too will go take a look... For my 1st one, I very onz applied the cream almost everyday after bath to prevent from rashes and stretchmark. Ya...most pple said that too if mum had, most like you will get it. ...-_-
Thank you for advising, I will try to drink water before the OSCAR test... #^_^#


Lingz12, yes! My gynea is Joyclyn Wong too n she said the same thing to me during my first pregnancy.

ST Woo, I think the rosehip smell is very mild n nice. I heard Bio Oil is good too. The more ex range will be Claims.

Hmm... But maybe our mum got stretch marks because they dun apply oil? Haha... I think prevent better thn cure n stretch marks v difficult to cure...


Meltie! The buffet sounds realli yummy! yeah, I guess 2nd pregnancy we realli dare to eat more things and do more things.. haha.. last time for first pregnancy I everything oso dun dare eat.. now I jus tink aiya eat a bit bit onli, should be ok right? I totally avoid caffeine for my first pregnancy but my bb still came out small.. so this round I abit heck care.. as long as I dun take more than 1 cup per day.. hehe.. I oso heard from my colleague who said with ur first kid, wen e pacifier drop on the floor, u will wash with detergent and sterilise before popping back into bb mouth.. with ur second kid, u will jus pick it up, put it under running tap and pop it back into bb mouth.. with ur third kid, u will jus pick it up, blow off the dirt and pop it back into bb mouth.. I was so tickled by it!
the no eating crab theory is suppose to be a old wives tales. they claim that baby born will touch this and that, like many hands. haha i dont believe and i ate so many times in my first preg. guess what, it really freaks me out and this time i am not going to touch any crab for in case:)

my first is really very active which is common for boys, but he basically see and take and touch throw things ard him. he is very curious. well, ppl will say kids are like that, haha, but the kids in my bigbig family so far still ok, average, but mine is super active boy. faint...


haha ilovebbdylan.. my girl oso like tat! my nanny say she v 多手多脚.. plus old wives tale say bb will be v demanding amd stubborn like crab cos they 衡行霸道.. my girl indeed seems to be like tat.. but I observe most babies oso like tat leh.. so I will still eat but maybe nt too much la.. wun purposely go find crab to eat but if like go dinner and family order crab I will sure eat.. haha..


Haha lingz12! Ya i read abt the pacifier thing! We become more relaxed bah?

Last time for 1st pregnancy i here scared there scared.. don't dare to go over edge of step, carry heavy chairs and things.. but tis time round, i carry bb, pram, bb in car seat, carry her for long periods, carry her n jump down afew steps.. etc! aiyo i'm becoming more heck care.. but must be careful still lol.. :p but i alone at home w this demanding toddler.. no choice.. gotta do the chores n carry her ard.. :p

ST Woo, do try the bio oil! Not bad.. its quite light.. :) All the best for ur oscars! Shld he done by now! Awaiting ur news!!

Yeah i enjoyed my buffet and my bb enjoyed the bread rolls n watermelon! hee! Hope my no.2 won't be 'crabby' ! I'm already exhausted by my no.1! Can't imagine 2 active toddlers!


hi ladies, in week 14 today.. why am i still having ms.. really struggling day by day to see the light at the end of the tunnel..
jojosnake, some people believe if by 12 weeks ms still bad, the next cycle to see light will be 16 weeks, dont know how true. i am also waiting for the day i do not need to "donate" to toilet bowl. so scare of eating nowadays. because dont know which food will trigger the worst.

my oscar test will be tomorrow as well, hope bb will be co operative.


just finish my oscar! Bb head position always down and refusing to turn up.lol.then gynae keep shaking my tummy and then bb punch,kick and dancing ard. Lol. Gynae says I have an super active bb.haha.so happy to see my little bb..appt is 2 weeks later.. Hopefully result comes out OK.

ST Woo

Hi meltie, I have done my OSCAR test. At first, my baby facing down in a very comfortable position. We tried to move her but no use then I was ask to eat something and try again and really my baby became very cooperative. They are very professional. The person who draw the blood very skillful not painful at all. The result will send to my gynecologist next few days.+_+
I went to SaSa to check the Palmer's rosemary oil about $41 and Bio oil 60ml $15.50 the price diff so much. the salesperson said because Palmer is more branded... Haha..anyway I bought the Bio oil to try.

ST Woo

Tannie, I did try out the Palmer rosehip oil. The scent quite light not bad may try it later. I bought the Bio oil instead cos no scent. I still cannot stand any scent now...sigh (・へ・)