EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Mine is quite obvious alrdy.. It grows 4.5 inches ard my tummy circumfence.. haha.. all my jeans skirts cannot wear.. n i only feel comfortable with dress cos after meal my stomach will bloat..

Ytd n today i dont feel good esp ytd cos i wana go toilet for business but i cant! The feeling sucks.. today slightly better but hope will fully recover v soon.. :(


JA13, same! The want to poo but cant poo feeling is horrible! For a while tummy hurts real bad and I rush to the loo thinking yeah, it's finally coming out but no lor.. Came out v dissatisfied.. kept drinking water and took more vege oredi.. I even brought a stool in to the loo to prop up my feet cos I read an article tat sitting down actualli doesnt help with bowel movement.. hiah.. hate e feeling..

and yeah.. for my first, I tink tummy onli showed wen im between 4-5 mths.. but this time.. it showed wen im like onli 10weeks.. it is super obvious now and im so embarassed wen ppl ask me how far along I am and I say 3mths but my tummy looks like 5mths..


Ya! My tummy has been showing since 2 months!! :p only 13 weeks n i look like 4-5 mths.. :( But maybe 2nd pregnancy stomach already stretched! I can't fit most pants n skirts.. wear until abt max without belt liao... guess need to buy more clothes.. but i'm stuckw bb , cannot conveniently shop n try clothes.. so lazy too lol.. for my 1st pregnancy, my tummy only started showing from 5 mths! :p

oh i hate constipation feeling! :p try to eat bananas? i ate 3 mini bananas yesterday! dunno why crave for bananas.. careful to avoid dole bigbig ones ya? they say not gd, got pesticides..

i'm asking hubby to bring me to buffet tml.. coz its bday mth and starhub got 1-for-1 at 10@claymore! Wanna go eat and also let him enjoy before his exams start in 2 weeks time! my bday is right smack inside.. sure no time to celebrate!


Excitedwifey, I bog extender from Mother care... soon u will also need bra extender haha... I alrdy using it now...

Ya I hate constipation too... once I drank prune juice thinking will help, few hrs later I got bad cramp... like labour contraction... so bad tht I can only roll on the bed till I finally went toliet....


I realised my belly button become rounder and opened as mine was a vertical line , closed b4 pregnancy. It's like the dirt is so easily go in. lol
I'm showing some baby bump I guess , im so not used to the bigger tummy, I miss my flat tummy!
For constipation mummies can drink honey water which is very nutritious and effective on me I found :)


haha.. I resorted to tom yam.. cos spicy food always result in bathroom visit.. and I finally did! phew.. yeah I tried prune juice before, but tat's like e last resort cos I dun like e taste..

oooh Meltie.. njoy ur buffet then! I try nt to go buffet nowadays cos intl buffet always have sashimi and I cant eat! seeing ppl eat while I cant is such a torture!


New Member
I'm hitting 15 weeks tomorrow but still can wear all my clothes..probably because they are loose to begin with.. stomach still feels bloated at some point of the day..
Not showing yet oso because me is quite plus size so ppl think I just put on weight?? Hahaha!
But so glad finally get to say gdbye to nausea! Now take bus, feels a bit better, usually will feel like vomitting..
Eating more fruits too..i heard one post abt dole bananas having pesticides??omg, i like to eat leh, now better avoid those type..


Lingz12, ya i'm gonna endure not to eat the salmon sashimi!! grr the last time i was there, it was soooo good! They have lobsters n crabs too! :p hope i'll be fine.. :p if not eat desserts loh.. :/


I'm hitting 15 weeks tomorrow but still can wear all my clothes..probably because they are loose to begin with.. stomach still feels bloated at some point of the day..
Not showing yet oso because me is quite plus size so ppl think I just put on weight?? Hahaha!
But so glad finally get to say gdbye to nausea! Now take bus, feels a bit better, usually will feel like vomitting..
Eating more fruits too..i heard one post abt dole bananas having pesticides??omg, i like to eat leh, now better avoid those type..
Good for you marissaz!! I'm beginning to feel that i have less nausea.. but gotta wait afew days more bah.. i ate some fried fish yesterday and was ok.. :p but still gagged while brushing teeth this morning! I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow!!!

Yeah i mentioned abt the Dole bananas.. those big and long ones.. they say bananas are well known to be sprayed with lotsa pesticides.. so try to get smaller bananas or organic types.. haha my hubby bought small dole bananas.. i ate some.. no choice got craving lol.. :p

Arghh my jaw pain is getting worse.. move oso pain.. had a painful time brushing teeth just now.. gagged somemore.. sighh am i gonna enjoy eating now that my nausea is so called leaving? :p

Jiayou mummies! Its mid week! For me everyday is about the same though.. no off days no mc.. boo..
My grandma told me not to eat crab and sotong....But some people say ok to eat. Gynae didn't set any food restriction, only raw meat not allow.

But according to my boss, she took jap sashimi during her two preg. okay for her. I was quite surprised. although my nausea getting better now, i still suffer mild headaches sometimes, abit of jaw pain too. bloated as usual. sometimes eat too fast or over eat, still will vomit out. -.-!

My next appt is on early Dec. by then 17 wk, hope can see BB gender. I hope for a baby boy. my husband hope for baby girl. so 50-50 for us. hahaha


Yap I also heard cannot eat crab but I m going for my co's dnd food tasting n main dish is crab... Jumbo Seafood crab... how can I not eat? So sad.. :(
I think is totally up to you. For me, i tried abit of shark fin w crab meat soup on one of e wedding dinner. ok for me (once in awhile), and i dont feel any unwell or vomit.
but of cos when i dine out, i wont purposely order any crab dish, i have no craving too (at the moment)... hehe


Actually 1 small bowl of sharksfin is alright.. nowadays sharksfin oso v little, mostly starch.. as for seafood, as long as prepared safely and clean will be ok i feel.. i have some shellfish allergy though.. eat certain shellfish like prawns will have swollen lips, cracked lips.. :/ but can still eat abit.. :p i ate crab in my 1st pregnancy, still ok.. as long as its in moderation.. :p mostly ate the chilli crab sauce lol lazy to use hands for shell, hubby peeled for me..

But on the safe side, best is don't anyhow eat.. :p lol save the trouble of food poisoning, stomachache and diarrhea.. :p


I had crab for first pregnancy too.. ok leh.. but ya la.. e key is moderation.. but now my girl has v bad eczema and the nanny and my mil insisted it's cos I had prawns and crabs during pregnancy.. dunno how true is tat.. but gynae ok-ed everything as long it's in moderation.. I asked her abt high mercury fish and she said I din hear of anybody with mercury poisoning in sg right? which is true.. so she say actualli can eat all fish jus dun eat too much.. so e key is still moderation moderation and moderation..


anyone here used nanny fr GPLS before?? was supposed to get fr PEM but hb kinda pissed off by the coordinator attitude thru the phone. said dun wan let them earn the money.. >.<