EDD May 2014 (maybe)


New Member
just came back from the gynae visit today. did ultrasound (13 weeks) and saw the baby bouncing around, sucking thumb and moving non-stop. really active. very excited when I saw it. I didn't go for the down syndrome test.. kinda regret it.. but it's too late now right? hope everything's gonna be fine. EDD will be on 1 May. :p
Ebichan - unfortunately, if your boss is only making unpleasant remarks, but has not done anything yet, it's hard to lodge a formal complaint against him. If you trust your company's HR, can speak to them and if they are good, will speak to your boss about his behavior and upholding company values, employment act, etc, and also inform his boss about his poor attitude towards your pregnant state. This may help to shut your boss up and hopefully stop his nonsense behavior towards you. However, if your company HR is the kind who can't be bothered or ineffectual kind, they may not even step in. But bottom line is, if your boss really does try something funny like terminate your employment or refuse to let you go on maternity leave, MOM will go after your company's HR who will then go after your boss... Does this make sense?

Another method you could try is, if you are on good terms with your boss's boss or some other high-ranking person in your company, can try to let them know what you've been encountering with your boss... And see if they can do something about it.

Or, worst case scenario, write an email / set up a meeting with your company HR director with specific details of your boss's comments and remarks to you, highlight MOM's regulations wrt pregnancy, and close off with something like "I really hope xyz company is compliant to labour law and I hope HR can kindly educate abc that such comments and remarks seem to indicate that xyz company is not supportive of our nation's efforts to encourage married couples to raise the birth rate..." In other words, be vaguely threatening hahaha... But I would say take this stance only if you have tried other means to shut your boss up, have decided that you don't see a long term future in this company and are happy just to ensure you get your maternity benefits.
And you girls are very welcome! Happy to help any way I can :)

oh! Ebichan - another way I just remembered - since you work in a stat board, you can go to your MP or whichever relevant minister to your stat board, can also cc the stat board CEO ... Just tell them the truth. This is a confirmed very effective step which would achieve your goal of shutting your boss up and ensuring he does not get promoted for the next few years hahah... Yes I'm evil but I can't stand such idiotic middle aged civil servant types who think they're so great but actually do nothing and take credit for everything..

Shersy - can ask your gynae? May be too late for oscar test but I think got other tests you can still do... But may be slightly more invasive?


Excitedwifey, thank you for the very thorough and professional advice.
If I do so, it will be unlikely that I will have a career with this organisation.
He has been going on and on with such comments, it is very annoying. I have not told my boss yet. but the comments were made to other colleagues.

of course the decision is entirely yours. some people would not change anything so results do not mean anything to them.
You may try the non-invasive blood testing based on DNA- such as the Harmony and MaterniT21. They cost around 2000 SGD. You can do them immediately and the wait is 2 weeks. The gender will also be known as it is a DNA test. You will get either a positive or negative, unlike OSCAR which gives you risk assessment statistics.


hello mummies....sorry i hv been away...was suffering from severe ms till no mood to surf forum. basically giddiness, vomiting after every meal, gas in tummy, can only sip water or will vomit, gets super hungry damn fast and will vomit if dun eat and no appetite but hv to satisfy hunger :( i cry alot too and was so worried abt depression. trying to stay strong!

starting my 14th week tmw and hopefully ms will be gone! saw baby kicking and heart baby' hb already.
done with my oscar test and now trying to njoy my pregnancy.


Wow this thread is moving fast! I can't go back to slp after dozing off for 2 hrs after putting my bb to slp! Wide awake now!

Piglim! Jiayou! Totally understand and for me i face my 13month bb and gag lol! She laughs everytime.. :x My tummy is showing! Bloating plus previoys pregnancy fats and i think the womb sort of swell up faster this time! I can't fit into my 3quarters and some pants anymore! Lazy to buy new clothes..i have a baby in tow.. zzz My gynaeis Irene Chua from Gleneagles, same as my previous. She very good. :)

Ladies! Jiayou! Ya i hate sweaty stench! I drive myself, so minimise alot. But can still be dangerous on the roads.. Take cabs for your comfort !

JA13, i do get some nightmares too.. but more of nagging things like the impending no.2, how to handle 2 babies.. my new house reno n stuff.. v draining lol

Winniemint, my gynae recommended the OSCAR test + FA Scan (Full detailed scan) from Thomson Medical Ctr as they have a package and is cheaper $200+ and the machine is clearer. As for the scan, it takes longer to q but will be quite fast.. i hate the blood test though.. You wanna check w ur gynae for thomson medical's packages? If ala carte is more expensive..

I guess going for OSCAR scan is just having an assurance.. and if anything else shows up, can prepare? I went through it for my 1st pregnancy.. odds was 1:17000 for down syndrome. :p

Hmm as for M/S, seems better today, but just gets nauseated in the car ride ! Maybe i'm looking at my baby in car seat n bz entertaining her.. kinda get motion sickness easily. I finally ate some pork today without feeling yucky.. some progress i hope? :p M/S pls pls go away! :p

Sigh, can't slp.. tomorrow's gonna be a long day again... need to rush out early w bb to buy her milk powder! Today forgot to buy, coz spent too much time at discussion w one of the interior designers.. don't know to sign with him or not.. $70k+ reno for my 5rm resale .. seems high right! :p
Thanks Meltie.

My MS seems better (finger cross). instead of everyday for the past few weeks, now is very randomly. Some days will lost appetite but some days i can eat well and sleep well. but weird part is, i still feel restless. especially on weekend, i dont really feel like going out. and my poor hubby have to stay home with me. Even now my in-laws will complain that we seldom visit them. :(


Hi MTBs I will be going OSCAR test on 7th Nov at 8am walk in ! So early and dunno if it will be a long wait there. Very anxious for the result! I'm currently 10wks now ,EDD is 22 May:) praying hard that 2nd trimester will come quickly, and bb is growing healthily, Jiayou mummies!
sherin86 - it's not about the probation period length, it's about the 3 months that you first join the company:

Maternity Leave
[h=4]Employees on probation[/h] As long as the employee has served her employer for at least 3 months before the birth of the child, and meets the other eligibility criteria for maternity leave under the Employment Act or the Child Development Co-Savings Act, she is eligible for paid maternity leave.


Excitedwifey .so meaning if u have served the coy for at least 3 mths, and they fire u once they got to knw that u r preggy. Can Sue them ah?
sherin86 - means if you have worked for the company at least 3 months prior to baby's birth, you are entitled to maternity benefits. If company fires you, you can claim compensation from Pro-Family Leave website: eCitizen - Topics - Government-Paid Maternity Benefit (GPMB): How to apply. You can refer more at: Hey ♥ Baby - Government-Paid Maternity Benefit

As for suing the company, I don't think it's worth the time and money, but can definitely lodge a complaint with MOM and get them to investigate your company :)


meltie - ur experience made me think twice of our baby plan number 2 right after our number 1.. haha.. but it is still early to decide.. guess I just take one step at a time..


Thanks Excitedwifey..
With first child to look after who is abt 19 mths. And nw preggy.. is nt a ez task... always ask hubby do things instead..lol...


Just when i thought my m/s is getting better, i threw up last night. I haven't been throwing for 3 days in a row. Sigh. When will the m/s subside? When can I start enjoying my pregnancy? Haha..

According to my last scan, I should be 12 weeks tomorrow. Hopefully, the m/s will start to subside.

Hubby wanted to have no 2 right after this no 1. I told him to hold on and see how first. Lol! I wonder how my mum coped with me and my sister in the past. (me and my sister are 17 months apart in age. Go figure!)

And thanks excitedwifey for all that information! Really interesting and useful.


Suggest u all dont be too freak out with the future outcomes la.. Just take it as it comes. If #2 comes along then accept it lor.. Don't go and plan too much. Sometimes the more u plan the more it will not happen.

For me we just try cos I was breastfeeding (even till now) so I told hubby if got baby then got baby if no then nvm wait I stop bf then we see if it happens. Didn't want to hubby to be an old father (he is 34yrs now) I like that the parents and children gap not too far apart. Plus hubby likes the idea of having (龙马精神) 1st child dragon yr so if 2nd child horse yr will be nice. And I like that I will be a mother of 2 at age 30! So heheh not too old.

Also dunno if my tummy is fat or is it bloated. I was underweight even after i gave birth to my 1st. (though tummy area no longer tone and flat) Just feel soooo uncomfortable. I just started using stretchmark cream...

Seems like most of u alrdy approaching 2nd trim.. So envious.. I m only into my 9 weeks ;(((( seems soooo slow!


Mrsjlim! My oscar is next wed, 8-am walk in also!! Hope no long q! So many ppl pregnant nowadays! haha

JA13 and miso.. haha take one step at a time.. before being a mother, u thought it'll be easy but it didn't seem that ez to me.. had a tough headstart with no help and alot alot of hardwork.. sacrifices and stuff! haha pls get proper help, maybe experience will be better.. i contenplated on having 2nd one.. in fact mostof my mummy friends frm sept 2012 are still comtemplating.. we all understood the tough patch wewent through .. those newborn days were crazy for us.. held on to each other's encouragement and solutions n tips jn the forum everyday! Haha.. i think once uget a hang of it, maybe u'll be ready for 2nd one! Mine came as a pleasant surprise! Didn't know so feetile and late ovulation.. end up pregnant ! haha just gotta face it.. like my fruend says, is a gift l! And we'll never be prepared enough for it! I've been through nicu days for bb(2 weeks), jaundice, suspected infection, bad CLs, mil issues, colic, reflux, vomitting, latching problems, sore nipples, blocked sucts, mastitis x2 , high fever, backaches, wrist pain, bb operation , feeding woes, formula problems, bb sicknesses. and up till now everyday got new problems! Haha! Being a mother is certainly not ez.. I hope i don't scare u!! But like i said before, its a great joy too! Definitely worth it seeing this lottle bundle of joy go through milestones, smile and call you mummy.. :D

I asked my mum how she did it for my bro n me.. we are 13mths apart? ! hahaa she said its all natural motherhood will kick in.. but last time we were easier babies.. drink formula and sleep only.., hahaa

Ya my m/s is random now... hope it goes away forever!


New Member
Good evening,
I am a new mummy in this forum. I just finished the OSCAR test yesterday at Thomson Medical. My husband needs to pay 485SGD for OSCAR + FA scan + blood test. The nurse makes me very pain when she takes my blood. I don't like the blood test. :(( . I like FA scan, my husband n I can see my baby swimming around in my tummy and see 2 cute legs n hands. That moment makes me cry. Maybe I am so sensitive.
This is my first baby n my baby is 12weeks. After 3 months of pregnancy, I didn't gain my weight. I am worry about that. Before and during my pregnancy, I eat the same amount of food. Can you give me some advice?

One more question I want to ask: Do you know about CORD BLOOD BANKING SERVICES? Anyone plan to do it? Can share for me some information?

Thank you and have nice weekend.