EDD May 2014 (maybe)


great to hear oscars are normal for all! More good news to come! :)

Simbaobao, pls have a complete bed rest.. don't move ard too much.. :p hope its just a one-time thing..

Lingz! I was also in panic state while finding a CL! You saw me post on fb asking ard fir mummy's recommendations.. hmm i can help you check again.. today i was at tiong bahru plaza.. haha too free, talked to the auntie while buying panties.. auntie says she got available feiend doing confinement.. not sure gd or not.. coz she see me preggy.. Hmm i hope you find one trusted one soon! I have CLs that called me back to say they have their friends available.. but i did not go ahead.. i also wanted tried n tested ones with no last min replacements! Must make sure double make sure! Hmm i have 1 CL which i initially contacted , my fren used her twice and she is v gd.. but she is trying to cut down her jobs to keep an eye onhis teenage son who is mixing w bad company.. she told ne to go ahead and search for others first.. if really don't have then she try to take me.. so far i paiseh coz i found 1 liao but she called me back n said she can most likely take up the job coz May is her son's sch jolidays and can send him to another son's place.. So if u really want, i can check with ger if she can take u.. :)

How abt other mummies? How are u gonna do confinement? mil/mums/agency/self?

Piglim, i haven't started putting my bio oil! sigh can the stretch marks be helped? Already have.. :/ Hmm i also always so bz put bb to slp, bathe n stuff.. cannot even rem applying oil .. :p morning oso bz till sometimes forget my multi vits n calcium.. :p Anyone remember when we can stop folic acid?


I so envious u mummies can hire confinement lady... I m staying with in law, no plc for CL. I will be doing confinement at my mum plc n also no place for CL... My mum did my confinement for #1 n I din get good rest n almost go crazy cause I got to take care of the newborn at night... This time I will order confinement tingkat so my mum can help me take care of baby in the day.


Actually hire confinement lady got pros n cons too.. risk of getting bad CLs .. i had 2 bad ones which caused alot of nightmares! I basically did not get to rest , had to do everything myself, they did not cook much.. fried eggs n long beans?! Sigh hope this time my CL will meet up to certain expectations... paying $2.6k!! Wah super ex loh.. :p

Argh this morning woke up nausea, brushed teeth n puked.. :/ stomachache twice liao.. :(

ST Woo

Hi, just received a call that my OSCAR result is normal. I am really happy. ↖(^▽^)↗

I will prefer to engage my 1st pregnancy CL but still try to contact her. Hope that she is available.

meltie, same here. I will puke, nausea every morning I brush my teeth and during night time. Just had my breakfast and I threw out the food. This is very rare la....usually I only nausea. ...let's wish the MS will go away soon....*(o^^)o jia you all mummies...


New Member
Hi mummies!!*

I'm finally 13weeks.*
Dr Heng in parkway East. Previously had a miscarriage without waiting we had bb again.
EDD might be 22 may. Keep changing
Pass my oscar and blood test. Yst bb legs is open gyane say so far see nothing in between could be a girl. When can I confirm the sex?


Hmm seems like Horse baby causing a lot of mummies having m/s... I dun hear this much complaint for dragon babies.


Hi mummies,

My cough dint go any better and I started taking antibodtic and steriods for my cough which I suspect is bronchitis as per medication given by doctor. Any mummies has been through this? I am so freaked out now and cant stop worrying on the side effects of the medicine :( but I have no choicr but to eat them as I am coughing nonstop till my rib cage hurts so bad. Im 12 to 13 weeks when I started the medicines.


Oh dear applez10, is it an infection? allergy? i think try to take medication onlywhen neccesary and shortterm. You can consult ur gynae abt it.. hope you get better soon.. try to drink warm water and avoid cold stuff? They say avoid chicken if coughing.. and chuan bei almond helps when i cough.. you can try..

ST Woo, great news! Now is just take care and hope ms goes away! I felt nauseas whole day today.. lightheadedness.. i was recovering frm my cold, but today i seem to have caught a cold again.. sneezing, sniffing agajn! argh hate this feeling.. just took antihistamine and going to slp soon..

Simbaobao, i'm also getting v easily tired .. in fact exhausted.. :/ aching aching all over.. zz

Tannie, i had even worse ms while carrying my dragon bb leh.. hahaha now oso not spared with my horse bb.. zz


Piglim, yes.. May is a very hot month and we are not toking abt the temperature lor.. The last two CLs I called said "huh, May again? " and shared tat they have received a lot of calls for May confinement.. And Meltie, thanks for offering! I finally got one last night.. A colleague's sister recommended.. The one his wife used was taken for May.. So he told me to try his sister' s.. I hope she's good man.. If nt it's another 28 days of torture.. My last CL drove me up e wall.. We are practically arguing everyday.. And I din noe tat Cls are supposed to cook different food for lunch and dinner.. She will jus cook once in the afternoon and I have the same for lunch and dinner.. And always come into my rm wen im latching my girl without knocking on the door.. Or she dun wipe my girl's buttock clean after poo cos she cant realli see properly.. So this time I dun wan anybody older than 60yrs.. Hope the one I engage last night is good!

Oh ya.. are ur bumps big now? I feel mine is humongous! im barely 16weeks and I look like im 5-6mths preggie! wen ppl ask me wen am I due and I say May, they will say oh, tat's still a while away and then looked at my tummy as though confused.. so paiseh! im realli afraid I will hav super bad water retention again like my last pregnancy.. looking like a water hippo is no fun at all.. sighz..

as for stretchmarks.. im nt sure leh.. a bit dun feel like spending money on them anymore.. my belly ia scarred from my previous pregnancy battlescars.. I doubt it can get worse.. hahaha.. but I do notice sme forming on my thighs.. argh!


hi momoko, congrats! for my last pregnancy, gynae told me the gender at 16 weeks with 90% accuracy.. She said it will onli be 100% confirmed at the 20 wks detailed scan..


hi mummies.. anybody suffering from constipation? I having v bad constipation.. finally had bowel movement last night since wed.. and it forced out my hemorrhoids again.. super sianz..


i am getting a cl tis time. no more mum or mil or i get depression n go crazy

but worry dat bb might come out early coz #1 was early by 2mth. totally freak out as a 1st time mum. din take care of my health n end up with lots of health issue these 2yrs...


Lingz12! Great u found one! Hope its a gd one! Some CLs are nightmares.. mine didn't even support breastfeeding.. everyday say bb cry coz i nv give pacifier.. cannot see bottle markings! She cook n eat first before me! omG right!

Hmm i have more diarrhea and stomachache than constipation.. i drink a bottle of vitagen every night to relief bloatedness and aid digestion. But my haemorroids come out on n off! grr haiz i hate those piles after delivery.. frm then on i have been having those prolapses on off.. whenever push too hard, will have a blob of flesh come out.. sian. :/

Oh ya, for the stretchmarks.. i oso dun think my stomach will get any worse.. but i think i shld start applying for my thighs and breasts and maybe waist.. don't want stretch marks on my breasts and waist.. :/ waist had some previously.. now silver lines liao..


Hi mummies! I'm new to this forum - my friend recommended me to join this forum to have an online support group :) I just did my OSCAR test on Fri and awaiting my results. My EDD is 30th may. Going through my 12th week now. Keep going mummies!


welcome gniy! Yeah its always good to have a support grp! Mums have everything to share and rant about! ;) Hope to be of help and support!


i am getting a cl tis time. no more mum or mil or i get depression n go crazy

but worry dat bb might come out early coz #1 was early by 2mth. totally freak out as a 1st time mum. din take care of my health n end up with lots of health issue these 2yrs...
Ya man a good CL is v impt.. pay for someone to help is better than mum or mil whom we can't say much and they have their own way of doing things.. or worse they have lost touch.. :p I'm also v weak after 1st pregnancy.. did not rest at all and nv eat much to recuperate.. always will fall sick easily and cold easily.. will get blackouts when stand up suddenly.. and i dun have mich stamina.. worse than before birth... unlike my friend's wife who said she got stronger after comfinement! gosh..


totally agreed
my fingers n toes nt enuff to count how many times i need to see the doc n admit to hosp..
really nid to take care this round