EDD May 2014 (maybe)


totally agreed
my fingers n toes nt enuff to count how many times i need to see the doc n admit to hosp..
really nid to take care this round
Aiyo.. pls take care.. this time round must repcurate back during confinement and get stronger!! :)

I wonder how some of my frens who don't do confinement manage.. they seem fine.. they don't observe any rules and just bathe n ate normal after delivery.. my body is weak... :( even sneeze oso can leak pee .. :/ thats how bad.. ppl say the womb is lower nw..


Same here I still feel v tired even after birth n having bladder problem... Now with no.2 worst, must visit toilet every mel to prevent leak...


hahaha.. and I tot im e onli one with this problem! nowadays v scared if I sneeze cos dunno whether will leak pee not! wen I told my hubby, he jus kept laughing and say im disgusting.. but hey! Im in such a state cos bore him a kid (and another on e way) lor.. they said doing kegel exercises will help.. but like nt much for me leh..


wow. kudos to "new" mummies with kids now. it must be really tough on you! hmm going to pee often is good right? it helps to reduce the risk for UTI?

hmm do you all eat peanuts? i have very bad cravings for all junk food especially deep-fried chicken and all things salty. but tummy didn't take too well to char kway teow despite craving for it. whoops.


i go toilwt very often too.. very scared of the leaking coz of s sneeze or a cough. really jialat esp when outside.


JA13:840922 said:
Hi MTB! What is the best sign to get a maternity bra?
Hi JA13, I m not sure what is maternity bra... I jus use bra extention. If u are talking abt nursing bra, best is to get during 3rd trimester cause ur boobs will continue to expand... towards end of 3rd trimester more accurate.


gniy:840893 said:
wow. kudos to "new" mummies with kids now. it must be really tough on you! hmm going to pee often is good right? it helps to reduce the risk for UTI?

hmm do you all eat peanuts? i have very bad cravings for all junk food especially deep-fried chicken and all things salty. but tummy didn't take too well to char kway teow despite craving for it. whoops.
Hi gniy, sometimes it's quite inconvenient to visit toilet v often esp when outside with kid... n no joke when leaking. ..

For all new mummies to be, therefore its v impt not to carry heavy stuff when n dun drink or stand too long while doing confinement. ..
Hi all,

My scan went well! Baby was waving at us hahahaha... the NT was 1.4mm, thank God :) Now waiting for the blood test results but I think hopefully should be okay :)


I'm in my 15th week now. MS is kinda getting better but still getting a bit of nausea sometimes.

My blood tests shows that everything is normal but i have low iron. So low that gynae had to put me on iron drip and gave me iron pills to take. Oh well...

I can't wait for my appt this sat coz its 16th week appt and hopefully gynae can see more and give a prediction of the gender? Hehe. My tummy is getting more obvious though still doesn't look like i'm pregnant. My hubby said i look like i have a big tummy rather than pregnant. -_-'

As for confinement lady, i intend to look for a day confinement lady coz i'm currently staying with my in-laws and there is no spare room for the lady to sleep in. My MIL has asked one of our neighbours and one auntie has recommended her cousin. Hopefully this cousin of hers is not taken yet.


Oh ok ok. Is this incontinence due to the previous pregnancy? I heard we have incontinence when we are in the later stages of our pregnancy too. I agree about the going to toilet more often - I wake up ever 2 hours at night to pee despite trying my best to drink less after 8pm. However, I feel more thirsty now and drinking more fluids helps to settle the stomach for me. Mummies - kudos to you all.


gniy:840970 said:
Oh ok ok. Is this incontinence due to the previous pregnancy? I heard we have incontinence when we are in the later stages of our pregnancy too. I agree about the going to toilet more often - I wake up ever 2 hours at night to pee despite trying my best to drink less after 8pm. However, I feel more thirsty now and drinking more fluids helps to settle the stomach for me. Mummies - kudos to you all.
Yap for me is due to previous birth... tht's y doing proper confinement is v impt. Towards later stage of pregnancy when baby get big n heavy, there will be pressure on the bladder causing incontinence. ..

Good to drink more water, keep it up.


New Member
Hi, can I check what's the average price for consultation? My average consultation is around $120-$140 inclusive of scans.. was wondering If it is pricey? Gynae doesn't have packages.. so was worried the price will go even higher later on.. was recommended by a friend and had to travel far and wait for a minimum 2hours every time for that 10mins consultation .. :( any good gynaes to recommend? Don't wanna change again.. I'm staying at woodlands area..


excitedwifey:841110 said:
Tannie - I stay in Bangkit! But I am not sure if I need it? Am planning to b/f but of course anything can happen...
Excitedwifey, U can start taking it now n continue when u breastfeed, its for pregnant n lactation mum. I dun like the taste n hence would like to bless it out since I got it as free gift, u want?


Shiningnails, jus curious who is ur gynea? Mine also no package n cost arnd there if not more ex but I like my gynea n decided to stick to her for #2. Since u still in early stage of pregnancy, not too late for u to change...
Tannie - maybe I can try the taste too and see if I like it? Don't wanna waste your gift! How would it work? Should I visit you and take a small sample back? Lol...

Shiningnails - My gynae's in NUH and she's awesome! Package from 20th week onwards... I find public hospital not much cheaper compared to private, but I guess it ultimately depends on your level of comfort with your gynae, and I am very happy with her :)