EDD May 2014 (maybe)


so far I onli listen to classical music. ur still gt drink milk and wat other supplements? my col told me one mth b4 edd dun eat the fish oil le. she says fish oil will create blood circulation etc and will affect the flow of blood during delivery wor.
I stopped drinking milk long ago. Now only taking fish oil and obimin. My gynae told me to eat them till deliver


I stopped drinking milk long ago. Now only taking fish oil and obimin. My gynae told me to eat them till deliver
my gynae says since I am drinkin am mum,so no need to eat obimin scare too over supply of vitamins. He says take either obimin or the am mum milk. so I choose milk as I prefer to get vitamins from the milk , cheese etc naturally lo.


Wa.. thread is moving fast.. I nvr drink milk at all cos I will puke.. tat's y my gynae gave me calcium.. im still taking fish oil and multivit, nvr heard tat fish oil will interfere with labour leh.. as for coconut.. im drinking once a wk since 4 wks ago.. im nw 37 wks.. I tink as long as u dun drink too much, it should nt induce labour la.. so e key is everything in moderation.. my fren who recently delivered said her bb is covered in heat rash at birth.. the pd said she ate too heaty food during pregnancy.. so I a bit scared.. tinking of drinking coconut twice a wk now.. hahaha..

My girl is extremely sticky now too.. smetimes realli buay tahan.. I tried to let her cry it out but I cant bear.. after a few seconds I jiu give in le.. cry too much like nt gd for her oso.. later she will have a tough time sleeping at night.. worse still keep waking up cos of nightmares.. I hope things will get better once #2 is out.. though I tink things will prob jus get worse cos there's now 2 babies fighting for attention..


Wa.. thread is moving fast.. I nvr drink milk at all cos I will puke.. tat's y my gynae gave me calcium.. im still taking fish oil and multivit, nvr heard tat fish oil will interfere with labour leh.. as for coconut.. im drinking once a wk since 4 wks ago.. im nw 37 wks.. I tink as long as u dun drink too much, it should nt induce labour la.. so e key is everything in moderation.. my fren who recently delivered said her bb is covered in heat rash at birth.. the pd said she ate too heaty food during pregnancy.. so I a bit scared.. tinking of drinking coconut twice a wk now.. hahaha..

My girl is extremely sticky now too.. smetimes realli buay tahan.. I tried to let her cry it out but I cant bear.. after a few seconds I jiu give in le.. cry too much like nt gd for her oso.. later she will have a tough time sleeping at night.. worse still keep waking up cos of nightmares.. I hope things will get better once #2 is out.. though I tink things will prob jus get worse cos there's now 2 babies fighting for attention..
heaty food as in fried food or those red dates drink, herbal soup etc? ya lo, think ususally kids are attached more to the mother rather than father. so when during preg, the mother will be q tired out for the #1 and coming #2 ba..


shanice99:866420 said:
heaty food as in fried food or those red dates drink, herbal soup etc? ya lo, think ususally kids are attached more to the mother rather than father. so when during preg, the mother will be q tired out for the #1 and coming #2 ba..
Hmm.. dunno leh.. e PD jus said heaty food.. but my fren said she ate a lot of durian, keropok and choco chips la.. so she told me better drink more coconut..

I din hav much cravings for fast food.. but I do eat once on a while la..


oh fast food is so terribly good - been eating it but not too much. but i crave for marks and spencer biscuits now. always eat more than my stomach can take then suffer after that cos the tummy has become smaller - greedy me.
Hello All May Mummies..

I have been trying to catch up on the discussion :) Last week got admitted to Mt A as gynae says that tummy feels tight.. then put me on drip.. for 3 days of hospitalisation.. Then after that gave me a patch to stick everyday now during hospitalisation leave.. to prevent contractions...Sigh.. My edd is also mid may.. As my job requires me to walk fast and walk alot, she said these may cause pre term labour.. I am also praying hard that I will only give birth in Mid May.. I also did the strep B test during my 34 weeks appt last week.. hope everything okay.. tomorrow is another appt.. Hope I can go back to work soon.. Sigh.. As a first time mummy, I have always thought that walking alot is good for easy labour.. Now I am afraid.. No longer walking so fast already.. Does any experienced mummies here face the same problem before too? Thank you for sharing :)


Hmm.. dunno leh.. e PD jus said heaty food.. but my fren said she ate a lot of durian, keropok and choco chips la.. so she told me better drink more coconut..

I din hav much cravings for fast food.. but I do eat once on a while la..
Oh. I start drinking coconut today as I eat fried chicken for dinner. After drink feel normal. Don't have those cooling feeling. Maybe is my first coconut ba. Drink green big ones from hawker.


mrsmaybellinesee:866467 said:
Hello All May Mummies..

I have been trying to catch up on the discussion :) Last week got admitted to Mt A as gynae says that tummy feels tight.. then put me on drip.. for 3 days of hospitalisation.. Then after that gave me a patch to stick everyday now during hospitalisation leave.. to prevent contractions...Sigh.. My edd is also mid may.. As my job requires me to walk fast and walk alot, she said these may cause pre term labour.. I am also praying hard that I will only give birth in Mid May.. I also did the strep B test during my 34 weeks appt last week.. hope everything okay.. tomorrow is another appt.. Hope I can go back to work soon.. Sigh.. As a first time mummy, I have always thought that walking alot is good for easy labour.. Now I am afraid.. No longer walking so fast already.. Does any experienced mummies here face the same problem before too? Thank you for sharing :)
Hi maybellinesee! Hmm.. actualli e prenatal class I went too long ago says try not to walk too much in the initial weeks.. it is good to walk and exercise but not too much as it will lead to preterm labour.. and we are onli encouraged to walk 'like a dog' after 36wks.. I tink tat prob explains y u are having contractions so early.. dun push urself too hard.. I read an article tat says wen we are in third trimester, we should push ourselves to walk more.. on a scale of 1 to 10 which 10 being most strenuous, aim for a 6, not 10 though.. Im nw at 37wks.. gynae oso advise I walk more but dun overexert myself..
contractions and walking

Ahh.. thx Lingz12... I am now 35 weeks plus... I am quite fearful of having to stay in hospital again hence now I walk really slowly... even slower than old woman... hate the hospital stay.. but thanks alot for yoir advise.. haha I eat fast food too.. dont know why the cravings also.. :)


Hey mrsmaybellinese! hope you're feeling better now! Do take some rest and walk slowly.. Hmm i used to be in sales job and walk alot, travel alot .. V fast paced.. I carried things and worked during my 1st pregnancy.. Hmm walking alot helped in a faster delivery.. But maybe you exerted abit more.. Do take a breather.. :)

Wah i bought a coconut frm market but yet to chop open and drink! hubby no time! maybe tml morning ask him to cut! Hmm my friend told me not to drink at night leh.. Too cooling?? I'm feeling so heaty.. Sweat n sweat, got pimple pop out liao.. Heat rashes.. Sighhh... I need to cool off! What else can i eat? I don't take fastfood.. Hmm hubby n i kind of quitted it before i had my #1... On off got take some fries.. We prefer to go for normal cooked food instead.. Healthier...

Hmm i can't wait for my gynae appt tml! Wanna see how baby has progressed! :p keep having the feeling that baby might come early when all is not prepared! Argh... :p one part of me wanna get over and done with so that i'm not so restricted by my tummy.. Another part of me feels like i wanna spend more time w #1 and want to do more with her before we get stuck for next few mths.. Sighh mixed feelings... I also guilty that i nv talk to #2 inside me.. Nv rested for her and almost always too busy to remember i got her inside me lol.. Super guilty ..
Contractions and ....

Hi Meltie :) thanks for the well wishes :) hope everything goes well for your appt tmr too :) haha.. for me I try not to take coconut juice as yup it is cooling :) haha but the weather supwr hot... so almost everyday I aircon.. confinement time I think worst cus cannot have air con.. mayb the only thing I can do is cool.down the room first then switch off air con turn on fan... haha.. anw.. dont feel guilty as u r doing great as a mum of two alr.. :) mine is still first... smiles!


Re: Contractions and ....

Hi Meltie :) thanks for the well wishes :) hope everything goes well for your appt tmr too :) haha.. for me I try not to take coconut juice as yup it is cooling :) haha but the weather supwr hot... so almost everyday I aircon.. confinement time I think worst cus cannot have air con.. mayb the only thing I can do is cool.down the room first then switch off air con turn on fan... haha.. anw.. dont feel guilty as u r doing great as a mum of two alr.. :) mine is still first... smiles!
Yup looking forward .. 36 weeks tomorrow! :p

Eh? I on aircon during my confinement leh.. Coz aircon just keeps the environment cool and dry.. Better than fan which blows around humid and hot air.. I felt ok.. Besides its gonna be super hot during May-june period and add on breastfeeding.. Baby's cheeks and tummy stuck to our breasts and tummy.. Its super hot.. My #1 had heat rash cum milk rash on her cheeks even with aircon on last time haha.. As long as u don't turn it till u feel cold.. Just 26deg room temp will be comfy.. :)

Wah as mum of 2 .. I really don't know how i can manage... Lol jiayou on ur no.1! Have you gotten everything ready? Anytime lloh.. Hahaa
Haha... I m so totally not ready.. haven't even pack hospital bag... haha :) thanks for the well wishes meltie :) really hope baby won't come so soon as I still have alot of work left undone... need to finish up.. sigh... anw so happy for you.. 36 weeks alr.. jiayou jiayou :) psst.. I also kept waking up to go toilet n tummy super itchy.. so also woke up to apply stretch mark cream.. :p
meltie:866487 said:
Hi Meltie :) thanks for the well wishes :) hope everything goes well for your appt tmr too :) haha.. for me I try not to take coconut juice as yup it is cooling :) haha but the weather supwr hot... so almost everyday I aircon.. confinement time I think worst cus cannot have air con.. mayb the only thing I can do is cool.down the room first then switch off air con turn on fan... haha.. anw.. dont feel guilty as u r doing great as a mum of two alr.. :) mine is still first... smiles!
Yup looking forward .. 36 weeks tomorrow! :p

Eh? I on aircon during my confinement leh.. Coz aircon just keeps the environment cool and dry.. Better than fan which blows around humid and hot air.. I felt ok.. Besides its gonna be super hot during May-june period and add on breastfeeding.. Baby's cheeks and tummy stuck to our breasts and tummy.. Its super hot.. My #1 had heat rash cum milk rash on her cheeks even with aircon on last time haha.. As long as u don't turn it till u feel cold.. Just 26deg room temp will be comfy.. :)

Wah as mum of 2 .. I really don't know how i can manage... Lol jiayou on ur no.1! Have you gotten everything ready? Anytime lloh.. Hahaa
Haha... n as much as I wanna switch on air con.. old people dont allow... but hospital we alr air con ma.. funnie lor.. yup. N I can't stand hot n humid weathers... goodness.. :rolleyes:


Haha... n as much as I wanna switch on air con.. old people dont allow... but hospital we alr air con ma.. funnie lor.. yup. N I can't stand hot n humid weathers... goodness.. :rolleyes:
Argh i'm up to pee n can't go back to slp...

hmm thought old ppl say no wind draft? Cannot on fan? Or point direct? :p haha

hmm how abt all the other bb stuff? I'm still not ready.. Cot, dresser, clothes all not up n washed.. Sigh haha i just hope bb come out only when i get them done.. Daily is a battle w my #1..

Strangely i had itchy stomach when i was applying stretch mark oil.. I decided to stop and no more itch liao.. So now i nv apply anything.. Scary scary lol.. But den again i've already braved through pne round of stretch marks during 1st pregnancy.. Abit don't care liao... Haha
meltie:866500 said:
Haha... n as much as I wanna switch on air con.. old people dont allow... but hospital we alr air con ma.. funnie lor.. yup. N I can't stand hot n humid weathers... goodness.. :rolleyes:
Argh i'm up to pee n can't go back to slp...

hmm thought old ppl say no wind draft? Cannot on fan? Or point direct? :p haha

hmm how abt all the other bb stuff? I'm still not ready.. Cot, dresser, clothes all not up n washed.. Sigh haha i just hope bb come out only when i get them done.. Daily is a battle w my #1..

Strangely i had itchy stomach when i was applying stretch mark oil.. I decided to stop and no more itch liao.. So now i nv apply anything.. Scary scary lol.. But den again i've already braved through pne round of stretch marks during 1st pregnancy.. Abit don't care liao... Haha
Haha.. cot all not bought yet.... :) oops.. jiayou w your no1 :) u r doing great already :) I tried many brands.. now I find the best is glyderm... the one shown on advertisement... one tube 125ml 23.40 plus watsons now sale... member additional 10% plus posb go mastercard 6% rebate.. v gd buy :) u can try.. I used a few days can see improvement already.. try also use baby bath shampoo.. for me is kodomo rice milk :) it helps for our sensitive tumny :) hee.. jiayou n gd luck for appt later :)