Edd nov 2011


not sure if anyone already started drinking fish soup for breastmilk, i had started and OMG, soooooo gross, i am not someone that can take a slight hinge of fishy smell. i cant take the normal recipe so my mum cooked several times and the last "modified" one is the best - but still got to drink when it is boiling hot, once cool off is scare the hell out of me.

here to share:-
1. fish bone - 2 pieces washed and lightly fry then put in those white color "filter bag"
2. pork ribs bones - 5pcs
3. 2 knobs ginger
4. 2 handful peanuts
5. 1 green papaya small - medium
boil all together until peanuts soften, drink when it is SUPER HOT.




Thanks for the recipe for BM. I Ve started drinking coconut water n green bean soup too. As our bodies r very heaty during the last trimester, it is Gd to take some cooling stuff. Other den delivering a clean bb, it will help to reduce the chances of jaundice n eczema to our bb.


yah, its really heaty. i hv a pimple inside my nose and my gums are little sore - which are signs for me when i am heaty.
but i didnt drink green bean soup wor, maybe i sld boil some, add sago in quite yummy also :)


Thanks for the recipe for BM. I Ve started drinking coconut water n green bean soup too. As our bodies r very heaty during the last trimester, it is Gd to take some cooling stuff. Other den delivering a clean bb, it will help to reduce the chances of jaundice n eczema to our bb.

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
Hi gals, izit necessary to shave or wax our 'private' part before we go for our delivering.
No, not necessary, no mammal does that in natural delivery. :) My obgyn is UK-trained and very modern, no shaving and avoids intervention unless medically necessary when I delivered in 2009. No episiotomy too, so even faster recovery. Guess everyone's excited over baby's arrival. Mine's on the smaller side this time, so hope he can wait patiently till around EDD. All the best, ladies!


wow mummies,

you gals started early.. my aunty friend is concerned that it will be too cooling for my body coz my body too heaty or too cooling also cannot :shyxxx:

nowadays, i also feel very hot and perspire easily. Even if I sleep in aircon room, I will perspire at my neck area and my pillow will be moist when I wake up at pee.


not sure if anyone already started drinking fish soup for breastmilk, i had started and OMG, soooooo gross, i am not someone that can take a slight hinge of fishy smell. i cant take the normal recipe so my mum cooked several times and the last "modified" one is the best - but still got to drink when it is boiling hot, once cool off is scare the hell out of me.

here to share:-
1. fish bone - 2 pieces washed and lightly fry then put in those white color "filter bag"
2. pork ribs bones - 5pcs
3. 2 knobs ginger
4. 2 handful peanuts
5. 1 green papaya small - medium
boil all together until peanuts soften, drink when it is SUPER HOT.


Thanks for the recipe. when is the appropriate time to start taking ?


escago; wah congrats!! U are one big step to natural birth!! can't wait for my gynae check tmr.. hopefully is good news like yours hehe..

me still thinking whether want to take the coconut drink a not :p haven't start drinking yet.. is it really useful.. I think I will take 1-2 weeks before bah.. seems like is quite useful >.<

hotmilktea: u very fast!! haha.. I think I will drink it after I gave birth, coz now sometimes its leaking like mad when I'm sleeping.. And some more I still can't take the fishy smell (fish is my most fav food on earth), so after birth bah!

durianfan: me until now, still scared of cold.. so my sister ask my hubby to boil logan and red dates for me to drink, but I think is too heaty already.. sweat too much at night and having nightmare.. so I stop last week.. finally can sleep in peace after stopping.. -.- no nightmare no sweat..


Qiqi, if u already leaking, then no need to drink lah!
U definetly hv supply and probably dun hv to wait 3 days after deliver for milk flow to comes in!
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New Member
wow mummies,

you gals started early.. my aunty friend is concerned that it will be too cooling for my body coz my body too heaty or too cooling also cannot :shyxxx:

nowadays, i also feel very hot and perspire easily. Even if I sleep in aircon room, I will perspire at my neck area and my pillow will be moist when I wake up at pee.
hi Durianfan

yes yes my neck sweat alot and i have to make sure the fan is blowing to my head every moment when i sleep. so hot


Qiqi, if u already leaking, then no need to drink lah!
U definetly hv supply and probably dun hv to wait 3 days after deliver for milk flow to comes in!

hopefully.. >.< not like false alarm..

there's one time leaking one big patch, I pointed my finger to hubby, wanted to sold him for drooling.. haha.. but I realise the culprit is me.. -.-"


I havent started to pack my hospital bag yet.. and EDD is coming nearer.. im getting a bit scared now, and keep thinking what is suddenly my waterbag burst in the middle of the night how.. =(

think im getting a bit paranoid. :embarrassed:


I havent started to pack my hospital bag yet.. and EDD is coming nearer.. im getting a bit scared now, and keep thinking what is suddenly my waterbag burst in the middle of the night how.. =(

think im getting a bit paranoid. :embarrassed:
Dun worry we will Ve plenty of time to get to hospital wen our water bag bursts, ESP if it's our first pregnancy. My obstetrician told me to go to hospital wen my contractions r 4-5 mins apart for 1hr. Even den , we will need another at least 4hrs b4 we r fully dilated. Having said dat, I Ve packed my hospital bag plus a fully charged battery for my camera :) I'm also getting nervous. I always rehearsed my course of actions if labour strikes wen I'm alone( co's my husband is working overseas n I'm staying alone).


vis: don't stress, relax relax!! Even if haven't pack yet, your hubby can pack later no worries, just make sure u have the list standby for him to check in case he don't have a clue on what to pack

Sherwawa: I nvr rehearsed but my hubby keep on asking me what he should do when I'm going to start give birth and during the giving birth process etc..

i'm also nervous, scared my batt died on me!! Don't know whether I should buy spare batt -.-"


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I havent started to pack my hospital bag yet.. and EDD is coming nearer.. im getting a bit scared now, and keep thinking what is suddenly my waterbag burst in the middle of the night how.. =(

think im getting a bit paranoid. :embarrassed:
Hey vis, actually I am "half done" with my bag only cos I still have items missing. e.g. I have not washed baby's clothing yet, hence did not put that in... yeah I think hubby can help you if got anything missing, dun worry too much :)