Edd nov 2011


hi, it would be better if you could provide more info such as ur cost and other additional charges over here. so there is no hidden cost and we can decide and compare from there. thank you.

Hello Beautiful Mummys-to-be,

Looking for Masseuse Lady? I provide Pre-natal, Post-natal and Full body relaxing Massage at your doorstep!! End-of-Year discount available effective from today!! For more details and inquiries, call or text me at 93766413. So hurry book now!! :)


yesterday went for check up :D

baby weight appro 2.5kg (35 weeks), my gynae also said placenta moving up, good for normal delivery! so happy.. hehe.. :p


yappie!! imagine past few months stress

- placenta too low in the initial stage
- scared baby to big

this kind of experience the guys will nvr get it.. :p 1 month to go.. my doctor keep on telling me not to stand too long.. can't wait to let the baby pop out so I can move about more freely..

Hubby said this month very fast, I said very slow leh where got fast.. muahaha


mummies, can we go for foot reflexology at this stage? or just simply foot massage? if dont massage now, cannot go out to massage during confinement....


Hello didy,

im an experience masseuse lady provides pre-natal, post natal and relaxing massage at your comfort home! ;) good price n services guarantee!! PM me or call me directly for more details. HP 93766413 (rosha)


mummies, can we go for foot reflexology at this stage? or just simply foot massage? if dont massage now, cannot go out to massage during confinement....

I was told by a Chinese physician not to go for foot reflexology co's there r 3 accupressure points dat one Ve to avoid during preg. By stimulating these accupressure points may cause the foetus to change it's position. Imagine Yr bb is alr head down n keena rotate to head up because of foot reflexology. For body massage, there r 2 accupressure points to avoid on the shoulders. Hope the above infor helps..


yes.. or u can try prenatal massage but very light massage..

otherwise bear with it first!! It will be soon already!! :D For me will be 30 days... some mommy is like less than a month!! :Dancing_wub::Dancing_tongue:


so good!! :D so excited for you!! haha... your edd is 3 nov!! Thats like less than a month..:Dancing_wub::001_302:

ok post the list again.. since the BIG DAY is getting near!




Hmm .... seems like i'm sharing the same edd with Lingx but i will be delivering at PEH....:Dancing_tongue::Dancing_tongue:


escago, sherwawa, missyqiqi,

yup thanks.. I started to pack my bag bit by bit... :) at least not so worry as each day goes by.. :eek:

by the way, do u gals have Fb? perhaps we can add each other in FB..
i only have missyqiqi in my fb. :)


My feet had swelled the 2nd time ( 35 weeks now) .. heard that u gals said 3rd time, mean ready for labour ?


My feet had swelled the 2nd time ( 35 weeks now) .. heard that u gals said 3rd time, mean ready for labour ?
hI Vis ,

That happens for my 2 pregnancy .... had twice swollen feet and when comes to the third time i'm ready for labour ....:)

My first swell has just gone away and am 33 weeks preg now ... :)


hi mummies,
really hope to pop soon, getting way too huge and tired and totally restless now.
gynae say can only wait until baby happy to come out now .
