Edd nov 2011


hi didy, how is your checkup today?
hi hotmilktea! i just came back from my check up. indeed, my gynae did the OSCAR test for me. Although it is not called OSCAR test here in Germany, but they call it the NT scan, where the gynae measured something at the back of my baby's neck using the ultrasound, and then 2 tubes of blood for blood test. She said that only if this test shows high risk, then we decide if we want to continue with the 'invasive' test. the result of my OSCAR test would be out on friday.. but with the NT scan, she says everything looks good.

Oh! and today during the scan, we saw our baby moved very vividly!! he/she moved many times, like he/she is having hiccups in my tummy.. and he/she even flipped on his/her tummy 360 degrees. its sooooooooo amazing... my hubby said baby has his genes.. cos my hubby is the super active one among both of us. heheheh. gynae also helped us take a 3D picture of baby, but naughty baby used his/her arms to cover his/her face.

haha overall very happy today to see all going well with baby and baby is very active.

good luck with your checkup tomorrow. update us!!


from your reply, i can feel your excitement all the way in spore ! :)
i was hoping you can know your baby's gender today, coz it might also meant i have chance to know mine tmr, since our dates are similar!
it is really happy to watch our baby inside :) its good u can have the 3D for free, here we got to pay, but i got to find one which is very cheap, but it can be done only at later stage of 2nd tri or early 3rd tri, maybe u are back u can consider too!

so much... i got to go school now, LAST CLASS !!!!! and then i just have to go to ulu NTU 1 last time for my exam and i dont ever got to go there again! its $30 cab fare you know !

tty tonight or tmr after my appt, 1st hand update :p

hi hotmilktea! i just came back from my check up. indeed, my gynae did the OSCAR test for me. Although it is not called OSCAR test here in Germany, but they call it the NT scan, where the gynae measured something at the back of my baby's neck using the ultrasound, and then 2 tubes of blood for blood test. She said that only if this test shows high risk, then we decide if we want to continue with the 'invasive' test. the result of my OSCAR test would be out on friday.. but with the NT scan, she says everything looks good.

Oh! and today during the scan, we saw our baby moved very vividly!! he/she moved many times, like he/she is having hiccups in my tummy.. and he/she even flipped on his/her tummy 360 degrees. its sooooooooo amazing... my hubby said baby has his genes.. cos my hubby is the super active one among both of us. heheheh. gynae also helped us take a 3D picture of baby, but naughty baby used his/her arms to cover his/her face.

haha overall very happy today to see all going well with baby and baby is very active.

good luck with your checkup tomorrow. update us!!


from your reply, i can feel your excitement all the way in spore ! :)
i was hoping you can know your baby's gender today, coz it might also meant i have chance to know mine tomorrow, since our dates are similar!
it is really happy to watch our baby inside :) its good you can have the 3D for free, here we got to pay, but i got to find one which is very cheap, but it can be done only at later stage of 2nd tri or early 3rd tri, maybe you are back you can consider too!

so much... i got to go school now, LAST CLASS !!!!! and then i just have to go to ulu NTU 1 last time for my exam and i dont ever got to go there again! its $30 cab fare you know !

tty tonight or tomorrow after my appt, 1st hand update :p
yeah cab fare to NTU must be expensive!! update us after your check up tomorrow!


hi didy and hotmilktea,

i feel im very tired during at night. is it normal? like my ennergy is draining off.. :embarrassed:


yeah true. but now i feel less tired during the day already. but vis, feeling tired is normal for first trimester
my OSCAR test appt is scheduled on the 25 May....pray hard....hope everything will be fine......im already 36 this year.....very worried :001_07:


Didy, i am back !!!!

1st scan, baby is sitting down, really quiet...then doc poke my tummy to disturb, then wake up and fidget non stop. so i got to go out and wait for a while. 2nd scan is good, only manage to get a measurement, then doc got to go to deliver ! he told me very fast one, less than 30mins. he is back in 20mins ! he say yah, her 4th child already.. ha ha so cute. then 3rd scan, baby in perfect position to take measurement. doc say from the measurement, it seems ok, now have to wait for the blood test to come back.

doc say baby is growing well, i am 12 week and 6 days, but baby size is 13 week and 3 days, which is very good coz i am not gaining weight, but baby growing. but he also said from nx mth onwards, i must put abt 2kg per month.

and doc say there is a 'thing' in between the baby's leg ! ...ha ha ha he said he quite sure is a boy ! but he wouldnt confirm with us until i am week 16. so exciting !!!!!! my hubby so super happy lor. keep smiling smiling all the way.

yeah cab fare to NTU must be expensive!! update us after your check up tomorrow!


Didy, i am back !!!!

1st scan, baby is sitting down, really quiet...then doc poke my tummy to disturb, then wake up and fidget non stop. so i got to go out and wait for a while. 2nd scan is good, only manage to get a measurement, then doc got to go to deliver ! he told me very fast one, less than 30mins. he is back in 20mins ! he say yah, her 4th child already.. ha ha so cute. then 3rd scan, baby in perfect position to take measurement. doc say from the measurement, it seems ok, now have to wait for the blood test to come back.

doc say baby is growing well, i am 12 week and 6 days, but baby size is 13 week and 3 days, which is very good coz i am not gaining weight, but baby growing. but he also said from nx mth onwards, i must put abt 2kg per month.

and doc say there is a 'thing' in between the baby's leg ! ...ha ha ha he said he quite sure is a boy ! but he wouldnt confirm with us until i am week 16. so exciting !!!!!! my hubby so super happy lor. keep smiling smiling all the way.

hey hotmilktea! glad to hear everything is ok so far! wah... ur hubby wants a boy huh? haha i cross my fingers for u! think easier to identify boy than girl right? cos if dont see any "thing" then dunno is havent develop yet or is a girl. my next appt is also when is week 16. hopefully can see gender by then!

what is the size of ur baby? mine is 5.20 cm. was too excited yesterday so never ask what is the exact date of baby by measurement. u never gain any weight?? i already gained 2 kg :(


New Member
Didy, i am back !!!!

1st scan, baby is sitting down, really quiet...then doc poke my tummy to disturb, then wake up and fidget non stop. so i got to go out and wait for a while. 2nd scan is good, only manage to get a measurement, then doc got to go to deliver ! he told me very fast one, less than 30mins. he is back in 20mins ! he say yah, her 4th child already.. ha ha so cute. then 3rd scan, baby in perfect position to take measurement. doc say from the measurement, it seems ok, now have to wait for the blood test to come back.

doc say baby is growing well, i am 12 week and 6 days, but baby size is 13 week and 3 days, which is very good coz i am not gaining weight, but baby growing. but he also said from nx mth onwards, i must put abt 2kg per month.

and doc say there is a 'thing' in between the baby's leg ! ...ha ha ha he said he quite sure is a boy ! but he wouldnt confirm with us until i am week 16. so exciting !!!!!! my hubby so super happy lor. keep smiling smiling all the way.
Congratz hotmilktea!! My next appt is next fri, can't wait to see my baby, hopefully by then will kw gender too....


oh, the doc told me the 1st delivery date he told you is the most accurate, coz some babies grow faster, some slower, hence the date on the scan will change. but just stick to the 1st date.

my baby is 7cm. i never gain any weight, i lose abt 1 kg when i was week 9, but today i gain back 400grams.

which week are u now, coz ur this signature is counting down one. so is 12 week 3 days isnt ?

hey hotmilktea! glad to hear everything is ok so far! wah... ur hubby wants a boy huh? haha i cross my fingers for u! think easier to identify boy than girl right? cos if dont see any "thing" then dunno is havent develop yet or is a girl. my next appt is also when is week 16. hopefully can see gender by then!

what is the size of ur baby? mine is 5.20 cm. was too excited yesterday so never ask what is the exact date of baby by measurement. u never gain any weight?? i already gained 2 kg :(


oh, the doc told me the 1st delivery date he told you is the most accurate, coz some babies grow faster, some slower, hence the date on the scan will change. but just stick to the 1st date.

my baby is 7cm. i never gain any weight, i lose abt 1 kg when i was week 9, but today i gain back 400grams.

which week are u now, coz ur this signature is counting down one. so is 12 week 3 days isnt ?
7cm?? wa ok my baby is growing slower than. haha maybe its a sign that shes a girl? i think mine is 12 weeks 3 days


thanx !!! but nothing is confirm yet lah for me...the confirm gender will be week 16. but still very exciting ya !

pls update us after your appt too !

Congratz hotmilktea!! My next appt is next fri, can't wait to see my baby, hopefully by then will kw gender too....


no lah, every baby grow different, some faster, some slower... i suspect i been eating durians, thats why.. ha ha . i tink total i ate like 15 seeds in 2 weeks or so... but i stop already, coz of the high sugar. and also no more crave.

7cm?? wa ok my baby is growing slower than. haha maybe its a sign that shes a girl? i think mine is 12 weeks 3 days


no lah, every baby grow different, some faster, some slower... i suspect i been eating durians, thats why.. ha ha . i tink total i ate like 15 seeds in 2 weeks or so... but i stop already, coz of the high sugar. and also no more crave.
eat durian will make baby grow faster? oh man! i love durians too, but it doesn't exist in this part of the world!! :(

by the way, is ur baby 7cm measure from head to rump? or includes legs? mine does not include legs


when u come back , u can eat them all! yum yum. i intro you to 2 dessert place for 100% durian desserts, my all time favorite :)
do u hv msn/email? i show u the scan ? :)

my 7cm also dont include legs i tink

eat durian will make baby grow faster? oh man! i love durians too, but it doesn't exist in this part of the world!! :(

by the way, is ur baby 7cm measure from head to rump? or includes legs? mine does not include legs


Hi all, im going for the oscars test next week... wondering if we can straight away know the results or we have to wait... hee..