EDD Nov 2012 mummies here

I'm pumping at 50-60ml each session now. Today, my jamu massager helped me massaged my breasts, she said mine quite good, not totally engorged. After the massage, can feel it's less hard on the sides of the breasts. When is your massage starting?

wobblymummy:713554 said:
Teriwinkle how's ur breastfeeding going? I'm stuck in 60 ml :( so sad. My breast are very swollen n hard :( they said must massage. But it's so painful :(
They said call me tml. Cos I forgot to call them when I delivered so have to drag abit. So fortunate that u have started :( envy... Hope the therapist can come on fri. Really in need of more cos very eating till 70 ml so has to mix with formula. Sigh... How much does ur baby eat now? I pump 3 hrs interval


Hi Teriwinkle and Wobblymummy, i don't have anything for my baby so I have him on formula last night instead. I would prefer total BF but he's so poor thing, nothing to eat last afternoon. I hope my colostrum and milk comes fast!
I will have him latch on in the morning again later.. what do you mummies think?


the soreness from my stitches is keeping me awake.. dunno if i should go poo poo not since like should not push on the wound...
the soreness from my stitches is keeping me awake.. dunno if i should go poo poo not since like should not push on the wound...
Nature r u ok ? Did u go for natural birth or C section. Did u take epidural ?
My first day I can't get out of bed cos I feel giddy after the epidural. Pls ask for assistant if u going to toilet.
Tc. For breast feeding. Dun hurry. Eventually it will come. Jus relax. Cos ur wound r still in pain. Tc ok :) jiAyou.


New Member
Nature, drink plenty of red dates water n papaya fish soup. It will help.. 1st time mummy sometimes have this kind of problem.. Dun think too much n have lots of rest.. U can make it..


New Member
Hi mummies, anyone ordered normal tingkat before? I receive so many different flyers at my place everyday that I'm at a loss!! Dont know which to choose. Do let me know if you have any recommendation, TIA.


Omg hope they fasterly arrive at your doorstep soon! My bb is taking in 50ml now, but she wails every 2hour plus for milk and can't finish 60ml if we gave her more. You also wake up in the midnight to pump? I stop pumping after bedtime. Also pumping at 3hr interval.

wobblymummy:713615 said:
They said call me tml. Cos I forgot to call them when I delivered so have to drag abit. So fortunate that u have started :( envy... Hope the therapist can come on fri. Really in need of more cos very eating till 70 ml so has to mix with formula. Sigh... How much does ur baby eat now? I pump 3 hrs interval


hello mummies.. I'll be going for my csection tomorrow morning, am starting to feel the jitters already.. to all the first time mummies, drink plenty of water and red date tea it really helps with the bm supply. for me i realized I could have more bm by drinking soybean :)


Keep latching your bb, so that will stimulate the milk supply and prevent engorgement in the later stage. What you should have now is colostrum, but baby will still feel hungry despite us reading/being told that colostrum is enough to last our babies 3 days without milk. Don't give up!

nature59:713706 said:
Hi Teriwinkle and Wobblymummy, i don't have anything for my baby so I have him on formula last night instead. I would prefer total BF but he's so poor thing, nothing to eat last afternoon. I hope my colostrum and milk comes fast!
I will have him latch on in the morning again later.. what do you mummies think?


I did not poo for 3 days after delivery, although I did not feel the pain from the stitches as I was on epidural and later painkillers.

nature59:713707 said:
the soreness from my stitches is keeping me awake.. dunno if i should go poo poo not since like should not push on the wound...


hello mummies.. I'll be going for my csection tomorrow morning, am starting to feel the jitters already.. to all the first time mummies, drink plenty of water and red date tea it really helps with the bm supply. for me i realized I could have more bm by drinking soybean :)
All the best junzie! My mom and mil say can't have plain water during confinement..


the soreness from my stitches is keeping me awake.. dunno if i should go poo poo not since like should not push on the wound...
Nature r u ok ? Did u go for natural birth or C section. Did u take epidural ?
My first day I can't get out of bed cos I feel giddy after the epidural. Pls ask for assistant if u going to toilet.
Tc. For breast feeding. Dun hurry. Eventually it will come. Jus relax. Cos ur wound r still in pain. Tc ok :) jiAyou.
I had epidural and natural birth.


Yaye! It will be over before you realize it! :) Enjoy all you can today!

junzie:713731 said:
hello mummies.. I'll be going for my csection tomorrow morning, am starting to feel the jitters already.. to all the first time mummies, drink plenty of water and red date tea it really helps with the bm supply. for me i realized I could have more bm by drinking soybean :)


Hi mummies,

I am from EDD Oct 2012 forum and recently given birth to a healthy baby daughter.

I am here to recommend my confinement lady to anyone who is looking. She just left today and I am feeling a bit sad already coz she was really nice to me and baby.

She did more than she is supposed to. Beside doing things that are expected of her, she was also changing my bed linen every week (even my bro's who sleeps in another room), cooked and reheat food for my husband and brother when they come home later than my dinner time, sew extra buttons on baby's clothes that has gotten too big and even help mend a pillow case that had a split, etc etc! All this on her own without us asking!

Most importantly, she is very patient and loving towards my baby and I. My baby is a little fussy at night and won't go to sleep in her own cot. She likes to be cuddled. My CL would actually hold her until she falls asleep which can take hours at night! Even I dont't have the patience sometimes.

Anyway, just hoping I could help her. PM me if you want her contact number. Thanks for reading.


Keep latching your bb, so that will stimulate the milk supply and prevent engorgement in the later stage. What you should have now is colostrum, but baby will still feel hungry despite us reading/being told that colostrum is enough to last our babies 3 days without milk. Don't give up!

nature59:713706 said:
Hi Teriwinkle and Wobblymummy, i don't have anything for my baby so I have him on formula last night instead. I would prefer total BF but he's so poor thing, nothing to eat last afternoon. I hope my colostrum and milk comes fast!
I will have him latch on in the morning again later.. what do you mummies think?
My baby dun want eat, latch on for a few suckles and fall asleep.. Haizzzz
So it's not true that baby's stomach will have reserves to last for the first two days even without milk?? Did the nurses recommend feeding with formula milk during the hospital stay???

Good luck junzie!!!!

And mummies, theres a Philip fair on 17 n 18 nov at Toa payoh factory. So can load up on Avent products if u r using their products


nature59:713706 said:
Hi Teriwinkle and Wobblymummy, i don't have anything for my baby so I have him on formula last night instead. I would prefer total BF but he's so poor thing, nothing to eat last afternoon. I hope my colostrum and milk comes fast!
I will have him latch on in the morning again later.. what do you mummies think?
I also let my baby go on some formula. Recommended by pd so that can prevent his jaundice from getting worse. Went to visit and feed him yesterday but he also seem more interested in sleeping than suckle.
My milk came in today and now my breasts are so hard and painful. Tried pumping but not relieving it much...