EDD Nov 2012 mummies here


New Member
Wow good luck to you Grace! Have a smooth delivery!

gracelkw:713312 said:
Went for check up today. Baby's weight 3.2kg at 38+1... Not dilated yet will be admitted tonight for induce...
Hi Wobblymummy

U found the caterer for the 1st mth? I thinking neo garden.. But quite ex leh..hope per pax $10 but think hard to find a good food. So far, I haven't eaten a good caterer before..all buffet like so so only. Anyone got very nice food buffet..if nice food, don't mind increase budget abit. :)

Oh yes, we must do 1st mth according to Chinese calendar or english calendar? Anyone knows? :)
My mother in law said must be Chinese calendar . Must be after a month. Can be later but earlier . I'm thinking of NEO too cos that's the best that I hav eaten so far from a few catering. Yup they r a bit ex though :(
Hi Wobblymummy

I just heard that must o according to Chinese date.. But don't know how to count.

What is the meaning of "can be later but earlier"? Hehe..confusing. :)

Meaning give birth on 15.11.12 (lunar 3rd day of oct), so bb girl can do on 16.12.12 (lunar 4th day of nov)? But Bb girl is it must do one day early? One day early is according to English or Chinese date?

My hubby say neo garden curry chicken best so far. :)

Tks so much. :)


Hi mummies,

I am from EDD Oct 2012 forum and recently given birth to a healthy baby daughter.
I am here to recommend my confinement lady to anyone who is looking. She is ending her service with me tomorrow.

She is really good coz after reading lots of forums on CL, I realized she did more than she is supposed to. Beside doing things that is expected of her, she is also changing my bed linen every week (even my bro's who sleeps in another room), cooked and reheat food for my husband and brother when they come home later than my dinner time, sew extra buttons on baby's clothes that has gotten too big and even help mend a pillow case that had a split! All this on her own without us asking!

Most importantly, she is very patient and loving towards my baby and I. My baby is a little fussy at night and won't go to sleep in her own cot. She likes to be cuddled. My CL would actually hold her until she falls asleep which can take hours at night! Even I don't have the patience sometimes.

Anyway, just hoping I could help her. PM me if you want her contact number. Thanks for reading.
Sorry is can be later but not earlier :)

Hi Wobblymummy

I just heard that must o according to Chinese date.. But don't know how to count.

What is the meaning of "can be later but earlier"? Hehe..confusing. :)

Meaning give birth on 15.11.12 (lunar 3rd day of oct), so bb girl can do on 16.12.12 (lunar 4th day of nov)? But Bb girl is it must do one day early? One day early is according to English or Chinese date?

My hubby say neo garden curry chicken best so far. :)

Tks so much. :)


Haven't called them up yet, very busy with the little one. But gonna do so these days. Let you know once we've got the info. But even if no food tasting is allowed, we might still use xin yi pin.

Katherine57:713286 said:
Teriwinkle, have u contacted the xin Yi pin?? That time u said wanted to ask if they can do food tasting?
Teriwinkle how's ur breastfeeding going? I'm stuck in 60 ml :( so sad. My breast are very swollen n hard :( they said must massage. But it's so painful :(
Hey mummies, I heard from a fren that one week after delivery have to go back gynae check up and also for baby to go paed check up, is that right??


I'm pumping at 50-60ml each session now. Today, my jamu massager helped me massaged my breasts, she said mine quite good, not totally engorged. After the massage, can feel it's less hard on the sides of the breasts. When is your massage starting?

wobblymummy:713554 said:
Teriwinkle how's ur breastfeeding going? I'm stuck in 60 ml :( so sad. My breast are very swollen n hard :( they said must massage. But it's so painful :(


My bb is going to polyclinics for her jaundice check up. But my gynae review is 6 weeks after delivery.

Katherine57:713559 said:
Hey mummies, I heard from a fren that one week after delivery have to go back gynae check up and also for baby to go paed check up, is that right??