EDD Nov 2012 mummies here


i guess u are already experiencing "lightening". Baby already head down on your pelvic.
soon u get to see baby! :)

Those are pelvic and groin pains coz the bb is weighing down. I've had that when I was in my 35 weeks. Now at 37+ weeks, the pain seems to have diminish.


New Member
Guess he's probably a week or two away.
EDD is 16 Nov though.
The discomfort plus mixed feelings making me lose sleep.
Guess its time to pack the hospital bag.
Teriwinkle, moisturizer so that face won't be dry hahahah. Must be pretty pretty when discharge, already figure still flabby, at least face must look good mah hehehhe

Nature, they drop the brochure in my mailbox and looks quite good but need to find out reviews about them leh. If they supply red eggs n Ang ku kueh, then save us the trouble ah... And only $9.90/pax!


Lol, I'm waiting for the real labor contractions to come to me anytime now. Haha.

EYA:708093 said:
i guess u are already experiencing "lightening". Baby already head down on your pelvic.
soon u get to see baby! :)
I think the waiting part is the scariest part, at least to me. What if there's no show or water bag don't burst and I don't recognize the contraction signs?!


Hi all!!!! I'm at 36 weeks now!!! My original EDD was supposed to be 17 Nov but my gyne says that my little girl is too big to wait until 40 weeks if I opt for natural birth. Gyne was saying might induce at 38 weeks depending on how engaged she is and what not... Which is only 2 weeks from now!! OMG!!!

She weighs 3.1kg at 35 weeks 2 days. >.< From the way it goes, she'll be 4.1kg when I'm 40 weeks!! I tried controlling my diet in my previous appt and only gain 300g but baby puts on 550g and now I put on 1.3kg and baby only puts on 500g. I guess it doesn't really matter what I eat. Hmmm...

I'm experiencing braxton hicks too ... and it's on a daily basis. Like twice or 3x a day at least. Menstrual like cramps with lower back aches. My gyne told me that the actual contraction will be at exactly the same spot but just more intense.

I haven't started washing all my lil girl's clothes and stuffs tho. Will try to do it this weekend. Just started to pack my labour bag a few days ago and still wondering if I need to bring anything extra. What did you guys pack in your labour bag?


There is only 1 brand of maternity disposable panties that I saw, got it from People's park level 3. 1 pack 6 panties cost $3. I saw the same brand selling outside at 1 pack for $3.70.

babyeskimo:708283 said:
which r best value for $$ cotton disposables??

Yuppie, get disposable ones for maternity! Quality is better than the normal disposable panties.

B zhai

I bought pureen maternity disposable panties and also fr watsons those 100% cotton xxl
Disposable panties at $4.90 for 5.

I think hospital can help sterilize the breast pumps. They told me when I went maternity tour at mount e. Breast pads can jus bring a few cos initial days usually supply is low and won't leak much.

I hv weird feeling, cramp like ones at pelvic area n lower tummy also. I can't tell if tummy tight or BH lei.. No feeling one.. Just sometimes when I sleep n turn fr side to side I feel some cramps. :)

I pack my hospital bag already. But half done cos still need to wash some stuff. Baby clothes I think hospital will provide.


New Member
I will be ordering from sweetest moments for those full month boxes. Looks so pretty and good.

Katherine57:708144 said:
Teriwinkle, moisturizer so that face won't be dry hahahah. Must be pretty pretty when discharge, already figure still flabby, at least face must look good mah hehehhe

Nature, they drop the brochure in my mailbox and looks quite good but need to find out reviews about them leh. If they supply red eggs n Ang ku kueh, then save us the trouble ah... And only $9.90/pax!