EDD Nov 2012 mummies here


yesyesyes! what should be in the bag?
i was thinking of bringing my own breast pump so that they can teach me how to pump using my own breast pump. instead of using hospital's, so that i can learn how to pump using my own...
Going to pack my bag tomolo. So eggcited :)
Actually, think upto individual health..if one walk around n don't feel uncomfortable, think one can walk in last tri.

I rest for 2 weeks at home coz was sick..but the 2 weeks rest oso let me found out that hard tummy problem is solved.

So if feel uncomfortable, better rest for few days first.

Maybe when we reached 37 weeks, we can start walking again. :)
Hmm then I will pack pj, those shirt n pants type...bras, I think I will bring two nursing bras and wear one in bah. Remember the nursing pads!! In case leaks hehehhe

I think I will pack maternity pads, disposable panties, pjs, nursing pads, going home suits for myself n baby, Hp charger, anti-stretch mark cream (so can start massaging tummy after delivery!) Hahahha, lip balm because I have cracked lips easily, moisturizer for face?? Actually quite like going on holiday hahhahaha

Hubby was saying that the phrase going to hospital sounds so sad hahha


New Member
Just came back from check-up at 37 weeks 2 days. Baby weight is 2.8 kg.. Baby head down but my cervix still not open yet.. Btw, its quite painful when doc check cervix.. Next week will check again.. Dont know how to relax during cervix check :( These days i m having abdomen tightening especially during night time.. Not easy to get up from bed..
Hmm then I will pack pj, those shirt n pants type...bras, I think I will bring two nursing bras and wear one in bah. Remember the nursing pads!! In case leaks hehehhe

I think I will pack maternity pads, disposable panties, pjs, nursing pads, going home suits for myself n baby, Hp charger, anti-stretch mark cream (so can start massaging tummy after delivery!) Hahahha, lip balm because I have cracked lips easily, moisturizer for face?? Actually quite like going on holiday hahhahaha

Hubby was saying that the phrase going to hospital sounds so sad hahha
Also rmb to bring marriage certificate, both identification card, bank book printed for baby bonus. N write a list of important numbers, such as confinement lady , post natal masseurs
Doctor contact, hospital helpline etc, n doctor letter for admission.

Mreow Mreow

Just came back from check-up at 37 weeks 2 days. Baby weight is 2.8 kg.. Baby head down but my cervix still not open yet.. Btw, its quite painful when doc check cervix.. Next week will check again.. Dont know how to relax during cervix check :( These days i m having abdomen tightening especially during night time.. Not easy to get up from bed..

Will doc let hubby in when they check cervix?

Hmm, doc juz insert fingers just like that?



New Member
Woah thanks for the heads up on the maternity leave claim for self-employed! I didn't know about it.

36 weeks today!
I am having this pressure / ache on the pelvic area.
Makes it painful for me to turn on bed, sit up, stand up and walk around.
Sometimes it's extended to the thigh area.
Anybody experiencing this too?


Just came back from check-up at 37 weeks 2 days. Baby weight is 2.8 kg.. Baby head down but my cervix still not open yet.. Btw, its quite painful when doc check cervix.. Next week will check again.. Dont know how to relax during cervix check :( These days i m having abdomen tightening especially during night time.. Not easy to get up from bed..

Will doc let hubby in when they check cervix?

Hmm, doc juz insert fingers just like that?

My doc din let hubby see when she check the cervix. Dun worry its not painful just need to relax. She has to insert to check if the cervix is open. No other way...


Just came back from check-up at 37 weeks 2 days. Baby weight is 2.8 kg.. Baby head down but my cervix still not open yet.. Btw, its quite painful when doc check cervix.. Next week will check again.. Dont know how to relax during cervix check :( These days i m having abdomen tightening especially during night time.. Not easy to get up from bed..
Hi momtobe, try to think of something and relax? So it's not that painful? Else ask yr doc to put lubricant?
Decided to do a full month celebration. Any mummies heard of this xin Yi pin catering?? They have 1st month package with red eggs n cupcakes hehe


I have packed my breast pump in, remember to sterilize it before bringing to the hospital!

yesyesyes! what should be in the bag?
i was thinking of bringing my own breast pump so that they can teach me how to pump using my own breast pump. instead of using hospital's, so that i can learn how to pump using my own...


Those are pelvic and groin pains coz the bb is weighing down. I've had that when I was in my 35 weeks. Now at 37+ weeks, the pain seems to have diminish.

twiggy:708007 said:
Woah thanks for the heads up on the maternity leave claim for self-employed! I didn't know about it.

36 weeks today!
I am having this pressure / ache on the pelvic area.
Makes it painful for me to turn on bed, sit up, stand up and walk around.
Sometimes it's extended to the thigh area.
Anybody experiencing this too?


Haha moisturizer? Cooling on the face. Can we use that given we should avoid anything cold after having gave birth?

Katherine57:707851 said:
Hmm then I will pack pj, those shirt n pants type...bras, I think I will bring two nursing bras and wear one in bah. Remember the nursing pads!! In case leaks hehehhe

I think I will pack maternity pads, disposable panties, pjs, nursing pads, going home suits for myself n baby, Hp charger, anti-stretch mark cream (so can start massaging tummy after delivery!) Hahahha, lip balm because I have cracked lips easily, moisturizer for face?? Actually quite like going on holiday hahhahaha

Hubby was saying that the phrase going to hospital sounds so sad hahha


yeah i agree but thats what my friend who just delivered told me to do.
i did tell her its troublesome but she said that its better they teach us to pump using our own machine instead of the hosp one... which is kinda true....

Hi EYA, that's a good idea! But it's so bulky.. Heh