EDD Nov 2012 mummies here

Fynzy, i like the sweetest moment boxes also! Was thinking of ordering from them but if I'm going to do the party then my mum said don't need give cake already.


Yup, I will not distribute cakes since I'm having the party! Can order a big box of cupcakes as part of the buffet. Sweetest moments has got one box 50+ cupcakes with bb shower design as well. Pretty!

Katherine57:708479 said:
Fynzy, i like the sweetest moment boxes also! Was thinking of ordering from them but if I'm going to do the party then my mum said don't need give cake already.


Katherine, what's the min pax for the catering?

Katherine57:708144 said:
Teriwinkle, moisturizer so that face won't be dry hahahah. Must be pretty pretty when discharge, already figure still flabby, at least face must look good mah hehehhe

Nature, they drop the brochure in my mailbox and looks quite good but need to find out reviews about them leh. If they supply red eggs n Ang ku kueh, then save us the trouble ah... And only $9.90/pax!
Yup, 30 pax, quite small size. I think they are quite new so no review yet. Hmmm

Yah! Chaw's baby should be out by now!! One of my gf who did a c-section, she asked the fengshui master to calculate the date and time! Hahha very extreme


My hubby was thinking of asking them for a food tasting lol.

Haha, fengshui somemore!

Katherine57:708606 said:
Yup, 30 pax, quite small size. I think they are quite new so no review yet. Hmmm

Yah! Chaw's baby should be out by now!! One of my gf who did a c-section, she asked the fengshui master to calculate the date and time! Hahha very extreme


New Member
Is it? Cos all my friends have the buffet AND those full month boxes.. so thought it's a MUST to give. Haha shall discuss with hubby again.

teriwinkle:708486 said:
Yup, I will not distribute cakes since I'm having the party! Can order a big box of cupcakes as part of the buffet. Sweetest moments has got one box 50+ cupcakes with bb shower design as well. Pretty!

Katherine57:708479 said:
Fynzy, i like the sweetest moment boxes also! Was thinking of ordering from them but if I'm going to do the party then my mum said don't need give cake already.
Can have food tasting??!! U try leh, if can let me know.

Fynzy, that's what my mum says lah. Anyway this catering has cupcakes so I intend to make full use of the cupcakes


I had the same thought initially but my mum assured me it's not necessary to have both, it's just either this or that. And my friends who had the buffet didn't distribute the cakes too.

fynzy:708608 said:
Is it? Cos all my friends have the buffet AND those full month boxes.. so thought it's a MUST to give. Haha shall discuss with hubby again.


Haha, sure. And must also ask them how many cupcakes are they giving for free.

Katherine57:708624 said:
Can have food tasting??!! U try leh, if can let me know.

Fynzy, that's what my mum says lah. Anyway this catering has cupcakes so I intend to make full use of the cupcakes
Hi All

i left abit sore throat & very small white phlegm after 3 weeks of cough..n on fri, gynae told me that i can dont take medicine since almost recovering. but i told him i feel abit chest itchy n still got occassion small white phlegm n worry my bronchitis might be back..but he say its ok.. Just let it heal itself. But last nite, i experience my chest more itchy..so don't know should I see gp n ask gp if need medication? Have taken antibiotics & 2 bottles of cough syrup & 2 packs of lozenges for the past 3 weeks.

Anyone experience chest itchy before & will it cure itself if dont see doctor?

Thanks :)
barneybaby, if gynae has advised you to stop medication maybe you should try call the nurse and ask if he can issue some meds... or see him.
there might be a reason to it, and if you go to any gp they might not know the full situation.

you can try cumin - sometimes (when cough is not bad), i steep 1 teaspoon of cumin in warm water. keep adding warm water and drink it warm. it aids digestion and helps reduce irritation but of course natural solutions are not super strong/effective.

Hi All

i left abit sore throat & very small white phlegm after 3 weeks of cough..n on fri, gynae told me that i can dont take medicine since almost recovering. but i told him i feel abit chest itchy n still got occassion small white phlegm n worry my bronchitis might be back..but he say its ok.. Just let it heal itself. But last nite, i experience my chest more itchy..so don't know should I see gp n ask gp if need medication? Have taken antibiotics & 2 bottles of cough syrup & 2 packs of lozenges for the past 3 weeks.

Anyone experience chest itchy before & will it cure itself if dont see doctor?

Thanks :)