EDD Oct 2013


oh blackroselian, i'm about there too...i'm 7 weeks 5 days too...our EDD could be ard the same time :)

right now, i'm feeling extremely queasy in the morning...i think my morning sickness really is in the morning only....afternoon i feel better....everyday i take the train, i feel as if i'm going to throw up....i also get hungry very easily these days now....

still having on and off cramps...sometimes to the extent that i thought AF going to appear soon (choy choy!!). As for memory loss, haven't experienced yet...but then my memory all along hasn't been good so i don't think makes a difference...hehe
Hello to all moms-to-be,

Glad to found this thread, I'm 1st time mom too, EDD is early Oct. I'm having nausea without vomiting throughout the day. I even feel dizzy and eager to grab a seat when in the train during morning rush hour. I'm 37yrs old and consider high risk MTB with Thalassemia minor. Going to take my Oscar test end of this month. Hopes everything will be fine.


Hi all

I just got a BFP past weekend and feeling very excited but anxious. Just turned 35 and now officially in the over 35 category. this is my first pregnancy.

I have a quick (and a bit silly) question: is it OK to continue to drink my teh Si every morning? I read that pregnant women Should cut caffeine all together. Thks!


Hi all

I just got a BFP past weekend and feeling very excited but anxious. Just turned 35 and now officially in the over 35 category. this is my first pregnancy.

I have a quick (and a bit silly) question: is it OK to continue to drink my teh Si every morning? I read that pregnant women Should cut caffeine all together. Thks!
Hi Lishan, congrats! I was like you too, thinking..can i continue my daily kopiC/TehC? Doc told me its ok for one cup a day, but eventually (and also due to nausea and poor appetite) I cut it off for the first 7 weeks. Now I drink tehC maybe once every two days. Read that too much caffeine can result in miscarriages and low birth weight, so I also try to cut down.


Thanks babywipes! I m trying to cut down on the tea and coffee also but the withdrawal symptoms will kick in. Will try to alternate with other drinks. :)
- a gift worth giving to yourself and the precious life growing inside you...

Pregnancy is an amazing and miraculous journey! Our bodies dedicate themselves to this amazing task whilst the person we were before conception slowly starts to step aside to make way for what is about to happen...

Sometimes we don’t have the energy to look after ourselves properly and our partners are already beginning to feel a tiny slip down the ladder of importance and may not offer as many tender loving care as we would like. We want to sleep, eat, sleep some more, be nurtured and adored with nothing expected in return.

That’s why we planned the "MummyBliss Retreat" - To create a dedicated space in time where any pregnant woman can truly be nourished and pampered. To be really able to connect to the growing baby inside and deeply relax. Essential for what lies ahead.

The retreat is perfect for any stage of pregnancy, each stage has its celebrations and challenges! You will be fed fabulously and generously, sit back and learn about antenatal knowledge that are essential, stretched gently in the Yoga classes (optional) and laid down to rest. There will be plenty of chances to talk about the journey, laugh about it and share any fears with fellow mummies and our experienced nannies. Our aim is to bring out the pregnant bloom in you, sending you off beautiful and ready for motherhood.

Hi all

I just got a BFP past weekend and feeling very excited but anxious. Just turned 35 and now officially in the over 35 category. this is my first pregnancy.

I have a quick (and a bit silly) question: is it OK to continue to drink my teh Si every morning? I read that pregnant women Should cut caffeine all together. Thks!
Hi Lishan,

I stop drinking coffee or caffeinated drink since pregnant although books says ok upto 2 cups a day I guess. Sometimes, I will drink one sip or two to ease the craving. I drink milk everyday now but the milk make me nauseous but have to drink for the sake of baby. Whatever it's, moderation is important.


Besides MS, does anyone have difficulty staring the monitor? or jus concentrating a deep conversation?
for me, i tend to get nausea whenever i do. and even wan to gag!
Hi! Congratz to you and all mummies for the newbie additions coming soon!!!

I had the same thing too! Staring at comp too long at work makes me gag den puke....

Im hoping i can relieved of all ms by the 12weeks... 5weeks more to go!!! Chiaaayooo! :cool:


Alpha Male
hi mummies,

just bought the sea band from guardian and let my wifey try them on. she felt a relief after wearing them. But is it ok to keep themon the whole day?
Hi mummies to be,

Do you all have the air trapped feeling in the tummies? I have been having this feeling since the past 2-3 weeks. I always have an upset stomach feeling.. Keep burping.. The air is very troublesome.. At times i tend to get reflux burps as well.

Is this normal? Or do you all know any remedy to ease the feeling? E.g; avoid spicy / milk or smthg like that?

As the days pass by... it becomes a hassle...:embarrassed::err:


I hv the same issue too. It is like indigestion. After eating, I feel v uncomfortable cos it seems like food can't go down my stomach and stuck in my rib cage, after that will start burping and sometimes I can feel the food coming up. Will feel v queasy aft I eat. Haven't found a way to try minimise his though cos I experience that no matter what I eat. I just try to avoid eating anything spicy. I can't take sour plum cos it creates alot of gas in me I don't know why.

Any teas we can take now?
I hv the same issue too. It is like indigestion. After eating, I feel v uncomfortable cos it seems like food can't go down my stomach and stuck in my rib cage, after that will start burping and sometimes I can feel the food coming up. Will feel v queasy aft I eat. Haven't found a way to try minimise his though cos I experience that no matter what I eat. I just try to avoid eating anything spicy. I can't take sour plum cos it creates alot of gas in me I don't know why.

Any teas we can take now?
I really dunno man... I juz hope the feelg soothes down and that there is a remedy for this..
Its getting very uncomfortable.. even at night... i cant slp.. the air makes me feel uncomfortable..


nickvan:766280 said:
hi mummies,

just bought the sea band from guardian and let my wifey try them on. she felt a relief after wearing them. But is it ok to keep themon the whole day?
It is ok to wear the whole day cos I wore the whole day too but she might feel uncomfortable after a while cos the white knob presses quite hard on the pressure point...
Hi mummies,

I just vomited and i had streaks of blood in it..
Is it common? Please advise me.. This is my 8th week and my 1st vomitting...

I am freaked out!

Hi MTBs, I had chemical pregnancy yesterday. It started off when I have so much cramps and bleeding as well. I had low hcg level@44 for my first blood test results and my gynae has hinted me that there is a possibility of miscarriage. Hubby and I were I immediately rush to clinic the next day to see dr as I had bad cramps and bleeding (fresh blood). We got back my 2nd blood test results out (took blood test 3 days later after my 1st blood test) on time and the reading falls to 15. Dr helped to take out the pregnancy tissue (just like jelly type) and confirmed I have miscarriage ( which is termed as chemical pregnancy). I have to take those confinement meals for time being to nourish my body.

Best of luck to all of you, do take care. Anything wrong, consult your gynae!


Hi Cherry Joy. Sad to hear about your MC. I had one at 6weeks in Jan and the experience was quite traumatizing. Took 2 days off to get over it. Read that it's quite common to miscarry. Take care of your body and try again when u feel better. No rush.


blackroselian: Hi hi! I ride a bike too!! ^_^ But I stopped riding since I got preggy coz it's quite painful when I go over bumps on the road. So now I'm just a pillion on my hubby's bike..hehehe!=) A lot of my friends do not know I am pregnant, am not planning to tell till I pop coz I hav been trying too long that in any case this pregnancy does not carry till full term (choooyy!), I won't have to face too many people! So for now only my immediate family and close friends only!

secretgarden: I recently found out I have thalassemia minor (type 1)! Waiting for hubby's blood test results now..sigh..I'm so worried!! =(


Hi CherrieJoy,

Sorry to hear about your loss! It must be a difficult time for you now but do be strong and you'll get preggy again in no time ok! =) *hugs* For now, just do focus on a speedy recovery and load your body with nutrients before trying again! They say the next pregnancy will happen very qucikly and baby will be very healthy! =)