EDD Oct 2013


For KK if you are going for a checkup is the wait long?

Anyone tell others except for hubby and your immediate superior that you are preggy?
Hi Qinqin,

I do feel short of breath sometime when walking or standing too long in a crowded train during morning rush hour. Will need to seek advice from my gynae during my next visit. I feel nausea and have small appetite throughout the day too, nausea before meal and after meal, I've tried eating cucumber and crackers which recommended by most books or website, but doesn't seems to help much though.

Hi Xtinee,

The queue is rather alright at AMK KK satellite clinic because it's a scheduled appt, I didn't really time how long is the waiting time, they have night clinic so I don't need to take leave for every appt.
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Hmm seems like my bill i super hefty compared to others.. my gynae is in gleneagle n as a first time mom i thought the price was around there for private.. :(
Time to switch gynae i guess..
Hi joyfulmum, my gynae also is private 1..her service very good too .:)


Hi Qinqin,

I do feel short of breath sometime when walking or standing too long in a crowded train during morning rush hour. Will need to seek advice from my gynae during my next visit. I feel nausea and have small appetite throughout the day too, nausea before meal and after meal, I've tried eating cucumber and crackers which recommended by most books or website, but doesn't seems to help much though.
Hi secretgarden, my gynae adviced try not go to crowded area..n u can try drink milk if you got no appetite.


Hi Qinqin,

I do feel short of breath sometime when walking or standing too long in a crowded train during morning rush hour. Will need to seek advice from my gynae during my next visit. I feel nausea and have small appetite throughout the day too, nausea before meal and after meal, I've tried eating cucumber and crackers which recommended by most books or website, but doesn't seems to help much though.
Hi secretgarden, my gynae adviced try not go to crowded area..n u can try drink milk if you got no appetite.


Do we need to start looking for baby sitter if we need it after baby full mth? Sounds like a bit kiasu but no choice as no ppl can help me to take k of baby..:( anyone have good recommendation for baby sitter at sembawang area?


New Member
Was anyone given progesterone injections while pregnant? Was it painful? I'm afraid off needles :eek:10: I was recommended to take it cause I've been spotting for few days already.. But I chose to take medicine still... But now the spotting has became worst... They told me to go back if it doesn't get any better...


Active Member
for those who have dizzy spell, pls bring along some sweet candy. if you feel dizzy, suck or bite on the candy. the sugar will make you feel better. or drink sweet drink. not too much, just when you feel dizzy. this happens on my 1st preg.


For KK if you are going for a checkup is the wait long?

Anyone tell others except for hubby and your immediate superior that you are preggy?
I haven't told my colleagues about pregnancy yet. I am going into my 11th week. I think no need to tell until the bump can be seen...then picture is worth a thousand words right? Else...also wondering when is a good time to inform the office. But should be definitely after the 1st trimester..


Was anyone given progesterone injections while pregnant? Was it painful? I'm afraid off needles :eek:10: I was recommended to take it cause I've been spotting for few days already.. But I chose to take medicine still... But now the spotting has became worst... They told me to go back if it doesn't get any better...
Yes its painful, and im not afraid of needles, but it will go off very fast, like a small fire on you.
Try to relax will make it better.

I had a previous mc due to spotting non stop, but i heard a lot whet on to have a healthy baby with spotting, dont worry so much, i can understand the feeling, because you get so scared. Try to lift up your legs and lay down, dont move too much.
Main thing dont get sad or agitated, will help the baby a lot.

Take care Clarbie


I haven't told my colleagues about pregnancy yet. I am going into my 11th week. I think no need to tell until the bump can be seen...then picture is worth a thousand words right? Else...also wondering when is a good time to inform the office. But should be definitely after the 1st trimester..
I did informed my immediate boss so i can work from home from time to time, and also to escape carrying heavy things.

For the rest yes after the first trimester then I will inform, because once we inform our parents they will put more stress on us haha


I have occasional dizzy spells and was freezing this morning, took an iron pill and it works miracles, for people like me who do not take a lot of red meat, try to get your blood pressure checked or hemoglobin level to see if you are anemic.
Yes its painful, and im not afraid of needles, but it will go off very fast, like a small fire on you.
Try to relax will make it better.

I had a previous mc due to spotting non stop, but i heard a lot whet on to have a healthy baby with spotting, dont worry so much, i can understand the feeling, because you get so scared. Try to lift up your legs and lay down, dont move too much.
Main thing dont get sad or agitated, will help the baby a lot.

Take care Clarbie
Hi all,
I am a newbie here. Am mummy to a pretty girl who is turning 3 this year. My edd will be in late oct or early nov.
Been spotting on and off since last mon, even rushed myself to kkh, thinking I might have miscarried. Besides taking hormone pills n on regular jabs, my gynae gave me lotsa mc n ordered bedrest.
I had previous miscarriage in last Jun due to early failure.
Everything looks gd for now n baby is trying his best to survive as per the gynae. He can spot a flickering heartbeat n we are all praying for the best.
To clarbie, the jab is to stabilize e pregnancy and it is not that painful, seriously. Just like an antbite.


Hi all,
I am a newbie here. Am mummy to a pretty girl who is turning 3 this year. My edd will be in late oct or early nov.
Been spotting on and off since last mon, even rushed myself to kkh, thinking I might have miscarried. Besides taking hormone pills n on regular jabs, my gynae gave me lotsa mc n ordered bedrest.
I had previous miscarriage in last Jun due to early failure.
Everything looks gd for now n baby is trying his best to survive as per the gynae. He can spot a flickering heartbeat n we are all praying for the best.
To clarbie, the jab is to stabilize e pregnancy and it is not that painful, seriously. Just like an antbite.
No worries this time round im sure all of my babies will be save.

i had regular jabs during time too and was on bed rest for a month, the jab feels like burning for me. Maybe nurse problem?
if you are spotting you will need the jab its another form of an tai.
Hi xtinee,
Totally agree, yes it does feel a lil burning. After which, e area will be pretty sore for a few days. But more or less gotten use to the jab. Jus hope everything w be stabilized.


I am new here

Hello everyone.. I am new here with my first pregnancy. My EDD is 12 Oct. Initially I felt like nausea most of times and now it reduced. But I have severe pimple outbreak. Any facial cleansers to recommend? I checked the net and it mentioned that there are certain ingredients that we can't use at all I.e. BHA.


Re: I am new here

Hello everyone.. I am new here with my first pregnancy. My EDD is 12 Oct. Initially I felt like nausea most of times and now it reduced. But I have severe pimple outbreak. Any facial cleansers to recommend? I checked the net and it mentioned that there are certain ingredients that we can't use at all I.e. BHA.
My skin turns super dry also and i have combination skin. You have to see if your skin is oily or it is just sensitive.
If oily and you have combination skin can use something with salicylic acid, it is anti-inflammatory, brands like neutrogena have it, or anything with tea tree.
Can try clean and clear (gel cleaner) too if you have young skin.
If sensitive and not oily switch to a mild cleaner like
Cetaphi, i heard people says its good, or SImple range. Best Dermalogica brand.


I have severely dry skin now too..I'm now 9weeks....my skin has been peeling off and I look like a snake changing skin....been using moisturisers but after washing my face, it turns v dry again....it is painful when I smile....:(