EDD Oct 2013


Hi gals just went for my first gynae appt last week, saw the yoke and sac at 5weeks+ and was given folic acid and utrogestan. Had a mc last year and didn try for some time.
This time tried once and hit the jackpot!!!! Turning 36this year so guess im in the high risk group too.
Didn have any morning sickness, just discharge/constipation /cravings/turns into a monster whenever i dont get my food/waking up to pee early. To reduce peeing we can try to minimize fluid intake before bedtime.
After miscarriage my tcm doctor told me to try again 3mths later, it is very easy to get pregnant within the first 3mths but as the wall of our uterus is uneven with old cells, it is easy to trap an egg, but very hard to support the pregnancy as the wall need to shed this old lining to build a new one.


Went to the gynae and saw baby's heartbeat at 6 weeks!

jus to check,how much do u all pay per visit to the gynae? My bill costed me $320+ jus for consultation n ultrasound plus vitamins!! Its once a mth till nearing delivery but still thinking its quite hefty....


Mine was $172 consultation, folic acid + utrogesten and abdominal scan. About the same price with my previous doctor.
blackroselian: Hi hi! I ride a bike too!! ^_^ But I stopped riding since I got preggy coz it's quite painful when I go over bumps on the road. So now I'm just a pillion on my hubby's bike..hehehe!=) A lot of my friends do not know I am pregnant, am not planning to tell till I pop coz I hav been trying too long that in any case this pregnancy does not carry till full term (choooyy!), I won't have to face too many people! So for now only my immediate family and close friends only!

secretgarden: I recently found out I have thalassemia minor (type 1)! Waiting for hubby's blood test results now..sigh..I'm so worried!! =(
Hi Naangfaa,

Did your doctor advise you to take folic acid? If not, please do so for the sake of your baby. Even though for those who do not have Thalassemia.
Hi Joyfulmum, why your consultation so expensive? My gynae (senior consultant) from KK Hosp, he's charging aprox $115 with routine check and ultrasound but without vitamin.
Hi Naangfa and Lishan. Thanks so much, I felt better. Learnt to take things positively! I have heard few fren saying I will be very fertile after this and can try after 3 months! But I think now gotta nourish my body and get ready to conceive again and it's the utmost important thing to do. Don't think so much first.
Xtinee : which TCM you visit? I wanted to go see TCM after I'm okay.....


Joyfulmum: both clinic in toa payoh guess this is the normal price.

Cherryjoy: the one in amk a lot of forums has been talking about it, but i guess not suitable for me, had a extremely heavy mensus flow after that. The chinese medicine not cheap, cost me 400+ per mth. But really must tiao back eat more ginger and sesame oil

you all can buy folic acid from Unity, instead of getting it from gynae to save money.
100 tablets for $3.50 only
Way cheaper than getting it from gynae... and it is the same kind of folic acid.


My first check-up was $200plus and subsequent ones were between $150-$190. Consultation is always 80bucks but the meds are rather ex esp e hormone pills!

Secretgarden: yea..been takg folic even before I conceived! But now tt I know I have thalassemia, I can't help but to worry abt my hubby's blood test results..

Cheeryjoy: Yea..slowly but surely! ^_^

Faithmummy: Thanks for tip-off! eheheh! Now baby is coming, must save even more than before! :)
Hi Naangfa and Lishan. Thanks so much, I felt better. Learnt to take things positively! I have heard few fren saying I will be very fertile after this and can try after 3 months! But I think now gotta nourish my body and get ready to conceive again and it's the utmost important thing to do. Don't think so much first.
Xtinee : which TCM you visit? I wanted to go see TCM after I'm okay.....
Ganbatte, CherrieJoy. There's another good nourishing chicken essence or 滴鸡精 in chinese that I think will help nourish your body as well. I find this is popular among Taiwanese since it's easily available, convenient and selling in pack of 20 per box in Taiwan. But I think it is not available in Singapore market. But if you can and willing to cook, it's a lot more cheaper. You may check 'How to cook at this website 自製"滴雞精" 比買的便宜一åŠ! - YouTube. The chicken essence is good for whole family and pregnant lady. Hope it helps.


hi all..

Yeah..so happy to c all new mummies sharing their thought here..i m new to..my EDD is on 27 Oct 13..:)
Anyone of you feel short of breath easily?any way out to minimize this or not ?:(


New Member
blackroselian: Hi hi! I ride a bike too!! ^_^ But I stopped riding since I got preggy coz it's quite painful when I go over bumps on the road. So now I'm just a pillion on my hubby's bike..hehehe!=) A lot of my friends do not know I am pregnant, am not planning to tell till I pop coz I hav been trying too long that in any case this pregnancy does not carry till full term (choooyy!), I won't have to face too many people! So for now only my immediate family and close friends only!

secretgarden: I recently found out I have thalassemia minor (type 1)! Waiting for hubby's blood test results now..sigh..I'm so worried!! =(
hey dear, I found out I'm a thal minor carrier after the oscar scan appointment as well, so the hubs had to get his blood test done the appointment after that. so far, no calls from the gynae so hopefully that means good news (on his results). our March appointment's tomorrow, so will confirm it then. here's hoping your hubby's blood test comes out normal as well. hugs! :)
Hi Nickvan, for me i wear the band when i'm awake, only to pull out before sleeping. because there is a red mark beneath the band i rather not wear it to sleep and let my skin breath.
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hi all..

Yeah..so happy to c all new mummies sharing their thought here..i m new to..my EDD is on 27 Oct 13..:)
Anyone of you feel short of breath easily?any way out to minimize this or not ?:(
Hi Qingin, yes i do feel short of breath too. obestretician would normally advise u to tk deep breaths for 5min...
i didnt have the patience to follow that but maybe will stop my whatever i doing and try to calm down...


hi blackroselian, ya..i think is better to follow as i jz blackout for 5 min yesterday!! so scary sia and my gynae adviced not go to crowded area..


Went to the gynae and saw baby's heartbeat at 6 weeks!

jus to check,how much do u all pay per visit to the gynae? My bill costed me $320+ jus for consultation n ultrasound plus vitamins!! Its once a mth till nearing delivery but still thinking its quite hefty....
first time costed S$230++ With the ultrasound, consultation plus some vitamis,
subsequently is around $170-190 like that..my gynae clinic is located at paragon,,female gyane,,love her services..


Hmm seems like my bill i super hefty compared to others.. my gynae is in gleneagle n as a first time mom i thought the price was around there for private.. :(
Time to switch gynae i guess..


Joyfulmum: if wanna switch, it's better to do so at this early stage IMO so gynae can follow-up with progress of baby..

KKH is not bad! I will be choosing the one-bed suite after delivery and e only one during delivery,unlike some I heard who is in e room with 5 other ladies giving birth too!heh..